Author Topic: Getting my old chest back- the process?  (Read 1427 times)

Offline iron4life

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I am finally joining this board and writing this request for info as I’ve had it up to my neck with living with gyno. I noticed a small lump under my left nipple when I was a teenager and never really thought anything of it. As I’ve gotten older, it seems to have increased in size( about the size of an oval shaped golf ball now). My concern is that my mother is a recent ( last 5 years) breast cancer survivor and my my grandmother died from her fight with breast cancer. Additionally, I’ve had 2 other grandparents and uncle die from some form of cancer. As I’m about to get married and start a family in the near future, I’m concerned my gyno could eventually develop into breast cancer. With that, I’m wondering if getting insurance to cover it is even a possibility?

What would be the best first step in this process? Seeing a general practice doctor, going straight to an endocrinologist or scheduling a consultation with a plastic surgeon? My guess would be that I’d have to have some blood work done first.

Appreciate anyone’s help and look forward to getting this thing out of me.


Offline Paa_Paw

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Dollar wise, going to the Family Doctor first is the cheapest. Some Doctors in general practice are woefully ignorant of Gynecomastia but others are very aware and acurate in their handling of Gynecomastia. I would have to say the the family Doctor is probably the best place to start. On some insurance plans that is where you would need to start to get coverage.

I once thought that all young men with Gynecomastia should have a complete work up with an Endocrinologist. I have modified my opinion over time. If your condition has been stable for a couple of years or more then you should be able to go right to the surgeon. If your condition is recent or changing then you should see the Endocrinologist first.

The surgeons who regularly contribute to these pages screen for evidence that a person has an ongoing problem that should be handled first by an Endocrinologist. If a person goes to a properly trained and experienced surgeon, the need for prior evaluation by an Endocrinoloogist disappears.

Grandpa Dan

Offline fnnewguy

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Yeah I was in for a bit of a surprise when I went to my third different consultation and the surgeon asked me to drop my pants haha he made sure everything was cool down there and asked me a bunch of questions. I am now two and a half weeks post op from having golf ball sized masses removed myself. It's exciting to get rid of it but I'd be lying if I said the past few weeks have been easy. Physically yeah no sweat. It after 12 years of wanting it gone and having had the surgery, the healing process will not yield your results immidieatly. Just got man up and hope these next few weeks fly by! Good luck


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