Author Topic: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012  (Read 7695 times)

Offline dexs

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Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Hi All,

So I am two days away from surgery with Dr. Karidis.  I wont lie but I am very nervous and a little bit scared.  I just want Thursday to arrive.

Im travelling down tomorrow evening (Wed) and will be staying at a hotel as I need to be at the hospital by 7am.  I made the following checklist but I cant help thinking I am forgetting something.  So far I have packed the following:

- Phone/Charger
- Plasters (waterproof)
- Train Tickets/Oyster Card
- Arnica Tabs
- iPad
- Jogging Bottoms
- Cotton boxers

I requested during the consultation that I want to be first down for surgery on the day.  I was lucky as the guy who was booked for 7am wanted to swap for 8am. 

I dont think I have lost any weight, even though i did plan too train hard.  However a combination of man flu and the nova virus meant that plan to be thrown out of the window.  Therefore excuse the spare tyre (s) and love handles.

Hopefully once surgery is complete it will give me a new lease of life to train and loose some weight.  The good weather the last few days has made me realise how much I need this surgery as I would love to wear a t-shirt or polo shirt without being paranoid.

Thanks to everyone on this board who has posted their stories, support and experiences as this gave me the confidence to take the plunge to have surgery.

Wish me luck guys and I'll try and do an update tomorrow.  No doubt I will be climbing the walls!

Take care for now

Offline ThinkingAboutIt

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
good luck mate! Seems like its all a breeze reading from others, but thats different when it comes to u urself! ha

Offline Dracksus

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Good luck for tomorrow man :)

You will wake up and realise it was a great decision to make! Just focus on why you're doing it in the first place, like you said, this great weather we're having will reinforce all that.

I'd maybe take a big bottle of water down also, to drink after the surgery to keep hydrated, but not essential especially if you ain't got too far to travel back home.

All the best mate and see you on the other side! :P

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Thank you all appreciate all the support.

I'm heading off shortly to catch the train so hopefully my next update will be tomorrow.  I just want to get to the hotel now and get this all sorted so i can home and spend time with my family. 

I got a call from Karidis office earlier just to confirm the time and some last minute advice i.e nil by mouth etc.

I have a 2 hour + train journey so I'm hoping i can manage the journey.  I've booked first class on the way back so hopefully should be ok

Thanks again and speak soon

Offline ChestMan

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Good luck Dex, I'm sure everything will be fine. Look forward to hearing updates. Stay strong.

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
All done went into surgery at around 8.10 and woke up in recovery at around 9am.  I feel fine, just a little bit of dull pain.  I will write up a proper update with pics when I'm back at home but so far so good.

Thanks everyone for their support

Zm : There is wi-fi available in the room and the access code is written on the telephone  :)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 04:08:20 AM by dexs »

Offline ThinkingAboutIt

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Nice one dude! Hope all went well for u! I always thought u were in surgery for longer than that?

Offline about2change

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Well done mate

Wow! 50minutes.. Looks like alex is firing on all cylinders :)

Offline zm

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
see, i told you. you had nothing to worry about mate....BLINK and up you get lol...

Looking forward to an update bro.

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012 Completed
Hi All,

Sorry for the delayed write up.

This post is long so if you cant be bothered reading it then scroll down to the one picture i have uploaded.  I know when i was researching surgery the detailed posts by everyone really helped me make my decision and plan my journeys.  Even the smallest detail helped me so I hope this journey inspires others to take the step of surgery.

Day before Surgery

I wont lie I was nervous as hell and all day I kept thinking about the surgery and whether it is the right thing to do.  At one point I even thought WTF am I doing.  All I wanted to do was get on that train and get to London.  It was a bit emotional leaving my wife and kid but I just had to get this done.  I booked my travel weeks ago so managed to get a cheap ticket including 1st class back from London.  Total was around £55 return.  I booked the hotel as well, which worked out to around £60 (4* star in Lancaster Gate).  This was great as it's only 2 stops away from St Johns wood so was easy to get too.  If anyone is planning on surgery with Karidis then I would strongly recommend travelling the night before if your journey time is over 2 hours.

Day of Surgery
I had to be at the hospital at 7am so left around 6.30am and was in reception for 7am bang on.  Waited for about 5 mins in the reception and I was then asked to make my way to St Clares ward on the first floor.  There was also another woman who was asked to go to the same ward so she must have been there for a boob job.

I was greeted by Andrea who was the Nurse in charge.  She was amazing so friendly and polite and instantly put me at ease.  I was nervous as hell yesterday but once I got there and met Andrea all my nerves went.  I was shown to my room, filled in the required forms (including lunch) put on the gown, socks etc and had all my vitals checked.  Luckily I didn't have to wear those paper briefs.  So a tip buy 100% cotton boxers so you don't have too.  I paid £3 for 5 or something from Primark bargain!  One thing i was a little paranoid about was that all the forms said lipo to chest so I asked several times "don't forget the gland" and they assured me that was included. 

