Author Topic: My Surgery with Karidis - 24.04.2012 - updated with 2 week post op pics  (Read 9948 times)

Offline ChestMan

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Guys, I finally had my op yesterday.  As I have benefited from all the past surgery journals/diaries, I feel somewhat obliged to share and catalogue my experience. I’ve got a lot of people to thank for all their support – Chopper, thetodd, zm, Dracksus, linkin, Swarley, pharmajoe, Bikkembergs, dexs, about2change, Rasputin, namsomi, badger…

….and some old timers (who are probably not even on here anymore) – Stonecold, Northerner1979, Blue2, Toby1971, Hypo is here, Time2fixit and last but not least – Merle. I have to thank Merle for establishing this great site and building awareness of gynecomastia.

I’m sincerely sorry if I have missed anyone off the list.  Without this forum and the guys on here I would have never embarked upon fixing something that has dogged me for many years.

!Essay alert…. !


I remember when I was around 10- 12 years old that I realised that something was wrong with my chest. I remember crossing my arms when I went to swimming pools in summer. My older brother used to tease me and even said that he overheard my mum saying that I had the biggest set of breasts. Anyway, luckily for me, my chest kind of flattened out for the next couple of years (13- 18/19) and wasn’t a problem during secondary school.

Fast forward to around 18/19. Basically, I got my first car, started hitting the booze and then almost overnight the moobs had returned (along with some love handles an stretch marks). My mates started teasing me from time to time and I was very self-conscious of my chest. I wouldn’t say it affected my confidence as most of it was friendly banter anyway and I ‘d give it back as good as I got. I was still better at pulling birds than my mates (fitter ones too – no bragging ;)) and that helped with my confidence. Problem was, that was when I did get intimate with a bird, I usually ended up shagging her with my top on…..

At around 20/21 I started gym to try and get rid of the moobs and managed to pack on some reasonable muscle mass, but the moobs still stayed. It was a bit of a meathead gym, no one did cardio and it was all about getting jacked. Probably not the best place to try and shed fat etc. Trying to lose through exercise was a lost cause anyway.

From about 23-25, my weight ballooned and invariably so did the moobs. In the lead up to my wedding (26), I upped the exercise and dieted hard (lots of running a low calories) and managed to shed a lot of weight but lost a lot muscle and the moobs still stayed! Worst of both worlds -I ended up with being skinny-fat with moobs.  I decided that I would do something about the moobs once and for all and after searching the Internet - I joined this forum in 2006. I was amazed by the support offered on the site and it felt good to know that I was not the only one who was suffering from this condition. I got my hormones checked out by an endocrinologist which indicated that everything was normal, had a consultation with Harley medical group and made a consultation booking to see Levick (which I ended up cancelling for reasons I don’t remember). I then dragged by heals for a good few years (if your bored enough to read about my procrastination, review my earlier posts).

I had a last-ditch attempt to lose through diet/exercise, I had a consultation with Karidis back in Jan and then finally booked my surgery in mid Feb for late April (the link to my consultation/pre –op situation is in my footer). My wife got behind me as has been very supportive (after years of advising me it could be lost through exercise).

Surgery day

I actually had a good night’s sleep beforehand. I had a lot of fears about the general anesthetic, but once I had paid up in full I figured it was out my hands now and what ever happens, happens…

I walked to the hospital (20mins) from my home and checked in at 9.55am. My admission time was 10am, and the nurse collected me at around 10.15am. I got a little stressed while I was waiting, but I saw Benoit Assou-Ekotto walking through the hospital (normally I would have yelled something out as I’m a Spurs supporter, but given Spurs recent woeful performances, my love/hate relationship with him as player and everything else that was going on that day I keep quiet….). The nurse was nice, escorted me to my room and we made small talk about seeing Assou-Ekotto (she says footballers are usually at the hospital for phsyio). When I got to the room another nurse came in after a few minutes - a nutty (but very friendly) Malaysian nurse named Judy.  She checked all my details etc. and took my food order. She said I didn’t have to wear the paper pants as my boxers were cotton and you only have to wear paper pants if you have nylon boxers as it will interfere with the equipment. She took my blood pressure etc.

Karidis interrupted and came in and marked me up. He said he would get me flat and I asked him to make sure that he did (I felt I had to after reading about zm’s concerns) and he said advised he has a ‘take no prisoners’ approach when it comes these things.  They guy was pretty smooth and obviously very busy. He said that it would be about an hour to an hour and half before I would be in surgery (by this stage it was already 11am).  Apparently he was doing eight procedures yesterday and I was number 6. I really hope that such a busy schedule doesn’t affect his precision….although he is a professional at end of the day.

