Author Topic: My surgery with Dr. Norris  (Read 16869 times)

Offline Liandoolb

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4 days, post-op consultation:

Had my first post-op consultation yesterday. Sadly, I wasn't able to get the dressings off yet. Dr. Norris said that will happen next Tuesday. He got me to take off the compression vest and he felt above and below the dressings to make sure there wasn't excessive swelling / infection or a haematoma.

He also asked if I'd like to see a photo of the glands he removed, and I said yes. Whoah! They were huge. It was good to be given some kind of visual of what was actually taken out, especially as I'm still all wrapped up and haven't been able to get a look yet. For all I knew, everything was still all exactly the same underneath there. :P

Anyway, I have my second post-op on Tuesday and I'll get the majority of the dressings removed and replaced with ones I can wear in the shower (thank goodness). After having half-baths and washing different parts of my body separately all week, which takes a lot longer than a standard shower, I'll be so glad!

Still very little pain, and a tiny bit of itching. Dr. Norris warned me that it's still not okay to lift my arms over my shoulders, but obviously I wasn't going to and don't want to risk ruining anything anyway.

However, I DID go back to uni right after my consultation. I wasn't doing anything more strenuous there than I would at home, and I use a messenger bag to carry my stuff, which I just carried instead of using the strap, so it was fine.

I'd also like to add that so far, Dr. Norris and his crew have been nothing but terrific. I've read stories where staff at other places have been rude and dismissive, but this is definitely not the case at Silkwood. I ran into Dr. Norris's consultant (who manages payments and consultations, so I don't have much to do with her anymore) in the hall after my post-op and she stopped in her tracks to ask me how it went and how I was getting along. The nurse who's been working with me pre-op and post-op is patient, understanding and helpful. If my results are as good as the staff, I'll be a very happy guy!

Anyway, I'll update again after Tuesday.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 04:25:26 PM by Liandoolb »

Offline Liandoolb

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Update 8/9 days post-op:
I had my second post-op consultation this (Tuesday) morning. Basically just went in, took off my compression garment, Dr. Norris had me lay down and he removed the dreaded thick dressings. This was the most painful part of the whole procedure so far! Nothing to do with the procedure itself, just the pain of the dressings being pulled from my chest hair and underarm hair like a giant Band-Aid. Obviously that was over in a second though.

I looked down for the first time at what my chest actually looks like, and WOW! There's still a low-medium amount of swelling, but it's SO FLAT. Dr. Norris got me to feel the swelling which kind of feels like "rice bubbles" (there's a proper name for this but I've since forgotten), and he said this is because when you operate there is some fluid and air buildup which is absorbed by the body after a few weeks.

I got up and looked in the mirror and was too shocked at my flat chest to say anything, but I ended up walking out beaming!

Now I just have to wear the compression vest 24/7 for another 4 or so weeks. It is SO MUCH more comfortable now that the thick dressings aren't there adding the extra tightness.

I must say that it also feels very weird now that it's not padded up as much. The best way I can explain it is like when you cut your fingernails, and the tips of your fingers feel a little more "exposed" because what was there before has been suddenly removed, only this is on a much larger scale. Even if I could, I don't think I'd feel comfortable NOT wearing the vest, and just throwing a shirt straight over my nipples, because it feels so strange and will take some time to adjust.

The swelling on my left and right sides is a little different, but not noticeable unless I feel around and look really close up. The "rice bubbles" feeling is in different places on either side. There's also a bit of numbness on the left side, a little to the side of the nipple (but not on the nipple itself).

I have another appointment next Thursday where Dr. Norris said he would start addressing the scarring for the best results. He said something about silicone, but I'm not sure what that involves because I was too busy feeling my chest, haha.

Anyway, I'm gonna have to give it a few more weeks / months for the swelling to settle, and to get used to the feeling, before I can see a real indication of the final result. At the moment though, WOW, already such an improvement! Even if all else turns to crap, at least I'll be able to go and buy a shirt without having to stress about it.

I'll edit this post and add some photos tomorrow.

