Hello guys.
I've been lurking on this forum for what seems like an age...in fact it is a very long time, probably about 7 years!
Like many of you on here I have been inspired by the stories of others. This site has been so informative and without it I really don't know if I'd ever have taken the steps to sorting out my condition. It really is amazing how a bunch of guys can be so kind and supportive to each other over an internet forum! You certainly don't see that kind of 'brotherhood' on a footie forum!
My gyne started when I was about 14/15- it started as a couple of lumps behind my nipples, and after I went to visit my GP with my Dad we were reassured that it would settle down and I would be back to normal in no time. I'm now almost 30 and I'm still stuck with this affliction that I still think about on a daily basis, almost 15 years later.
The main problem I've had is the puffy nipples. This has stopped me from taking off my top, wearing baggy t-shirts etc etc (the usual story). Luckily my pale skin has been a great excuse. I'd say I was leaving my t-shirt on so I wouldn't burn...probably the only good thing about having a pasty complexion! Yes I could rub my puffy nips to contract the muscles, but this only lasted so long (even less time in the heat of the sun). Cold weather worked wonders but you're layered up in the cold so it makes no difference anyway!
As my attempts to rid the gyne in the gym failed, I have become dispondant with working out to get the perfect physique as I think to myself 'what's the point when there's this mass of gland sitting over my pec?' Dieting seems to make the puffiness more noticeable, as does builidng up the pecs.
I have put on a bit of weight (not too much) as I've aged, and this fat build-up has made the breast shape a bit worse, but even if I lost this completely the gland would still remain. I've spent the last 15 years hiding my chest, and being jealous of all of my friends who don't even have to consider their chest, ever!
People have commented throughout the years. A flippant comment by a friend which means nothing to them will play on my mind for days. 'Can people really see it?' 'Are my breasts that noticeable?' I do everything I can to hide it and it still shows.
So....finally I'm in a financial position where I can do something about it. I went to see
Dr. Karidis today and the consultation was exactly how I imagined it to be, thanks to the countless reoprts from other guys over the years. Finally I'm booked in for early March and I can't wait to get the surgery out the way and get on with my life!
I have so many nice clothes in my wardrobe that I've never worn (jumpers, shirts, t-shirts) and I can't wait to be able to get my top off like most guys do, without even a thought.
Anyway, that's my story. I intend to keep you guys updated as it's only fair considering the amount of info I've gained from others on here.
Sorry for the massive post....it's been a long time coming!
p.s. special thanks to TheTodd, Ad21, Chopper who have posted excellent reports. There have been plenty of guys over the years but these are more recent ones that spring to mind.