Author Topic: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)  (Read 5989 times)

Offline zm

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
I do think that it's pointless fastening the vest all the way down.  like right now, 7 hooks open from the bottom.  helps me when i'm having a big meal too :D.  I'm just making sure that the chest is compressed.

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
I took your advice and kept the bottom hooks open, it did help actually! Nice to let my belly 'hang out'!

Day 4
I slept a bit better and only woke once at about 5am. I think the only problem with having the vest open over the stomach is that it is slightly tighter across the chest as the force isn't distributed as evenly. So I did it up for the last few hours in bed and this took the pressure (and slight discomfort) off the chest a bit. Feeling better today, a bit more normal!
Chest is looking good, not much uneveness. Slightly on the left side, but still not worried. Bruising slowly subsiding although the dark areas will take some time I think!

When I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning, at my profile with no boobs, I just thought to myself that Karidis is a genius! He's sculpted it to perfecion really. I know it probably won't ever be 100% perfect and it is far too early to make any kind of judgement, (and it will get a lot worse before it gets better!) but all I can say is so far so good!  ;D  
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 11:21:48 AM by linkin »

Offline about2change

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
good to know all is well mate..

remember that now you've crossed the line :)

any swelling? improvements? any updates?

thanks for keeping us posted!

Offline linkin

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
Hi guys,

Things are still getting better everyday. I'm sleeping better, and even starting to lie tentatively on my side now. I can get my arms up pretty much as normal, although I haven't pushed it too far. Have started driving now which is fine. Still get the odd period of lightheadedness from time to time but I think it could be the compression vest slowing the bloodflow to my brain a bit when I stand up too quickly (it mentions rthis in Karidis' post-op instructions- orthostatic hypotension)!

Bruising is turning yellow now, but the darker areas in the pictures are taking their time to shift. Have bought some arnica cream to see if this helps with the bruising.

Chest is a lot smoother in terms of contour. Slight bit of swelling around the left nipple but I think it will be ok in time.

It really is true that things improve noticably everyday and hopefully this will continue. Keep trying on t-shirts that I've never worn...they look awesome!  ;D

Offline linkin

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
Hey guys!

10 Days post-op

Things are settling down nicely. I've kind of got used to the compression vest now and it actually feels 'safe' wearing it. I feel naked without it which is weird!  :o
The only thing is that I've been wearing it underneath shirts at work but have chosen thicker and darker shirts just so nobody notices. I think I've got away with it so far but only 3 days left with it at work so looking forward to not having to think about it to be honest!

I'm feeling a lot more normal now. The lightheadedness has all but disapeered, I'm back at work and doing normal things now. The only thing I'm not ready for yet is exercise. The most I've managed so far is a couple of walks.

The bruising is subsiding nicely, but the scar tissue stage is starting to take hold, as expected. Hard lumps are forming around the chest on both sides, mainly where I have yellow bruising (this is where the lipo was done I think). The contour of the chest is still pretty good, the left side isn't 100% but getting better day by day. I'm happy with the nipple on this side as it is flat and the scar is actually nearly invisible. The right side is better in terms of contour but the nipple is puffyish. Nowhere near as bad as before though. The scar is a bit more noticeable here but still very hard to see and hopefully will continue to get better.
The armpit inscisions look like little spots, extremely small and insignificant really.

I've still got plasters on my nipples (but as of today not the armpits) and changed these today, but not before I had a lovely bath...the first since the op. It was really nice to just lie there and soak my chest in the bath and clean off the pen marks etc that were still left! I think I'll keep the plasters on the nips til I stop wearing the vest during the day (sat 17th) just to stop any rubbing/friction even though the incisions have healed fully.

I'll post some more pictures at the weekend when I'm 2 weeks post op so you guys can see the progress.
I'm still really happy and so glad I've done it! Can't wait to get back to the gym and build up my pecs and then roll on summer!  ;D

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
Pictures: 21 days post op

Here are the pictures from 21 Days post op.

I'm now actually 24 days post op and really happy with how things are going. The bruising is nearly completely gone as you can see, and the chest is no longer painful. It is a bit sore if you press really hard but other than that it's fine. There is scar tissue build up which I can feel and you can see slightly but not too much. The scars are all healing nicely too.

I only wear the vest in the evening and at night now, but by the end of the day there is a bit more swelling, paricularly in the right nipple which swells up quite a lot and looks puffy (but feels hard underneath). By morning it's completely flat again, so I'm hoping in time this will settle down.

I went to the gym on friday and did some light chest exercises which was fine. I also played a bit of 5-a-side footie on sunday and this was ok, but if I got caught in the chest it was painful so I might leae this for a bit longer before doing it again! I'm really pleased, and looking forward to 'sculpting my abs and chest' for summer!!!  ;D

Any questions please fire away!

Offline linkin

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (Pictures added)
More pics 21 days post-op

Here you can see the nipple scars which are healing up nicely and really quite hard to see with the naked eye. The right nipple which puffs up a bit has a more noticeable scar but I hope this will be better once the swelling goes down and the scab comes off in time.

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
Results look amazing and your chest is now very flat.


Offline thetodd

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
Looks great!

Totally flat now, i think you should shave your chest no need to hide it now ;)
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Dracksus

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
Fantastic results mate :)

Offline about2change

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
amazing results mate

Offline ChestMan

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
Linkin, looking good mate. Nipple scars looking good - these are one of my biggest surgery fears... keep us posted.

Offline zm

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Re: Surgery Completed with Dr. Karidis 3.3.12 (21 DAYS POST OP Pictures added)
breastman, you don't have anything to worry about in terms of scars... i can't even see mine unless i really really look close and even then i know it will complete disappear witin the next couple of months.


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