EDIT: Now 2 weeks post-op, everything seems to be healing okay. Haven't posted photos because I left my phone at a friend's house and don't have it back yet, I've been so busy between uni and 21st birthday celebrations. There's still more swelling in the right side, but a lot of it's gone down. I'm so much more comfortable now being able to shower and all, and I'm getting used to the compression vest to a point where I barely even notice it now.

Anyway, I should be able to post some photos in the coming days. I have another appointment Thursday where Dr. Norris said he'd examine scar development and work out a plan to minimise it as much as possible. I also hope he can put on some new waterproof strips over the area (unless he's ready to remove them completely) because despite being very careful when showering, they're starting to come loose at the edges.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 11:55:53 AM by Liandoolb »


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Hi Liandoolb, Hows the recovery going? any updates?

Offline Liandoolb

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Hey guys! So sorry that I *DID* end up dropping off the face of the earth like I insisted I wouldn't. :P Had my 21st the week after surgery, followed by a busy uni semester and a multitude of other things that have eaten away at my time. Anyway, enough excuses!

I'm overall pretty happy with my results. I have some photos on my old phone that I took about a month ago so that I can show you guys the progress at around 2 months post-op - I will try to find them and upload for you guys as soon as I can.

Perhaps the best thing so far about having the op has been being able to go and buy shirts and not worry about it. I obviously had my surgery just before winter, so it's not like I've been whipping my shirt off every minute I can; not that I would, but I'm sure you know what I mean. :P Never in my life have I felt able to walk into a shop and just buy shirts off the rack without worrying if they will hide my moobs, but now I can, and I'm trying my best not to take it for granted. It's a great feeling.

I think one VERY IMPORTANT thing to remember is that even after the operation, things don't change *IMMEDIATELY*. Of course, physically there is a change, but it takes a while to settle into your new body, and, at least for me, it's taking some time for me to adjust to all the insecurity that had developed about my body image over time. (When I say that, I sounds like I'm on some wanky TV program about eating disorders or something, but it's completely true.)

I saw Dr. Norris again a couple of weeks ago (I think that might be the second or third time I've seen him since I last posted here) and he said that everything is looking good and he took some more photos. He said if I want to start exercising or building my pecs then there's no longer anything stopping me. I'm keen to take him up on that and try to get the most out of my "new" body, but as a skinny kid who has never really been devoted to a specific exercise regimen before, that's going to require a lot of changes!

Sorry again for disappearing, feel free to ask any more questions as I hope to check up on this more regularly again. Pics will hopefully come soon if I can find them - I want to show you guys the 2 months though so you can see more of a progression - and I think I also have a couple from a few weeks after surgery when I still had some dressings on as I think it's important to show the entire healing process! :)

Offline jamescones

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Hey mate, any updates? I have been enthralled at your progress - hope it all has been well!


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I'm also interested to see how your progress is going. I'm having my surgery next week.

Offline heavensintel

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Hey dude can we please have an up date with pictures. Im seriously considering going to Dr Norris because going with Dr sue in Melbourne is not nearly as convenient. Thanks.

Offline RB2147

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Mate, I had my surgery with Dr Norris about 7 Weeks ago (Lipo and excision).

I would highly recommend Dr Norris for this procedure. He is absolutely excellent.

My results are phenomenal. Even though I had decent sized cuts under each of my nipples, he did them with such care that I have nearly no scarring. You wouldn't be able to tell I've had surgery looking at my chest.

If you have any questions about Dr Norris and how things work, I'm happy to help you out.


Offline EY2012

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After 2 consults with Dr Norris, I have decided that I will be having the surgery in early July. Dr Norris has been so helpful and reassuring with everything.

He addressed all my concerns about, nipple size, skin sagging etc. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)

Offline newlife29

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Hey guys,Can anyone please tell me the entire cost of the procedure with dr norris?? I dont have private health insurance and i just wanna know how much i have to fork out of my pocket!!!
It will be really helpfull

Offline EY2012

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Offline jamescones

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Check your inbox :)

Hey EY, can you flick me your info as well :) cheers mate!

Offline EY2012

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Hey EY, can you flick me your info as well :) cheers mate!

Sure mate

Offline knowledgeispower

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Check your inbox :)

Can I have that info too please?
thanks EY2012

Offline knowledgeispower

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Also, does Dr Norris still operate out of silkwoodmedical
I can't see any mention on that website


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