Author Topic: Had Pre-Op visit today  (Read 8423 times)

Offline Showtime620

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Alright!  Glad to hear that you're back in action.  It sure feels nice to thrust without seeing your own titties jiggling!!!  My girlfriend was over last night and after the activities her hand was on my chest.  Tell ya what, having her hand on my chest, not breast, was better than the activity itself!!  I still felt nervous that she would feel the scars or creases, but I don't think she noticed.  :-)

Glad the hematoma is shaping up.  The compression shirt sure is awesome after ditching that awful vest!!!

How the neck looking?

I think I'm progressing nicely.  The left nip is still kind of creased, but the scare is barely noticeable; the right nip crease is still quite profound and the scare is still very noticeable, also, the lower portion of the right pec is concaved when I flex; but despite the ailments, I don't plan to worry until the middle of June.  Just hoping everything with work itself out in the next 8-10 weeks.  However, despite the nipple creases and scar, my chest looks acceptable when standing straight unflexed which is nice.  And the white tshirt thing is absolutely spectacular!

Any update for us, Mister Crossfit???

Offline greatlakes

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Alright!  Glad to hear that you're back in action.  It sure feels nice to thrust without seeing your own titties jiggling!!!  My girlfriend was over last night and after the activities her hand was on my chest.  Tell ya what, having her hand on my chest, not breast, was better than the activity itself!!  I still felt nervous that she would feel the scars or creases, but I don't think she noticed.  :-)

Glad the hematoma is shaping up.  The compression shirt sure is awesome after ditching that awful vest!!!

How the neck looking?

I think I'm progressing nicely.  The left nip is still kind of creased, but the scare is barely noticeable; the right nip crease is still quite profound and the scare is still very noticeable, also, the lower portion of the right pec is concaved when I flex; but despite the ailments, I don't plan to worry until the middle of June.  Just hoping everything with work itself out in the next 8-10 weeks.  However, despite the nipple creases and scar, my chest looks acceptable when standing straight unflexed which is nice.  And the white tshirt thing is absolutely spectacular!

Any update for us, Mister Crossfit???

It felt good to take my shirt off without the dark blood red splash across my lift chest, the brusing, the huge swelling. At this point my skin is almost cleared up. My chest looks - kind like before now, which is better than the swollen battered thing it was. My wife was not fully behind me on this surgery, and I did not need to reinforce this by showing her the full force of the hemotoma. But is is nearly gone, so I am back to normal married life "activities" (not to be confused with GF activities :P) As it heals more, the swelling goes down more, and I get flatter, my confidence in being shirtless will only increase.

The neck is okay - best of the two procedures so far. No brusing at all, clean. I see only minor improvement right now, but I am told by one female who knows I had it, that it looks much better. The doctors have said this is a 3 month process to shrink down and up. A hard defined jaw line, and a flat chest would be a nice package deal.

It sounds like you got the t-shirt result perfected. Great. I am sure the rest will settle down and adjust as you say. I got a crease too, but not even going to worry about that yet. Most doctors seem to agree on longer time frames for things to work themselves out and heal. However, there was a guy in the photos section - who after 4 days looks nearly perfect, flat, healed, not bruised at all.

Offline Showtime620

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Awesome.  Are you ever going to post pictures???   I'm anxious to see your progress!

Offline greatlakes

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Ya - I know I should. We are here to help each other. I would prefer to do them is to post them privately elsewhere (photo sharing site) and send links via PM to those who wish to see them.

At this point, I believe the current pictures would not show much improvement from my "before" - only improvement from the hemotoma and massive bruising/swelling the day after surgery. My recovery is so frakking slow.

Let me see what I can do maybe this weekend.

Offline greatlakes

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Okay, had 3.5 week followup.  Next Tuesday will be 4 weeks. Doc said there is still a lot of swelling but I was looking better (good?). I am to start massage at night to break things up.

I can also start working out. He said anything I wanted, but I will start light for a week. I am not sure he understands what kind of weights I was pushing two months ago..... I believe he thinks the working out will help at breaking things down in the chest.

