Author Topic: Goodbye Moobies ( my story ) *3 weeks post op*  (Read 10987 times)

Offline captain chesty

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yeh took the bandages off and revealed a v flat chest :D looked as though it had been steamrollered when I first got em off lol even my nipples are squashed flat. any changes in your situation at 2 weeks mate? bruising improved any?

Offline SDJ

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yea it is a bit of a shock when you see your chest for the first time. I still cant stop looking at my nipples lol and I forget I had the surgery now and again and when I look down I smile. still got the same habits of trying to cover my chest then I realise its all flat, its weird. bruising disappeared about 5 days ago mate theres nothing there to suggest I had surgery now apart from the rash fro the dressings which is still there but doesnt itch at all but its disappearing slowly. my chest is still tender around the nipple and incision sites. theres a few small lumps and bumps appearing but I havnt contacted Levick yet to ask about massage but I think its still to tender at the moment anyway. will upload pictures later tonight, im 16 days post op.

Offline SDJ

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16 days post op.
few pics of my chest and one with the compression vest on over a normal (old man style) cotton vest. I did this to stop the vest rubbing and to stop irritating the rash which you can see as a red line across the bottom of my chest over the ribs. I'm so happy so far. I've only got to lose the gut and tone up a bit now which will be easy. Before the op I had no motivation cos of the moobs to do any cardio in the gym, but now im more determined than ever.

Offline SDJ

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quick update. im 3 weeks post op yesterday, and everything looks ok. Over the last few days there has been a little bit of swelling and I can feel some lumps of scar tissue and I've began to massage today. My mobility is 98% and I've been back in the gym doing light cardio this week, and hopefully weights next week.

Offline captain chesty

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great mate, everything looking as it should do! recovering well.

its nice just to have a male chest isn't it lol

Its starting to sink in with me now the whole gyne free thing. It really started to hit home since Ive been out and bought some thin t shirts and wearing them out and about with a flat line to my chest. simple pleasure, makes me smile when I think about it though.

btw, contacted Levick and he said I can remove the vest at night now - bear in mind I'm only 2 week post op when he said this. I thought that was weird since I was under impression we had to wear vest 24/7 for 3 weeks or so? what was said to you about the vest?

Offline SDJ

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great mate, everything looking as it should do! recovering well.

its nice just to have a male chest isn't it lol

Its starting to sink in with me now the whole gyne free thing. It really started to hit home since Ive been out and bought some thin t shirts and wearing them out and about with a flat line to my chest. simple pleasure, makes me smile when I think about it though.

btw, contacted Levick and he said I can remove the vest at night now - bear in mind I'm only 2 week post op when he said this. I thought that was weird since I was under impression we had to wear vest 24/7 for 3 weeks or so? what was said to you about the vest?

thanks mate.

yea its great to wear whatever you like now instead of worrying about puffy nipples.

Mr Levick told me the day I left the hospital that I should try to keep in on for 4 weeks if I can. So dont really know what advice to follow or whether the 4 weeks includes the first week with the compression garments. Ive decided to keep it on for another 2 weeks anyway day and night, then stop wearing it.

Started massage yesterday and it makes a differenc. theres hardly any swelling, and I'm just sore in certain areas but I can massage most of my chest quite firmly.

Offline thetodd

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I think he says four weeks to cover his arse for every case. You and chesty have both had a good reaction to surgery from the pics posted, your swelling is very minimal id leave off the vest now and let nature take its course ;)
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline SDJ

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cheers pal.
I think I'm going to keep it on for another week at least though since I won't ever have to wear it again and I'll know I did everything I could to get a good result.

Offline SDJ

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I'm over a month post op now and on the whole im pretty happy. im still wearing the vest at night for another week. however small lumps and bumps are still appearing here and there and are slightly painful. im massaging twice a day too. I won't bother putting pics up now for another month as I dont think the changes now are that different. I've started running too and hope to lose a few more pounds.

Offline Mandrake

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Offline captain chesty

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Hey SDJ, hows it going mate? are you back in the gym now? time is a good healer isn't it, gyne is starting to seem like a memory now - not taking it for granted yet but I can see how it could happen.

are you going to post any more pictures now the healing is mostly over, i just did some at 5 weeks, I'm not sure theres any point in putting any more up because its almost healed in terms of what you can see, might put a 6 month pic up as that's when some of the surgeons say the healing is fully over. also mate did you manage to get any pics back from Levick yet? I'm still waiting for mine including a pic of the gland lol

Offline SDJ

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Hey SDJ, hows it going mate? are you back in the gym now? time is a good healer isn't it, gyne is starting to seem like a memory now - not taking it for granted yet but I can see how it could happen.

are you going to post any more pictures now the healing is mostly over, i just did some at 5 weeks, I'm not sure theres any point in putting any more up because its almost healed in terms of what you can see, might put a 6 month pic up as that's when some of the surgeons say the healing is fully over. also mate did you manage to get any pics back from Levick yet? I'm still waiting for mine including a pic of the gland lol

hey pal. yea I've been back in the gym for 2 weeks, but have not trained chest since a week before the op which was 7 weeks ago so im starting this friday.
yea just seen your pics mate looking v good! I'll upload some in a few weeks when i feel there's been a significant change. at the moment the scar tissue and swelling has gone down and ive not really bothered massaging as it feels all good down there at the moment.
no mate i havnt asked for the pics yet. I wouldnt mind the one of where the glands have been taken out and put on my chest though.

Offline SDJ

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hey everyone! its been nearly four and a half months now since my op and everything is going ok but I was just wondering how long roughly it takes to see final results???
my chest does seem to have improved month upon month and ive been going to the gym a lot and have lost some weight but when I tense my chest you can see the pec muscles clearly now but the nipple still kind of droops below it instead of on top of the muscle if that makes sense?
I'll try and upload some pics soon. There is still some tenderness directly under the nipple and this area does still get tight now and again but I find that massage makes it worst :/
I'm hoping that there is still just some healing to do and that the nipples will look more normal eventually.
On a more positive note, none of this can be seen through my clothes and I can wear whatever I want now ;)

Offline Pez2

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Your Results are looking great, even in those 3 weeks post op pics your looking really flat and no signs of bruising. Really good progress. How's the scar tissue? And how did you find training the chest in the gym post op, How long did you leave it before hitting the weights? I've heard that it can take upto 8-12 months for complete healing and results to be apparent but I wouldn't worry with the progress you're making. I've got a consultation with levick at the end of the month and I can't wait. I'm hearing nothing but good things about his work
Gyno free :)

Offline sjwsjw

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You have very similar nipples to me, i was expecting to see that the incision sites would more visible then they are, looks like a nice job.

I think a lot say up to 12 months for the full result so your over the worst with the best results to come by the sounds of things


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