I wished there was not such a long wait, as I started to get nervous and I was pretty chilled up until then. I started getting sentimental and look at pictures of my wife and videos of my son on the phone and even said a few prayers (I don’t even go to church!).

At around 12.30pm, another nurse (Andrea) came in to collect me to take me down to the theatre. She was very supportive and advised that I had nothing to worry about with the general anaesthetic. I had to walk past about 15 nurses dressed in scrubs on my way, which was a little embarrassing (apparently it was hand-over time). Andrea stayed with me until the anaesthetist and another nurse arrived. The anaesthetist checked my details (allergies etc) and asked if I had ever been under general anaesthetic. I told him only local anaesthetic for wisdom teeth to which he laughed ‘that’s not real anaesthetic’. He then injected me with something to numb the area and stuck a little needle that could be connected to a tube in my arm. Then they put a face mask over me head and asked me to take deep breathes and then the next thing you know I was out….

I woke up in the recovery room (I think it was around 1.30pm) and greeted by some friendly nurses. I felt that I had woken from a deep sleep. I was pretty groggy and was complaining to the nurses that I felt slow (e.g. it took a long time to say what I was thinking). My throat was sore and very dry. They gave me water which helped. The asked me to rate my pain from 1 -10 and I said 5 and it just feels like a heavy chest workout at the gym. The asked me if I wanted painkillers and I said I was OK, but the anesthetist came over and injected me with something anyway. After 30 mins they rolled me back to my room. Nurse Judy gave me some water and then my lunch came a little later.  I still felt pretty groggy, but was able to call my wife and even put a post up on the forum.  When the lunch arrived this was a relief - I had a mushroom soup, a club sandwich and vanilla ice-cream – I nearly choked on first bite of the sandwich due the dry/sore throat.

After lunch I lay about for a while and tried to get some sleep. At around 5pm a lady named Theresa came in who was doing a spot check surveys on the service/care at the hospital. I gave the hospital and staff all good scores – my only (minor) complaints was that I would have liked cooked chips with club sandwich (Theresa advised this is possible) and that I thought that I would have met the Anaesthetist to discuss any concerns before I went down to the theatre (this was an expectation that was set in the letter from Karidi’s office).

My wife arrived to pick me up and Karidis’s nurse Amy came in to give me a compression vest and answer any questions. This is where it gets interesting, as while Amy was nice enough girl, I think she is a bit of a numb nuts….

So, Amy advises that I shouldn’t leave all the dressings/bandages on and not shower for two weeks.  Only then I can change the plasters. She then said that I couldn’t exercise my chest for two to three months. I wasn’t buying any of this as this conflicts with Karidis’s notes, what the other nurses had told me, and what everyone else had posted on here. She then gave me a medium size compression vest as she didn’t know how to check the size of the one that I was currently wearing.  I knew in mind it was a small as it is very snug.  

She leaves and Andrea (the very helpful South African hospital nurse) comes back and we quiz her on Amy’s advice. Andrea sets the record straight, points to Karidis’s notes and advised to take off the dressings/bandages after 24 hours, shower then replace the plasters with the water proof ones they had provided. She then checked my compression vest and it was a small. As they did have another small in that ward of the hospital, we had to wait 20 mins for someone to get a small from Karidis’s consulting area. After waiting for this, it was 6pm before I was discharged.

Event though it was only a 15-20min walk home, the nurses insisted that get a cab, so we got a cab home. I had dinner, helped my wife put my son to bed (not that I did much) and then watched the Barcelona/Chelsea game (what a game by the way…). I went to bed around 11pm and got to sleep after about 15 mins. I slept fine in the compression vest and woke up at about 5.30 am. They told me to sleep an up-right position – does anyone know this is correct?

I’m constipated and it was pretty difficult to pass urine, but this is getting better. If I haven’t taken a dump by the evening I’ll probably take some laxatives. Pain wise, I think it is not too bad – I’ve probably felt worse from a heavy chest workout. I’m just taking it easy. I can lit my arms in the air it is just uncomfortable. I’m thinking that once I remove the dressing and bandages this should free up my movement.  I’m taking the Co-dydramol, although I will probably switch to Paracetamol later today if the pain doesn’t get any worse. I’ve started taking the Antibiotics (I only have 3 tablets – for today only….I’m sure other guys got a 5 day supply), and Arnica. I have also bought some Bromelain (pineapple stem extract), that is supposed to help with swelling that I’ll start taking later today (along with some real pineapple).

So…. that’s my story so far. I hope this helps manage other guy’s expectations and is useful. I’ve attached some pics that I took on the day and a few extra pre-op pics that I took in the morning. I can’t wait to take off all the dressing tonight so I can see what my chest looks like…fingers crossed that I’m happy with the results.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 05:48:22 PM by ChestMan »

Offline ChestMan

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Here are the pics...sorry, I'm crap at uploading these

Offline ChestMan

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Offline ChestMan

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Offline Istillneedsurgery

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Cool story man. Congrats. How ya feeling today?

