Author Topic: The beginning of the end - 2 months post op  (Read 10688 times)

Offline zlu4000

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i will see my doctor.. next sunday... then he will chnage the gauze pads and i will see my chest for da first time. since the op

do u think that gauze pads  made the chest look big wiht the vest ?

i can not wait to see the doctor and take all off to see my chest flat as i hope

Offline Z31T

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I first saw my chest only 24 hours after surgery, and then again at two days. Honestly I felt uncomfortable with the vest and dressings off for the first three or four days because of how swollen and sore everything was. I didn't really appreciate my results until about 2 weeks post op when things really began feeling better.

The vest feels really uncomfortable at first but you get used to it. I felt extremely swollen under it as well, but that will go away for the most part in the next few days. Don't be worried about your results at all at this point, especially if you haven't seen your chest yet. Just focus on taking it easy and resting. The first stages of healing are critical and delicate.

Offline zlu4000

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I first saw my chest only 24 hours after surgery, and then again at two days. Honestly I felt uncomfortable with the vest and dressings off for the first three or four days because of how swollen and sore everything was. I didn't really appreciate my results until about 2 weeks post op when things really began feeling better.

The vest feels really uncomfortable at first but you get used to it. I felt extremely swollen under it as well, but that will go away for the most part in the next few days. Don't be worried about your results at all at this point, especially if you haven't seen your chest yet. Just focus on taking it easy and resting. The first stages of healing are critical and delicate.

thank 4 reply

yea and that what i do.. i just lay on the bed and take a rest all the day or use the pc,,, but this tight vest disturb me so i open it on the belly area .. cz it puch on my belly and disturb me,, i st let it push on my chest...

Offline Ali19

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hey man ur chest looks great now, im getting my surgery in 3 days, umm so after i come home i can use the laptop right? like i heard u cant move ur arms or something, ill be able to eat and stuff right?

Offline y2015

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Wow- the results look awesome. I hope mine goes as well as yours did- you really had a major improvement.

And it's really cool that you actually took the time to follow through and post updates for the benefit of everyone else here, instead of abandoning the forum once your problem was solved. I hope I can do the same in a few months.

Offline Z31T

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Thanks for the nice words guys, and before you think about eating them, I haven't abandoned this site and the people on it! It's been about a month and ten days since my last update, and that's primarily because not much has changed in that time. It seems like I'm in the long stretch where the last 10-20% of healing takes place, the vast majority having happened in the first month or so. Anyway, here's where I am now.

My nipples look decent, but the right side is definitely dealing with some scar tissue. Both nipples have some localized swelling and are still tender to the touch, making them appear a bit puffy, however I know it is swelling because I can push down and flatten them and there is nothing solid directly behind them. The right side as I mentioned does have more scar tissue, which isn't unexpected. Looking back on my previous posts, you can see the right side seemed to have a much rougher ride than the left. Anyway, the scar tissue feels similar to the gland before surgery, but it seems to be getting smaller verrrrryyy slowly, which in encouraging.

As far as aesthetics at this point, my chest looks awesome in any t-shirt, but when I take my shirt off I still find myself hoping for some improvement. That being said, I still have no problem whipping it off in front of my girlfriend and engaging in questionable acts with her, and she's never said a word or paid any unusual amount of attention to my chest. Awesome feeling.

My confidence has gone way up, and I can honestly say I feel like a different person than I did before the surgery. This is NOT a fast process though. You don't wake up from the anesthesia feeling like a new man. The mental and physical healing/changes both take time. I've also been working out like a nut, and I've put on about 12 pounds, which I am proud of given that I'm pretty slim and have a very fast metabolism. Anyway, here are my current pictures!


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You are looking good! Small flat chest, you should be much more happy with that then the old!



Offline dfoush21

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Did they remove the whole gland or did they leave a little bit left to prevent invert nipples.

Offline Z31T

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From what I understand they have to leave some tissue (or fat?) there to prevent a crater. It seems like a pretty delicate process and very prone to being affected by scar tissue, which will hopefully go away with time.

Offline talalexny

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My surgery is tomorrow and I've just gone through your entire diary (is that what it's called?). Even more excited about it than I was before now. You look great! I have a question though. How long till you can walk around and go outside, and things like that?

Offline Z31T

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As far as walking at all, there was no point at which that wasn't ok. I walked out of my surgery the same day, and back 24 hours later for a checkup (this was in New York City). Anyway, if you mean going out and doing normal activities, I would say 3 days to a week. I was still very sore and vulnerable feeling for about that time period. I think I said in one of my posts that getting up and going out actually really helped, just don't do it too soon.

Congratulations on having the surgery done. It's really changed my life but do keep in mind that all changes, both physical and psychological take time and will not happen overnight. Best of luck to you  ;)

Offline talalexny

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Thanks man. Got the surgery done and after a day or two of agony, feeling much better now. The doctors had told me to tighten my vest when it got lose, and while doing so today I realized my chest actually got bigger than they were yesterday. Is this swelling normal, or did the surgery go horribly wrong? I'm supposed to get the bandages and everything changed tomorrow.

Offline Z31T

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Yes, that's totally normal. I felt like I had legit boobs for the first few days because of the swelling. Give it about a week or so and things should really start to settle down. And definitely keep that vest tight!

Offline talalexny

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Oh okay. Thanks man. How's your progress?

Offline Z31T

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