Author Topic: Do girls find "us" attractive -part 2  (Read 7321 times)

Offline Johndoe1

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This is a new topic of an old out dated topic. 

Personally I have found that it depends on the woman. In my dating life I have had women who were grossed out when they found out I had sizable breasts. Others were fascinated with them. Still others had a lesbian type fetish with them and nothing else about me. It took years to find my wonderful wife who doesn't care that I have a chest.

I did recently in another group have a woman who said she was a lesbian but wanted to know all about my breasts and admitted she had always wanted to  "try" a guy with gynecomastia. I said thanks but no thanks and moved on. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline ilikemytits

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This is a new topic of an old out dated topic.

Personally I have found that it depends on the woman. In my dating life I have had women who were grossed out when they found out I had sizable breasts. Others were fascinated with them. Still others had a lesbian type fetish with them and nothing else about me. It took years to find my wonderful wife who doesn't care that I have a chest.

I did recently in another group have a woman who said she was a lesbian but wanted to know all about my breasts and admitted she had always wanted to  "try" a guy with gynecomastia. I said thanks but no thanks and moved on.
Wouldn't it be great if having breasts didn't factor in any negative way.


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This is a new topic of an old out dated topic.

Personally I have found that it depends on the woman. In my dating life I have had women who were grossed out when they found out I had sizable breasts. Others were fascinated with them. Still others had a lesbian type fetish with them and nothing else about me. It took years to find my wonderful wife who doesn't care that I have a chest.

I did recently in another group have a woman who said she was a lesbian but wanted to know all about my breasts and admitted she had always wanted to  "try" a guy with gynecomastia. I said thanks but no thanks and moved on.
Wouldn't it be great if having breasts didn't factor in any negative way.
If you find someone who sees you for you and isnt shallow, then you have found a keeper! However, you must be the same way! You must see the woman for who she is in her heart and mind and not judge her by any physical standards!

This is just a simple way of putting it, but I think that I have made my point!

Offline SideSet

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My experience fits with the categories Johndoe said, but it overall has been skewed to the negative  

Offline walt

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Well HI , my wife likes them and she likes to play with them she says its the best of both worlds, she does not mind if I wear a sports bra and my family is kool with it my son asked me if I would take him bra shopping as he had sizable boobs due to his weight and they are giving him back problems. So anyhow its allways a plus if you spouse likes the soft wear!

Offline Dale Warnio

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I think a small minority of women accept us and another small minority are curious,  but the vast majority do not find us sexually attractive.  

They generally prefer manly men,  and to be the only ones needing to wear bras.  

Offline FredL

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I don't think my boobs ever got in the way between me and women. I was realistic, I went for women who were even with me as far as looks and body flaws. Women have their own hangups, about their boob size and shape, their butt, shoulders, head size, etc. I think they saw my affliction as comforting. I'm not going to be so judgmental, like some tight body dude. I think women are more accepting than men.

I spent a summer at a fitness (fat) camp when I was 14 and they had a section for overweight girls.. I found a girlfriend by the second week*.  I remember some of these big, heavy, buxom kids scoping out the girls and commenting how this one has a big butt, or that one is ugly, or too fat, etc. And I would think - dude, look in the mirror. You'r no prize. These are the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet and you're too good for them? It was really a shame. There were probably 10 -15 out of 200 boys who got a girlfriend.

*We reunited ten years later and we've been married now for 32 years.. 

Offline Johndoe1

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That's something I too have found. Many women actually feel somewhat kindrid with those of us who maybe male but buxom. While that is certainly not the case all the time, I have noticed the stuck up b*itches were the ones who would be not so nice to me. Others who had their own body image issues were more likely to accept a guy with breasts. I think most women would be accepting if they don't feel threatened in some way.

Offline blad

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The best and long lasting relationships are based on friendship, trust, mutual understanding, and all those sorts of things. Physical attraction and lust are always fleeting and unsustainable as a foundation for a long term successful relation.  
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline SideSet

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I think they see us more as friend material whom they can even relate to about breasts and bras.  So, in my opinion, we are more like girlfriends to them than are masculine men. I believe that is reasonable and appropriate and I am comfortable with it.  


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Most people can give a  yes or no if some is attractive to them, but attractiveness is an analog, often expressed on a 1 to 10.  Women are attracted to men that are equal or better than them in the looks department.  A man  less physically attractive that the woman needs to have something else to appeal to women, typically money or political power.  Of all the things that women find attractive, tall, square jaws, broad shoulders, full head of hair, I've never heard of boobs are not on the list.  It would be on the list of things lowering attractiveness.  So if a women to finds "us" attractive, she's probably not a 9 or 10.  Less physically attractive women can overlook the boobs if the guy has other traits she finds attractive.  There are of course exceptions.

Offline Dale Warnio

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gmast, I agree we are not the most desirable. But I do find women are more easily friends and relaxed and comfortable with me than they are with men

Offline blad

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Easier to get away with big boobs if you also have big bucks.


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I find that we are all different along the gender and orientation spectrum. What one finds attractive, may be indifferent or unattractive to another. For me, physical features take a back seat to the connection I have with my interest that may become more. If I were to stick only with "my type", I may end up missing out on a great life partner. Yes there needs to be an attraction.

So, to answer the op, yes. And without the impossible beauty standards for men and women by society.


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My wife's response to this is: "Who doesn't like boobs?" Not all women feel this way but mine does. There are a few reasons for this. She has always known that I have worn a bra as well as panties. She has helped me finding clothing that fits and flatters my figure rather than try to wear ill fitting clothing.

My breasts are as much involved in intimacy as her are. She loves to slip my bra straps down so she can.access my girls. 


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