Author Topic: fed up  (Read 3079 times)

Offline SvBarber

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Hi there I'm a 36 year old male with Gyne. I have not let it slow my life down. I have two beautiful kids and rather successful. I usually try and wear clothing that is forgiving to my condition such as shirts with wording across my chest or cargo shirts that have two pockets and sometimes I will wear compression vests. I know there's more to life than a flat well shaped chest but I just want to feel normal. About 10 years ago I went to see a plastic surgeon and he suggested liposuction so I got it done with little to no results. A cpl years later I went to see another surgeon and she basically told me there was nothing she could do for me so that really crushed me,i resorted to asking Oprah and a cpl other talk show guru's in hopes that they could help me. Its really starting to affect my sex life,women tell me I'm sexy ,I am attractive however my condition constantly makes me overlook all my other great qualities,I recently resorted to taking Viagra because I'm so disscusted with my condition that its starting to affect my performance  I project a lot of confidence in public but inside I'm  screaming! I am going to see another surgeon in the near future,I'm really hoping he can help me. I guess right now I'm just looking for support from friends like yourself that have this condition . Have a great day and thanks for listening

Offline Dane

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I know EXACTLY how you feel. Portraying confidence on the outside, meanwhile feeling trapped, insecure and bitter on the inside. You aren't alone. I wish you the best of luck and the best advice I can give you (which also happens to be the harshest) is SACK UP. It's something I have to tell myself on a daily basis as well, but it helps!

Offline HellandBack

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Plenty of guys on here feel the same i know i do. As well as some learn to live with it and be happy. If it still bugs u and u say you are rather successful (guessing u have some greens ;D) why not go get some more opinions because what the lady doc said sounds bogus, any reason for what she said? Also if u only got lipo without excision there is a good chance gland tissue remains behind the nipple that may be why u saw no results. Good luck with whatever u decide, at the end of the day u got 1 life so however u can live a happy one go for it. U got our support bro

Offline TigerPaws

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Hi there I'm a 36 year old male with Gyne. I have not let it slow my life down. I have two beautiful kids and rather successful. I usually try and wear clothing that is forgiving to my condition such as shirts with wording across my chest or cargo shirts that have two pockets and sometimes I will wear compression vests. I know there's more to life than a flat well shaped chest but I just want to feel normal. About 10 years ago I went to see a plastic surgeon and he suggested liposuction so I got it done with little to no results. A cpl years later I went to see another surgeon and she basically told me there was nothing she could do for me so that really crushed me,i resorted to asking Oprah and a cpl other talk show guru's in hopes that they could help me. Its really starting to affect my sex life,women tell me I'm sexy ,I am attractive however my condition constantly makes me overlook all my other great qualities,I recently resorted to taking Viagra because I'm so disscusted with my condition that its starting to affect my performance  I project a lot of confidence in public but inside I'm  screaming! I am going to see another surgeon in the near future,I'm really hoping he can help me. I guess right now I'm just looking for support from friends like yourself that have this condition . Have a great day and thanks for listening

Depending on how large your breasts are (I am a 38C on a fairly trim frame) you have nothing to be concerned about. I understand your self confidence issue, you can and seem to be dealing with your issues which is half the battle.

As for the ladies, they are less of an issue than you might imagine depending on where you live and what you do in your spare time. Please feel free to PM me if you would like as I have dealt with many of the same issues.


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