Author Topic: Not in chest  (Read 1411 times)

Offline Mothas

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4 days after surgery while i was at school someone decided to give me a handshake which ended with him slamming his body into my left chest. It wasn't meant to be harmfull as thats how allot of people say wattsup at my school.It didn't seem like a very hard hit but with my chest being swollen it started burning. He hit my left side of my chest which is alot more swollen then my right side since he took out almost twice as much gland there since it was much bigger then the right. Well since this morning i've had a painful lump on my left side of my chest. Its very hard and painful and hard to deal with. Is this a hematoma or just a bruise.

Offline headheldhigh01

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could be that, could be a little scar tissue too given the nature of both the surgery and the bump he gave you.  that though is an answer nobody here can give.  don't panic, but probably best to play it safe with a visit to the doc again to check it out.  it may not be bad, but protect your investment anyway.  glad you got the op. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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