Author Topic: Excision bilateral gynecomastia surgery w/Dr Fielding on January 18th.  (Read 15940 times)

Offline shaknbake

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Haven't heard from you in awhile Az, how are you feeling lately?  Any issues or complications?  Hopefully not  :D
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline ap123

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Okay thanks alot man. And I thought the gown had an area to just unbotton the chest portion and still have the gown on lol. Being nude without the gown would be pretty awkward tho :P. And I am going to be awake the whole time he said. Might be because I am only getting the excision done, not too sure but he told me I'll be awake. But that would even more awkward ahaha. How long did the surgery take for you?? And how bad were the nerves before hand? I'm already getting nervous and its 3 days away lol

Offline shaknbake

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I think the entire surgery only lasts about a hour give or take.  I was out the whole time, so I missed all the fun!  ;D.  The week before the surgery, I was pretty nervous too.  Its a normal part of the procedure for everyone.  I did take solice however in knowing that I would be unconscious for the actual surgery.  If I was going to be under a local anesthetic like you will be, I would have been a total freak the days just before!  Hope you have a stronger stomach than me LOL! :o

Offline ap123

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aha yea i kind of want to be out of it because I might be nervous for the whole procedure lmao, oh well we will see. Do you have to go back to his office at all after the surgery or do u take the bandages and stuff off yourself and be done with doctors offices? lol

Thanks for all this info btw, I have so many random questions i tihnk of :P

Offline shaknbake

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Azure would for sure be able to tell you all of the details from having surgery with Dr. Fielding, but from what I've read about him here, I believe you go back for a check up within the first week after surgery.  He uses these large round foam pads over each side of your chest, and they are stuck on pretty well as I'm sure anyone who has had them can attest!  Azure had quite a time getting his off, as do many others.  Dr. Fielding leaves that pleasantness up to his patients to do!

In my case, I didn't have any bandages at all, just a couple of stitches from the incisions on the sides of my chest.  They are dissolving stitches, so they will go away on their own, however on my one week post op visit, the nurse took the stitches out.  Didn't hurt, because you are totally numb still from the surgery.  I personally wish they would have let them dissolve on their own because the one on my left side ended up popping back open about a week later.  I ended up putting some antibiotic salve on it, and covered it with a good band aid to keep it clean and sterile.  Last thing I wanted was an infection!  But, I've never heard of anyone else having this problem, so you'd most likely be just fine.

Offline ap123

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Okay thanks a lot. I think he said something about dissolving stitches to me as well. Big days tomorrow so i will see lol. Nerves r taking me off the chart!! I'm hoping I don't feel too crappy afterwards, Im a student right now and got a midterm on friday that I need to study for (I procrastinate a lot lol, think  I do better under pressure anyways). But dont want to feel like hell the rest of the week and get nothing done :P

Offline shaknbake

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Actually, I think the one big benefit of using a local anesthitic as opposed to being put under is that you will not have the general anesthetic side effects like grogginess and sometimes nausea.  Some guys have felt off for days after surgery when they were put under for it.  If you've got exams on Friday, this may be the best option for you to keep your head clear.  Good luck tomorrow man, hope things go really well.  Keep us all up to date!

Offline ap123

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Thanks for everything guys. Went in td and everything went well. Nervousness went down pretty fast as soon as Dr. Fielding was about to start. Helped that him and the nurse were really down to Earth and cracked jokes a fair bit lol.

My experience was a lot different from a lot of others that I have heard though. I went in and registered and whatnot and when I got called in i wasn't asked to put a gown on or anything like that. Dr. Fielding just asked me to take my shirt off and made his marking and started basically. The "freezing needle" was the only unpleasant thing but it was pretty easily handled, just a sharp sting a few times lol. And it was fairly quick too, it felt like it was maybe 45mins but I am not sure since I wasn't really paying attention to time, I was too nervous before starting aha. Could barely sleep lastnight as well because of my nerves :P. So Dr.Fielding basically did the whole operation by himself and had a little bit of help from the nurse. And when they finished they told me I could take the bandages off after 2 days and I wouldn't need a compression vest. And I can also shower after 2 days but shouldn't do any type of workout for a couple weeks. Dr. Fielding wrote me a prescription for tylenol 2 and said I would be able to make it to my class at 3 lol but if I feel sore the tylenol will help but make me a little drowsy/crazy cuz of the codiene (probably best not to go to class in that case lol) and i was sent on my way. He also said it would be good if I came back in a few weeks or months for a checkup and so he can see the results, which I will do. So that was a brief explanation of my story (not much of a writer as youu all can see ;D).