Offline about2change

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well done mate!

hopefully your results will match your expectations. Do you know how much the Dr took out?

Offline ChestMan

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So I took the dressing/bandages off last night and I can definitely say that I'm flat. I wouldn't say that I'm thrilled at this stage as my chest looks and feels pretty mingin with all the bruising/swelling and is pretty tender and boggy in places. I am optimistic that once everything settles down that I should be happy. Just gotta get ready for the next phase of scar tissue and swelling..... I think that Karidis has done a pretty good job, the incision sites were very tiny and once I get my gyne hunch sorted, the contour should look better (I can already see this when I pull my shoulders back and stand up straight).

I've been fine with the compression vest, and I can sleep in it without any problems. I'm a little scared to take it off for too long as I think everything will swell up....I finally took a dump this morning which was a relief after been blocked up for so long, although it was pretty loose. I am still taking the milder painkillers.

I was a little disappointed to find out that I don't have pecs  :( ....and now all I can see when I look down is my gut. I guess I've got no excuses now and I've got some extra motivation to get in shape.

about2change - I called Karidis's office today to book my follow up appointment and they said they wouldn't know how much was taken out until late next week. I'll let you know when I get the info.

Offline Dracksus

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Great story mate - all those problems you had in the past can fade away now :) Reminds me a bit of myself, still being able to pull more birds than my mates yet when getting a girl in the sack never wanting to take my top off, and when the girl asks you to, you're just kinda like "nah I prefer it on..." awkward lol.

Yeah I got 5 days worth of anti-biotics, sort of odd. Maybe best to phone the nurse just to make sure this is okay.
As soon as I dropped the pain-killers the constipation disappeared mate.

I wouldn't worry about the pecs. It seems when you first have a look, things are "too flat". I was the same, expecting some sort of contour from working out - but after 2-3 weeks the shape really bounces back and I saw some pec definition which was great. When I wear a tight t-shirt now I can see the shape - but I think after years of having gyno you feel paranoid that people might still see it as moobs, when in reality it's obviously just some pec development.

Anyways bud - results look good! Just take it easy and chill for a bit, let the healing do the rest. I suggest buying some bio oil if you haven't already and start using it to massage the area after around 3 weeks. :)

Offline jim2509

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Great story mate and congratulations, looks like they did a top job, even if one nurse gave you some odd info. I just hope my op next week goes just as well :).

Offline ChestMan

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Quick update - I think the vest might have shrunk a little in the wash, it is very tight now and I had a little difficulty sleeping last night. I washed it in the machine on the hand-wash setting at 30 degrees, so it might be better to actually hand wash (rather than using the machine). I'm amazed at how much more mobility I have today, bu the pain is probably the same . Toilet wise, I think that I'm back to usual, things are just a little loose.

Dracksus  - I called yesterday about the antibiotics and Jasmine called back and said that a one day supply (3 tablets) was standard for a male chest reduction procedure. Fingers crossed that I'm OK... I've already got some bio oil as my wife is pregnant and is using it to avoid stretch marks. She used it for the last pregnancy and didn't get any so I think it is good stuff.

I am really pleased that I'm flat now....I think the procedure has just highlighted how out of shape I am which has taken off some of the gloss. I feel like I'm rocking Montgomery Burns physique at the moment....but I at least I know I can do something about it.

jim2509 - Welcome to the boards. Please keep updated with how you get on with your procedure abroad, as it would be good to get feedback on a surgeon other than Levick or Karidis.

I'm not sure what's up with the duff info from the nurse. I'm probably going to provide feedback at my follow up consultation. I don't want the young girl to lose her job, but Karidis runs a pretty slick operation and you pay enough for the procedure, so they shouldn't be providing incorrect/inconsistent advice.


Offline thetodd

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Yeah it will probally shrink them even on a hand wash setting, ideally you should just soak them in soapy water and let them dry. Id see if you can source another vest or your just going to be uncomfortable

But great result! Glad your pleased just relax for the new week or so. The antibiotics must be a new thing i cant remember having any i was just given painkillers.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

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1 week update -

'A sense of freedom I have never had before' a quote from a patient post surgery in a youtube video called 'Gynecomastia Surgery: The Journey of Three Men'. I was out in public on the weekend and even though I'm still sore from the surgery, that quote was playing over and over in my head - I didn't have to think about the dam moobs for once... At this stage I think I'm very happy with results. It has been a bit of delayed reaction due to the soreness and swelling, and I was probably overwhelmed by the whole surgery experience, but I'm confient that I will feel ever better about it as time goes on (provided the recovery is smooth).

