Author Topic: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics  (Read 21943 times)

Offline ChestMan

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Hey Zm,

I hope you are seeing some improvements as a result of your training. I'm starting to understand how much an emotional rolla coaster the healing process can be and can definitely empathise with your situation.

I had a quick question around the nipple incision, that I was hoping you could assist with. I recall in one of your earlier posts that one of nipple incisions appeared as if it was sealed, but was still a few mm's deep when you pressed the area. How long did it take to fully close?. I think I have the same issue one of my nipple incisions. I am no longer wearing plasters on any of the incisions sites from yesterday and I'm keen to know if I should re-apply a plaster or if it will just seal/close completely in time. There is no blood and it is healed, it just looks like it is open (similar to your pic). It is mentioned that this is common in Karidis's post op literature, but it doesn't say if you leave the plasters on if this is the case.

I've also got some creasing/indentations on both nipple incision sites that has really knocked me for six and is very depressing...- i will take some pics tomorrow and update my surgery diary.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Offline zm

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Hey guys.
Its been a while since ive come on here. Just down Bournemouth with the family so thought I'd check how the rest of my bosom buddies are doing.

Its now been over 6 months since my surgery and the only word that really describes how I'm feeling, to put it mildly, "depressed". My chest looks exactly like how it did before my op. There is no improvement whatsoever.the hard tissue has gone but all that fat is still there, especially around the sides.
I did ask Karidis about it after 2 weeks of having the op. He stated that he performed the op at a high standard.

Its not about the money but the fact I have to go though the whole process again is just frustrating as I have no annual leave until next March.
I know a lot of guys have had fantastic results with Karidis but I feel my op was probably rushed.

I have no scarring or anything like that or any nipple deformity. Still feels ever so slightly numb.

I'll post some pics up later

Chestman my nipples have healed nicely. You still have any issues?

Offline darkstar

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Hello mate, just had a read through your post and sorry you've had a tough time. I know you will have an ideal image in your head, or what you want your chest to look like. But sometimes, it's unrealistic to aim for that. Looking at you pre-op pics and the most recent post of pics you posted, theres is a significant improvement. I know it's difficult, but try to focus on that as a positive. You may not be where you wan't to be in a perfect world, but you're a lot closer than you were.

Hows the cut been going? What body-fat % are you currently at? If you're looking t cut some weight I'd suggest some HIIT training (interval training). Short bursts of max effort exercise split by shorts breaks. pounding the pavement for miles won't get you the body you're after IMO.

Keep your spirits up mate.

Offline Dom

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Hey zm,

Just had a read through and I agree with darkstar, I still think it looks significantly better than what it did before, but only you know what you wanted, personally you seem to be quite built so having a pancake chest might not have suited you, either way mate I think it looks great. and as you said a couple posts back i think rigorous cutting will take some more fat away from the chest.

Hope it all works out for you in the end.

Offline zm

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Thanks for the reply lads..much appreciated.

I do agree there there has been "slight" improvement.  I probably researched into this op for at least 6 years before i took the plunge so i never expected a perfect chest.  However, the improvement that "could" have happened simply didn't due to lack to fat being taken out.  I'm hating the side view profile.

I had cut my bodyfat right down. i lost 1.5 stones which didn't improvement the look and i know if i cut further, it's just not going to help as i'm losing fat around my whole body apart from my chest. 

I'm going to give myself at least another 10 months before any revision work.

Offline thetodd

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Who are you going to have the revision done by? If its Karidis has he gave you a rough idea of price?

To me it looks like a big change, but i agree with you there is probably room for improvement.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline zm

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
It's going to be done by Karidis mate...price will be hospital fees circa £1600 :'(

Offline rasputin

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
I think you've had great results mate, but as people have said it's really not our heads that matter.

What I would say is just cut and cut and cut for 3 months. Strict calorie intakes and a shit ton of cardio, sure you might lose some muscle mass but you'll shed the fat and know for sure what the best move is to make.
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline sawyer

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Re: surgery booked with Dr. Karidis 3rd March, pre-op pics
Long shot.. but any updates?


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