I underwent gyno surgery on September 29th 2011 by a well-known surgeon in Thailand where i live.
He's well known for facelifts, is US board certified (Had a practise in california for 20 years) and does a lot of breast reductions in women. Gyno surgery is done 10 times / year on average. Because he does a lot of breast reductions in women i thought gyno surgery would be an easy task for him.
Also because the price was almost as high as surgery in the US i expected good quality.
I'm now 6 months post-op + 2 kenalog syringes/shots 4 weeks after and am very disappointed in the result so far.
I went back to the surgeon 4 weeks ago for a check-up and i received a treatment two full syringes kenalog injected under and around my areaola's.
The 2 full syringes of kenalog didn't melt down all scar tissue (if it's scar tissue) so there are still a lot of lumps to be felt and seen. If that isn't bad enough the kenalog shots have created craters in my chest (which seem to get bigger!). I suspect the kenalog chest in my right areola has damaged my pectoralis muscle. It's like there's a hole in my right pec and it looks really bad.
I wasn't informed about possible creaters/deformity until after the shots. I did some reading about kenalog shots prior to the treatment but didn't come across information about this sideffect.
The surgeon probably also removed too much tissue from around my right pec. A hollowness can clearly been seen and felt. I suspect i'll need revision surgery to fix that but i will wait 4 more months to see if the craters and hollowness will fill up and if the scar tissue will melt down a bit more.
I'm glad the gyno is almost gone but the hollowness and deformity is something i really want to have fixed if it doesn't get better in the next 4 months. I was promised a flat chest with minimal scarring and this is clearly not it.
The surgeon always does revision surgery after approx. 1 year if the final result is not pleasing but i don't know if i want him to do my revision surgery. If a surgeon doesn't deliver good quality the first time then i don't think it's wise to go with him for a second OP. Although i think he's a good surgeon (based on reviews from others) and the hospital is superb I wish i had gone with one of the more popular gyno-specialised doctors in the US but i was too lazy to travel there and wanted to have the operation done as soon as possible. In the end i probably still have to travel to the US...
Feedback from surgeons on this board will be much appreciated.
EDIT: DON'T KNOW what happened but the pics didn't resize properly. Please right click > view/see picture on the picture you wish to see.
6 months post-op + 2 kenalog shots:
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20
Shot at 2012-04-20