Still a fair amount of bruising, discolouration and swelling. I dont' think that the swelling hasn't got any better or worse since day 1. Chest is still tender to touch, but the soreness has nearly gone. The chest is uneven in places, but once the swelling settles, hopefully all irregularities are smoothed out. The is most noticeable between the right armpit and the nipple. I am preparing myself for the dreaded scar tissue, and it feels like I am waiting for a time bomb to go off.  I'm still very flat and hoping that things don't change too much from further swelling or scar tissue.

I nearly have a full range of motion and I was able to pick my son up today and hold him for a few minutes (he weighs around 15kg). I've taken 2 weeks off work, but I reckon I could have easily got away with a week off only.

I've attached some pics of the incisions sites as I must have bugged nearly everyone on here about them...I can honestly say they are tiny. My left nipple incision is pretty much invisible and if there wasn't blood on the original dressing, I wouldn't have even known it had been cut. The right nipple is more visible although once I have a chance to wash off the dried blood I'm confident that it will improve. I've still got plasters over the incisions, so I havent' washed them and I don't when the appropriate time is to take the plasters off. Any suggestions? The armpit incisions are very tiny and the left one could be mistaken for a mosquito bite..

I can't wait to get back to gym - I plan to start back doing cardio only next week and maybe legs, but I won't do upper body until at least one month post op. I've got motivation to get in shape and now that I have changed my username, I've got a lot to live up to  ;)

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more pics - armpit incisions

Offline captain chesty

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I gotta say thats a great result so far! Its hard to believe karidis has just removed a gyne lump and left such small wounds. also the fact he waved a cannula around in there! both armpit and areola incisions are hardly noticable. good luck with your recovery anyway.   

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2 week update

It has been an emotional rollacoaster. There have been days over the last week where I have been over moon and others were I have struggled to sleep because I've been sick to my stomach with stress.

Scar tissue/swelling
At around day 8 -9 the scar tissue started to take hold, I'd probably say that 60% of my chest is covered in scar tissue. it is affecting the contour of my chest, although I'm not stressing about it as I know through massage it should go down in time. This most noticeable irregularity is between the left nipple and my armpit as there is a noticeable lump. I think there is very little swelling which is a good thing. 


I'd say that there is very little pain now and my movement is nearly back to normal. I only really feel constricted if I'm reaching for something that is above my head or I need to stretch. I don't think I'm ready to start exercising just yet as there is a little pain/discomfort if I jog or walk down stairs. I'm going to start with long walks from tomorrow and work my way up to running/jogging.


This where I am not happy. Armpits have healed and are not an issue - within a month's time you would't even know they were there. I've got stretch marks etc in that area that anyone's eyes are going to be drawn to anyway.

Nipples are another story. I removed my plasters for good two days ago. One the left nipple, you can't see the actual incision so there is not scaring....however, a crease has formed on the areola at the incision site. The right nipple is another story. The wound doesn't appear to have fully healed and is also creased which is making it look worse. According to Karidis's notes, this is normal (page 4 of the postoperative instructions):

It is quite common for the incisions at the lower border of the areola to sometimes look indented, or even "not quite healed" in the first few weeks after surgery. This is due to a combination of scar tissue which pulls in the scar and makes it look "tethered" as well as swelling in the immediate surrounding area which makes the edges of the incision look as though they have come apart. In fact the incisions will be healed - this can be confirmed by gently pressing on the area around the incision which will show a dry sealed wound. Of course, in time the scar tissue and swelling abates and the areas settles.

This initially made me very depressed....however, I am clinging on to the hope that this will resolve itself over time once the scar tissue settles. I know I should have been prepared for this and some other guys on here have reported this a while back (and seen improvements over time), however none of the recent cases documented on here have reported this and I didn't' really think this would happen to me as everyone has been giving glowing reviews.

In my mind, I'm thinking if this indentation issue doen't correct itself, 95% of time I should be happy as my chest looks substantially better when clothed and my wife says that I have an overall slimmer appearance. However, I don't think I'll ever be able to go swimming topless or get changed in a changing room people will know that my chest has been tampered with.....on the balance probably better than having moobs??

I want to start massaging soon, but I don't want to start took early and I want to make sure the right nipple/areola has fully healed so I don't risk aggravating the incision. From tomorrow I don't need to wear the vest anymore 24/7, but I think I'll leave it another week as some guys on here have left it on for 4 weeks and 3 is somewhere in between. I was back at work today, and I was able to hide it under a shirt and jumper. I just hope the weather doesn't get too much better over the next week.

More pics - comments/advice appreciated.


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