I basically feel I look "about the same" as before the surgery now. But obviously better than the hemotoma mess on my left side of two weeks ago. My skin looks okay now. I might look "a bit" better on front moobage, but sides still suck. Doc explained he was very "aggressive" on removal on the sides and all over. Nurse reminded me again that I was flat as a board on the surgery table, and how much they took out (1250CC).

This information along with other stories here of some guys taking months to go flat - will keep me going for a while.

Glad my skin is clear, good to be on compression shirts not vest, and good to start working out again.

Doctor will see me in 3 weeks for another check up.

Offline Showtime620

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You're coming along, dude!  Keep up the good work!   I still think things are gonna shape up and flaten out!  I'm keeping the faith!   Def work out light, you be just as sore as you were pre-op after a heavy workout since it's been So long!

Leroy the great work,  GL!

Offline Showtime620

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Leroy the great work?   I think that was supposed to be keep up the great work*.   I hate autocorrect.

Offline greatlakes

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Was following up with his nurse via email. She is very nice and responsive. I don't need compression of neck anymore at night. I need to stay on compression shirts for another month, but was going to anyway with my swelling. I can go into pool or hotub if I want now, I have a back issue and enjoy the club hotub between heavy work outs. Still have my swim shirt since I don't feel better about my chest yet.

I am asking about the possibility of Kenalog or cortisone or other shots in 3 weeks to deal with hard stuff I still feel - if it is still there in 3 weeks. I am massaging it twice a day now and hope it breaks up in three weeks.

I so envy the guys here that look so flat after a few days or week after their surgery.

Offline Showtime620

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You'll get there soon, man!!  you had a serious procedure!   What is your massage technique?  My doc said I can gently massage lumps that I feel, but I didn't think to ask how to do it.    So far, I've been kind of 'playing the piano' with my pointer and middle finger.  Any suggestions?

Offline greatlakes

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Been using various techniques. I wish someone would have a diagram or something.

I have this kind of streak/ridge from bottom to far side of hard tissue - I rub it across (short) and along it (long way), and also circular motions as well. While I feel some softening of hard spots, I also feel like it is causing some swelling and soreness again.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 08:38:54 AM by greatlakes »

Offline greatlakes

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I just had my 6 week follow-up with my doctor. He was puzzled over the size and shape of my right side and says it has to be swelling cause he made me flat on operating table and I was flat the next day after looking at me. He was still perplexed not to see me pretty flat by now (well ya – me too). He did agree the right side was by far the worst and that much more work was done there and so it would swell more and the skin was stretched out more to begin with than my left.

He said it may take 6 months for me to go flat(ish) on right and at that time he will decide if any revision is needed. However both he and his nurse said my results are good enough to hit the beach – that no one would say I had moobs anymore (but some asymmetry), and that my own self image may be not have accepted their or others views. (Ya I know I need to post pictures for you guys)

I am continue my compression shirts for another two week (until 8 weeks) and then try without them and see how I feel, and if needed use them part time. I am to come back in 8 weeks (14 total) for another follow-up.

His nurse (great gal) did talk to me separately for a bit afterwards. We reviewed (again) the amount removed from my chest which was 1250 CC which is a lot of fat and tissue.  800CC of that was in the right side - that's a crap load for one side. Also I finally got to ask her specifically how many gynecomastia surgeries the doc does a year – she said over 50 a year. I do trust and like this doctor. So I continue to wait this out.

Offline Showtime620

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Well at least he seems to believe that you'll eventually flatten out! That's a good thing!

So they say you look good enough to be on the beach but you disagree?

how are your scars?  Any nipple creases?

Offline greatlakes

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Yes I don't agree with them that I am fine for the beach now. I finally complied a photo matrix of myself and I have to say I am more depressed than ever. I know I am older and overweight, but they took out so darn much - so where is the f'ing results ? :'(

6 weeks now - headed to 12 weeks.....then I suppose 6 months before my doctor and I can decide if he will revise me.

Got to loose some more weight and lift more I guess until then.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 12:19:24 PM by greatlakes »


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