Author Topic: Going in the marines  (Read 2709 times)

Offline bm171498

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      I am a 21 year old that is getting ready to leave for the marine corps boot camp in San Diego March 19th.  I have had gyno since my freshman year in high school.  I'll never forget the time one of my friends grabbed my nipple as a joke and I was like what the hell...and he said have some type of cancer in your nipple.  From that day six years ago I have begun my research on gyno and let me tell you it has been an adventure.  I have been so self conscious about my issue.  Doing things such as wearing darker shirts with print on the front seems to help.  Also I have lifted weights and played sports all my life.  I work out in nothing but a dark cut off shirt with a wife beater underneath. Even though my close friend thinks its no big deal it is to me.  I'm not one of the types on here that actually has bra type gyno but i have it.  It is very depressing that the more lifting you do the worst it shows through shirts.  I will try to upload pictures.  Any way the point of this story is after two years of college and two more years of working I made the decision to join the united states marine corps as a avionics man in the enlisted field for now.  I leave for bootcamp march 19th and I'm not going to lie I have thought about those tight green shirts several times.  I have researched this sight and have read many stories of military tri care covering the cost of the surgery.  Please people help me out.  I have 13 weeks of boot camp, 6 weeks of mct and then I guess I will get stationed at my school somewhere in the usa.  I noticed that surgeons perform these surgeries quite frequently in the military and this is obviously a common disorder.  My parents think it is the most ignorant thing to get surgery on my chest.  So since the years have past I have put it off prioritizing other things but continuing to be so self conscious and depressed about the issue.  I want to know any one who has been in the military to help me out on the best way to play the system to get this surgery done in the military.  I also know that every one says..ohh don't do it get a specialist to do the surgery...well people I have a kid and bills so 7000 isn't in the picture and man taking the leave and hotels and keeping it a secret from the military.  Well that just sounds impossible.  I just want someone on here to actually give me the process on how to get this handled so when i get more muscle I can wear that tight shirt and know in my own mind...dang i look good.  please help me out here guys.

Offline Whatcha

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Sorry I couldn't help you with that question, I live in Indonesia. I just want to say that I wish you the best. I remember I read a newspaper years ago, its only a small column about some boys who are accepted into Indonesian marines, one of them have gyno (I don't know its gyno but I remember the article because at that time, it crossed my mind that I have the same problem with this person). The newspaper don't talked much about the gyno, its only said that the military commander gave this boy some paper (or money? I'm not sure) to get the operation done.

Anyway wish the best for you and your family, yea thousands of dollars for the opration is much specially for those who have family to support.

Offline Paa_Paw

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My military experience os much too far in the past (1955 through 1963 in the USAF) to be of great help. Even so, some things do not change. Every unit has at least one guy who makes a good victim and he will be the brunt of a lot of teasing. Just make sure that the victim is not you. If you can simply laugh at this and not take any teasing too personally, you are on the right track.

Once you are through your basic and technical school, You should be able to get something done once you have a permanent assignment. Nothing will happen until you are permanently asigned.
Grandpa Dan

Offline andersonATL

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Bad news: you can go ahead and kiss expecting to military to perform plastic surgery on your moobs goodbye.  Not going to happen.

Good news: you would never want  military personal to perform ANY surgery on yourself.  There is a reason doctors join military and its not because they were top of their class.

I was a airwing marine myself.  Got out in 2009.   Save up for a few years and get the surgery done by a professional who performs many gyno surgerys a year.   Marines don't take kindly to junior marines milking light duty but should be able to save up a good bit of leave and get away with takeing a few weeks of light duty.  But I would tell them you sprained your ankle.  I couldn't imagine telling my gunny I need light duty because I'm getting gyno surgery haha.

Offline Paa_Paw

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anderson ATL

I will both agree and respectfully disagree. I was a corpsman for over 8 years and I encountered some really great Doctors as well as some who should not be in medicine at all. The same thing is true outside of the services.

Many Doctors have remained in school while running up a lot of student loans and serving in the military gave them an opportunity to clear a lot of student debt. I knew a surgeon that I regarded very highly who decided to stay in the service as a career. When I questioned his decision, his response was that he had become a Doctor so he could practice medicine and in the military he had more liberty to do that. He was a black man and feared that the best job he would be able to get in civilian life would be as a staff surgeon in a county hospital somewhere and every decision would be based not on good medicine but finances. That was in 1963 and he was probably correct at that time.

I would hope we now live in a more enlightened time.

Offline bm171498

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Well I heard the military will do one cosmetic surgery for free.  There is all kinds of people on here that talk about having the surgery in the military?

Offline Pooz

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I've come across great doctors and horrible doctors both in the civilian world and military world.

Doesn't seem to make a difference.

I ended up having gyne surgery by a cosmetic surgeon and the military ended up paying for it.

Results weren't perfect because I went with an inexperienced surgeon, but it was still free.

Offline andersonATL

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Wow.  I was wrong then.   Great news for the future recruit though.

I would have never imagined the military paying for a cosmetic surgery.  Wonder if they do breast implants or nose jos too? 

Offline bm171498

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so no one has answered any of my questions what is the process and do you have pics of your surgery


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