About 20 mins later the anesnatist came by and again he was fantastic.  Very friendly and put my mind at ease straight away when i said i was nervous.  10 mins later the legend Karidis came in.  He was polite and just got down to business.  I signed the consent forms and he took some pics and marked me up.  I said you can get me flat right?  His response was "defiantly" exactly what you need in a surgeon.  Straight talking and no bullshitting.

About 5 mins later Andrea walked me down to the Theatre.  They take you down in a private lift so no worries about bumping into the general public.  Again Andrea really calmed me down she was fantastic.  I was into a small room, where I met another nurse (Maria) She was really cool and funny and at that point Andrea asked if I wanted her to stay as i was a little nervous.  Again this just made me feel at ease.  Then the anesnatist found a vein and we made some small talk about work etc.  Really nice bloke and all the nurses kept saying he's the best.  I was told I will feel a little light headed first before he introduces the actual anaesthetic.

All i remember is i felt the taste of metal or something weird in my mouth.  The next thing I know I naturally woke up.  I actually thought of ZM at this point thinking "The guy was right"  The sun was beaming through the windows in the recovery room and all I remember thinking was "I cant believe I worried so much" .  I actually felt great and didn't have any dizziness or a dry mouth.  It was exactly like waking up in the morning but without scratching your balls or a stuffy.  There was another guy in front of me, which the nurse was trying to wake up.  He was knocked out but i saw the whole process of how they make you regain consciousness. I lay in bed for about 10 mins and then was wheeled up to my room.  I felt absolutely fine, no side effects or anything, which I was really surprised about.  I was talking normally and didn't feel like i wanted to sleep.  It was really weird sensation.  I asked the nurse (Tess I think she was called) how much gland and fat was removed. 

Gland right side = 22g
Glad left side = 19g
450ml fat from each side (I remember her saying around a 1litr in fat)

I wasn't in any pain just a little bit of discomfort, which is more likely the vest.  Andrea asked if wanted any pain killers but I refused.  However she did come in later on and said i should have 1 pain killer after lunch just in case so i took that and in some ways i'm glad i did as the last thing i wanted was to feel like crap on the train home.  My vitals were checked every 15 mins for the first two hours by Andrea and Alison both nurses where fantastic and they couldn't believe that i was up and being normal.

I was offered some coffee and biscuits, which i kindly accepted.  A bit more relaxing then lunch arrived, which was brilliant as at this point I was starving and made sure I ate the lot.  As i felt fine with no pain and my vitals all checked out ok they said I can leave as an when i wanted.  They gave me loads of plasters, padding and tape as well.  Overall they were great and it was first class service.  Just after 1.30pm the lovely Beth came to talk me through post surgery recovery etc.  (Yes she is fit and also very nice).  I asked for another compression vest, which she kindly agreed too.  They must be on a budget as i think they now only give 1 vest unless you ask for one.  Beth was great even asked me what colour i wanted, so chose a black one and she met me downstairs to give me one.

I said my goodbyes to the nurses and had a bit of a laugh with them and then made my way downstairs and booked a taxi at reception.  Whilst waiting had a cigarette, whilst sat in the beautiful sun.  Absolutely amazing feeling that i just cannot explain.  I felt free and normal for once and just sat at took the moment in.

I know some guys have said the post surgery care should be better from Karidis.  The care i have so far received by Karidis team and the hospital is fantastic.  They do have a 24 hour nurse on call and if you have any questions you can give them a call.  Karidis had 7 surgeries planned that day and not all must be for gyne so I can understand how pressured and worked he must be, so he has a team around him to care for you.  His team are great and they do give you all the advice you need. 

Personally I would strongly recommend Karidis.  He's done over 1000 of these ops and he is the best.  I don't think there is any debate if you look at the success rate.  There is no messing about with drains or overnight stays.  He has a great technique that is less intrusive than other methods.  The incisions are tiny and he really does get you flat.  I know he is a little expensive but your not buying a car.  This is your body and I think he is worth every penny and have no hesitation is recommending him.

So now all i need to do is get home.  I booked my travel in advance and my return 1st class ticket was for a 7.30pm train.  I was at Euston at 2pm and even though I could have access to the 1st class lounge i just wanted to get home.  If i wanted to catch the 2.30pm train 1st class then I was told it would be an extra £200.  If I wanted a standard ticket then it was an extra £24.50.  I said to the lady at the desk you do the math.  So another tip if you book your tickets in advance pay the little extra and go for an open return as you don't really want to be hanging around Euston if you are discharged early like me and want to catch an earlier train.

Standard class was fine although the train was packed and it was only 2hr 9 mins so not a bad journey and I had a good seat.  Obviously 1st class would have been better but I cant complain as the train was on time.

I haven't taken the pain killers thats were given to me since the surgery. I removed the bandages and took a shower on late Friday, There was hardly any blood.  Karidis has done a great job and it is completely flat.  Another tip definitely shave your chest before going into surgery.  Its easier to take off the tape, which still hurts but no where near the pain if you had chest hair.  Also It's easier for the surgeon to mark you up and actually see where he needs to lipo and make changes.  The last thing you want is him navigating through a jungle of hair.

