Author Topic: do girls find "us" attractive  (Read 14427 times)

Offline Alchemist

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I agree with Hammer quite fully.  You can look like King Kong if you do it well enough.  And there is always some nice lady who will think that King Kong is really cool.  Most of the ladies I have known all my life don't care in the least and a few really enjoyed my breasts.

In college, just weeks before males were to be allowed visitation in the women's dorms, unknown to us at the time, we started putting together an outfit in which I was going to walk right into the dorm in a dress and wig and so on showing so much cleavage nobody would question my right to be there with the girls.  I don't exactly have a standard woman's size body.  My girlfriend was making me a dress over Christmas vacation on her sewing machine at home.  We got back to school in January to the announcement that closed dorms were a thing of the past.  All that was needed now was to sign in.  We all laughed.  Suddenly the cemetery and football field were empty on Saturday nights as sex moved into the dorms.


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Way to go Alchemist! God gave you a gift, use it well! Why not have some fun with it, for me I would probably have some young kid say something like "look mommy that fat lady has a beard"!

The one thing that always bothered me was, when I could run I hated getting the bloody nose so often! Knocked out my front tooth once! LOL

All in the fun of having BIG BOOBS!

Offline greatlakes

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It even goes so far as a friend of ours thought that when I lost my testicles I should consider having prosthetic balls put in their place, come on that is crazy!

Ya - If you are older, secure in yourself, and forever married to the perfect gal, then in your situation I can see you thinking this was a "crazy idea" ......but not so crazy for many others in different situations and life stages.

Offline fnnewguy

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From my personal experience, I have always had puffy nips, but I gained a lot of confidence from building a muscular body around it. My gf now didnt understand why I wanted surgery.But youre right when saying it wont change who and what you are, I was a womanizing "player" pos for a number of years that I regret, pretty sure thats not a side effect of gyne. haha.


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It even goes so far as a friend of ours thought that when I lost my testicles I should consider having prosthetic balls put in their place, come on that is crazy!

Ya - If you are older, secure in yourself, and forever married to the perfect gal, then in your situation I can see you thinking this was a "crazy idea" ......but not so crazy for many others in different situations and life stages.

I am who I am, always will be, not politically correct, never have been never will be, I fear no one. The only thing that has changed is I got fat and have lost my straight as my health went to hell, but that didn't change who I am, just made me weaker and unable to do the physical things I use to do. Like lift the back of pickup trucks, jump out of helicopters with full SCUBA gear on, or something as simple as go on my own roof or even walk to the end of my own driveway.

I still am me, the same person I was at 16, 24, 35 and now at 54.
Just wiser with age I hope! And a father of 5 and grandfather of 2, wouldn't want them at age 16! LOL

I had gyne as long as I can remember and I remember the 1960's very well, I was born in 1958. I had more female friends then male friends and not one ever said a word about the breast and I had more then some of them. I served 4 years in the Navy and 7 in the Army and I could probably count on one hand how many remarks had been made about my breast size. So I am a firm believer than we have complete control of our emotions, and decide to accept ourselves as we are, or not to accept, it is up to you!

« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 11:08:55 PM by hammer »

Offline TigerPaws

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The two ladies I am currently dating are both very cool about my rather large breasts (38C), on a 5'9" 140lb frame and a 58 year old body (though no one believes me). Both ladies pay little attention to my breasts when we are out and about, but when we start to become intimate they really enjoy my breasts as they are the same as theirs (in one ladies case I can wear the same size bra as she does, though I am much firmer than she is). Our sex is significantly enhanced by our foreplay, so to directly answer the topic's question.

Yes! women (I do not go out with girls) do find "us" attractive.

Offline nepa151

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The two ladies I am currently dating are both very cool about my rather large breasts (38C), on a 5'9" 140lb frame and a 58 year old body (though no one believes me). Both ladies pay little attention to my breasts when we are out and about, but when we start to become intimate they really enjoy my breasts as they are the same as theirs (in one ladies case I can wear the same size bra as she does, though I am much firmer than she is). Our sex is significantly enhanced by our foreplay, so to directly answer the topic's question.

Yes! women (I do not go out with girls) do find "us" attractive.

I have had similar experiences with girlfriends, especially when it comes to the enhanced foreplay. I am a full 36D and 5'8, 150 and yes, girls do find us attractive. They appreciate our curves as much as we admire theirs on so many levels. One girlfriend insisted that I show some cleavage around the house as much as possible.

Offline Alchemist

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By my results I would have to assume that the girls and women have found be attractive enough, as it were.  I'm pretty average in looks.  I don't look like King Kong nor do I look like I a guy who really wows the ladies.  However, I have always had girl friends.  I'm one of the older guys here.  I open doors for my lady friends.  I smile.  I treat them well.  A few even appreciate my sense of humor (as long as they find puns acceptable).  At the nudist club which is certainly a full disclosure situation I get a good share of hugs from the ladies and no problems, other than mine, dancing with the ladies.  I also have a reasonably extreme mesomorphic body with big shoulders, big chest under those breasts, long arms and hips that can't hold my pants up if I was wearing any.  Unfortunately I have a common problem, the hair falling out of my head and taking root on my shoulders and back, however, the bald guys do just fine with the ladies so I shouldn't worry.

I can't think of even a single situation of the girls or ladies I was interested in at all ages in my life in which my breasts were any problem at all.  The only problem was with boys in middle school and high school, and I wasn't interested in them anyway.  Some of ladies were interested and wanted to compare how they felt compared to their breasts and so on.  That was always an acceptable game to me.  Also, my nipples are almost always sticking through the shirts and always have.  I see a few men who are terribly bothered about my breasts, like they could get infected with them or something

In a t-shirt I get asked about working out, only by ladies, as it is assumed I have big pecs.  I have been wearing t-shirts now and for the past 10 years that I would never have worn before because of my anxieties. 

In general most folks are far more concerned about their own bodies and how they look than they care at all about mine or yours.


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