Author Topic: had my surgery yesterday  (Read 5546 times)

Offline art

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I finally had my surgery yesterday morning.  It's been a long process, from the initial research, to meeting with surgeons, and finally scheduling my surgery date.  I was even able to get my health insurance to cover part of the procedure.  They will only cover the actual gland removal, they refused to pay for any of the liposuction.  Of course, to us it seems very silly since both need to be done in order to have a good result.  However, in the eyes of the insurance company, they just see "liposuction" and automatically deny it.

Everything has been great so far.  When I woke up after surgery, I had minimal pain, I'd describe it as mostly just discomfort.  Like others have described, it feels like a muscle burn after a really intense workout.  The doctor put a drain in on each side, they're a bit uncomfortable but not too bad.  I'm going in for a follow-up tomorrow, where he'll probably remove them.  They haven't collected that much extra fluid so far.

I haven't actually seen the results yet since I have bandages around the drain area, and haven't taken the compression garment off.  I'll have my first look tomorrow during the follow-up.  After the surgery, the doctor said that everything went very well, so I'm confident it will look great.

Offline art

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If anyone is having trouble with their insurance in having this procedure covered, it pays to keep on them about it.  My  initial request was flat out denied.  My doctor and I worked with blue cross, and we were able to get them to cover at least the gland excision portion, which cut my out of pocket cost in half.  It seems like insurance companies are starting to come around with regards to covering gynecomastia surgery.

Offline art

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Drains were removed this morning.  I also had my first look at my new chest.  Everything looks fantastic, I'm so happy to be on the "other side."  There is still some swelling, so I expect things will look even better with time.

Offline NeedGoodSurgeon

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Congrats! Got mine coming up next week, pics?

Offline art

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I will post some before/after pics in the coming weeks.  I'm getting the sutures removed next week, and I want to wait for some of the swelling to go down.

Offline shaknbake

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Congratulations Art!  You must be very excited.  I'm getting the pre op jitters a little bit myself.  I have mine done on the 12th of January.  Unfortunately, no coverage at all....but I'm sure when all is said and done, it will have been worth every penny!  Sounds like you aren't in too much pain.  That's a good thing!!  Looking forward to the before and after pics.
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline art

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shaknbake, as long as you're using an experienced surgeon, you will have nothing to worry about.  I had the pre-op jitters myself.  I had never had any kind of surgery before.  I was pleasantly surprised by how little actual pain there was.

The relief of having a normal looking chest is unbelievable, and I know its only going to look better as the swelling goes down.  Good luck to you, I know you'll be just as happy after your surgery as I am now.

Offline shaknbake

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Thanks Art, that makes me feel more at ease!  I'm not really nervous so much about the procedure, as I am about the anesthetic.  I've never had an operation before either, so it's all new to me.  I have however been put under once before (dislocated shoulder - while they put it back in place).  I was only out for 15 or 20 minutes, but I gotta say, it felt like I slept for hours!  Hopefully the gyne surgery experience will be about the same.  In the meantime, hope you heal well, and I'll keep an eye out for some pics!  Thanks again  :D

Offline dussaghun

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My 13 year old son had the surgery on December 15.  I also was very scared and the general anethesia scared me more than the actual surgery.  It was all unfounded.  He did fantastic.  He was in surgery for about 4 hours because he had a very severe case.  You can do it and you will be so happy you did.  My son was also scared but just wanted it so bad that he handled it like someone much older.  He only took his pain pills about 2 days and then it was extra strenght tylenol and after 4 days, nothing.  I will say the worst part of any of it for him was the drain removal.  But, here again he was a trooper.  So, just keep the goal in mind and it will be over soon.

Offline art

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dussaghun, your son will be so thankful to have the surgery done in the beginning of his teen years, instead of later on.  I lived with gyne until I was 30, I just didn't know about the surgery.  I had a particularly bad weekend of bad jokes aimed at me, and it got me searching the net for answers as to how I could get rid of it.

I'm happy your son won't have to go through the same mental trauma I did as a teenager, and throughout my 20's.

Honestly, the worst part about the surgery is the cost of buying new clothes to match my new body  ;D


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thats great where did u have it

Offline Bikkembergs

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Congratulations Art, I'll be going in on Jan 14th too, cant wait  ;)

Offline jjheir

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Hi Art after reading your success with the insurance co. I called my insurance which is bcbs also and I was told over the phone that it was covered but I had to have the Dr. office call in the procedure code. I went to my Dr. and they were familiar with the process, they told me the same thing about the excision & lipo exclusion. They told me that it could take up to 6 - 8 weeks for the insurance to approve it. They took pictures and will be sending in a letter to the insurance co. I hope it gets approved because previously I was going to pay out of pocket, makes me wander why wouldn't the Dr.'s office give me that option. They mentioned something about the Dr. would have to perform the procedure in a hospital so the Dr. wouldn't be able to do it in his certified facility, although his office is in a hospital suite, strange. Anyway if I can save a few dollars with them paying for the excision part then if will be worth the wait.


Offline art

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I had the surgery done a little over 3 weeks ago.  I've been very diligent in keeping compression on my chest, and will continue to do so for another 3-4 weeks.  So far, the results look good to me.  My chest looks very flat when wearing a shirt.  I'd prefer everything to be flatter still, but I can still feel swelling, so I'm being patient.  Pics are posted below.

Front before:

Front after:

Side before:

Side after:

Offline art

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Congratulations Art, I'll be going in on Jan 14th too, cant wait  ;)

How did your surgery go?

Hi Art after reading your success with the insurance co. I called my insurance which is bcbs also and I was told over the phone that it was covered but I had to have the Dr. office call in the procedure code. I went to my Dr. and they were familiar with the process, they told me the same thing about the excision & lipo exclusion. They told me that it could take up to 6 - 8 weeks for the insurance to approve it. They took pictures and will be sending in a letter to the insurance co. I hope it gets approved because previously I was going to pay out of pocket, makes me wander why wouldn't the Dr.'s office give me that option. They mentioned something about the Dr. would have to perform the procedure in a hospital so the Dr. wouldn't be able to do it in his certified facility, although his office is in a hospital suite, strange. Anyway if I can save a few dollars with them paying for the excision part then if will be worth the wait.


I'm glad my post got you to question BCBS to pay for part of the procedure.  I hope the word spreads so more people pursue it.  I think your Dr didn't give the option because they most likely didn't know that they started covering it.  My total surgery cost was about $2000, as opposed to $5000+ without insurance.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 08:10:09 PM by art »


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