So this is my story guys and what a journey it has been.  I cant believe a month ago i went for a consultation and now i'm gyne free.  There are some fantastic guys on this forum that helped so much by posting updates, messages of support and advice.  Although I cannot remember all of them a few come to mind, which i would like to thank personally, ZM, linkin, Birmingham, Darakus, Thetodd, Chopper, Mickydubbs, ThinkingAboutIT, namsoni.  Although you may not have replied to me personally your posts in general gave me the confidence to go for this procedure so thank you all and thank you to anyone i may have missed.  If anyones up for a class reunion then let me know i'll sort something out.

Advice for anyone who is living with gyne is to just go for it and get surgery done.  This is the only solution and no matter how much exercise or diet you do the only solution is surgery.  Take it from a man who is slightly overweight, smokes and was crapping himself about General Anaesthetic and surgery.  I'll say what i said at the start of this journey "short term pain long term gain"

All the best and I will check in from time to time to update you all.


Offline Dracksus

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Nice post and a serious improvement mate :)

I'm glad my posts contributed in helping to give you the confidence to get the surgery done. Reading through other's posts was what helped me make my mind up and I hoped I could return that to others through posting my own experience :)

Just make sure to keep that compression vest on no matter how annoying it might be at the start! And take those arnica pills too! Once it's time to massage you should find it really makes a difference. 5-10 mins, 3-4 times a day to work on it really pays dividends!

Happy healing mate!

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Thanks Dracks, its not the best picture as i got the resize wrong so it makes me look wider than i actually am.  However after 4 attempts and 3 arguments with the wife i thought i picked the best of a bad bunch.

The compression vest is fine and i'm really used to it.  I actually forget i have it on.  I might adjust the hooks to make a bit more tighter and see how it goes as im worried its not tight enough.

In terms of the Arnica its a bit hit and miss.  I do forget to take them but from tomorrow im going to start for sure.  I just want to get back to the gym as now the gyne has gone my belly really sticks out so I need to drop some weight.

I'm really pleased with the results so far and already started to wear clothes i never thought i would. 

Offline ChestMan

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012

Thanks for posting your experience. This definitely helps and I will aslo write up my experience to pay it forward.I'm glad to hear that everything went well and you're pleased with your results.  I am less than a month away and the nerves are starting to kick in. I'm just trying not to think too much about it. One thing that has me slightly perturbed about you story is that in the recovery room, you witnessed a guy getting woken up....

Quick question, when you first arrive at the hospital, do you report to the very first receptin desk to check in. I know this might seem like a pretty insignificant question, but on the day I don't want to be stressing about trying to find the correct reception area.

I had my bloods done at the hospital on Friday. Even that was somewhat nerve racking - I had to tell them to provide the tests to Karidis, and the guy who took them is like what is this for and who is Karidis. I explained I was having a procedure done and he is a surgeon. I was worried I would have to explain it was for gyne surgery etc. They aslo emailed me a copy of the blood test and a couple of items have been flagged as low or high. This started stressing me  out and I started googling some of the blood test items to find out what they mean - not a good idea! I'm thinking of sending these to my GP to make sure nothing serious has been flagged.

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012

When you arrive at the hospital you check in at the very first reception at the main entrance.  They have a list of everyone that is booked in for surgery and they will cross your name off.  Depending on what time you are booked in you will either have someone take you to the 1st floor or you will be directed to make your way to st Clare's ward on the 1st floor.

Once you get to st Clare's ward there is another reception and the nurse will show you to your room.

This time last week I was nervous as hell and although the support on this forum is great you will still naturally feel scared.  All I can say is that you have to occupy your time to take your mind off things.  The day before surgery on the train I took my iPad and watched a movie.  The journey went so quick I didn't even think about surgery.  I just occupied my time. 

In tems of seeing the process of someone bing woken up.  This was quiet surreal, as the nurse basically was checking his vitals and just kept calling his name asking him to wake up.  This went on for I think at least 10  mins on and off until he woke up.  He had bandages around his face and head so must have had a face lift.

Feeling nervous is natural but honestly and from the bottom of my heart it was easier than I thought.  It has changed my life.  This op will change your life for the better, just take each day as it comes and occupy your time. 

Offline dexs

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Re: Surgery Dr. Karidis Thursday 29th March 2012
Oh and I forgot I also had the bloods done at the hospital and was concerned.  This is because. Have gallstones and this skews my blood test results, I think the liver function tes or something.  This made me really worried but linkin on this form put me ease.  The tests they perform are more around blood clots or something similar.  They normally only check FBC, U&Es and clotting.

I'm sure if there was cause for concern they would have contacted you straight away.   The best thing to do is not search the Internet.  This is where the panic can set in.

It sounds like you are going exactly what I went through prior to surgery.


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