Thanks for all the answers and positive feedback,

Offline shaknbake

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Yay!!  Glad to hear everything went really well ap, congrats!  After surgery, I took 1 oxycotin before going to bed that night, and other than that, tylenol did the trick.  Hope you took some before pics.  They come in really handy if you ever feel discouraged after surgery.  Sometimes the healing process is a bumpy road, and people need to remind themselves of how different they looked before!  Well done bro, welcome to the other side!   ;D

Offline ap123

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thanks man, and unfortunately i didnt take any before pics. didnt think about that lol. i was just thinking i didnt want to see them again but i definately should have. i did a while back but deleted them.

so i just got back from my class thats 3 hrs and at break after an hour and a half my left nipple was hurting pretty bad so i took a t2 (didnt want to take 2 incase i was too drowsy) but then now by the end of class both r hurting pretty bad so i took another. and i also looked in the mirror and i can see that blood has gotten through the bandage on my right nipple. Does that mean i sumhow ripped the stiches or sumthing? not really sure how  i did that but maybe it was just excess blood from surgery (hopefully). its not too much i just can see red covering exactly where my nipple would be if i could see it. any ideas on what to do about that any1?

Offline shaknbake

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Can you take the bandage off at all?  If you can, maybe it will give you a peek at whats going on under there.  I had the left lipo incision pop open on me about a week and a half after surgery, but thats no where near as important as the one around the bottom of the nipple.  If you are really worried, or can't tell, I'd maybe call to see if the PS can see you quickly to take a peek.  Better safe than sorry!  Did your doctor take any before pics?  Usually they do.  Maybe you could have him send or email you know, for old times sake!  In the meantime, sit down and VEG!!  You need to do as little as possible for the first week.

Offline ap123

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I can take them off because there not to adhesive, they just stick to my chest but i can remove them. But it hasn't bled anymore since yesterday, just see the same red spot as before so i think maybe it was just extra blood and took time to get through the guaze and bandage stuff. But they told me I could take it off tom so I will check then since it doesn't seem bad right now.

And yea he took some b4 pics. When I go for the post op visit I'll ask him if i can get them sent to me and i will post for every1 along with after pics!

And its really not too bad anymore, I haven't taken anymore T2 or anything and im doing pretty good. Just have a sore chest atm. But I will take your advice and rest for a bit. We got reading week next week too so its perfect. One of my friends wants me to play indoor soccer tom but I had to make up an excuse not to play (have to study ;D aha). Literally nobody knows about my "past condition" lol, not even parents and have had this for around 4yrs. I guess we develop a skill for excuses and preventing taking off a shirt at all costs lol. Freedom awaits though :P

Offline shaknbake

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Freedom awaits is an understatement my friend!  I'm heading out to the Punta Cana in about 5 weeks, and I can't wait to finally be able to take off my shirt and walk around the pool without the feeling that everyone out there is staring at my chest.  Ignorance is bliss!!  As far as your bandages go, if you have the green light to take them off tomorrow by your doc, it's probably best to wait until then.  Glad to hear it's not bleeding excessively anymore.  I'm also glad to hear that your PS took some before pics for you!  You'll be glad he did when you look back at them months (or years) from now and compare them to how great you look now.  They can be tucked away somewhere no one will ever find them, and be your own little reminder of how great your new life is!

Offline ap123

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Nice nice! That vacation will be a lot of fun, especially with the new chest. I think I'll be waiting until summer for my first "appearance" lol. Its fine though, I can be patient for just a little more :P. And yea thats true, I will definately keep them hidden. Thanks for the feedback man, and have fun on your trip!


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