Author Topic: Gyno after medication? [pics] UPDATE: running tamoxifen (nolvadex)  (Read 19652 times)

Offline Alchemist

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Let's put this issue in perspective -

When patients seek out cosmetic surgery from New York-based Dr. Oliver Zong, they're often looking to remove fat, but not from their bellies or thighs.
Zong is a podiatrist, and one of his specialties is slimming down people's fat toes -- "toe-besity," he calls it.

Now, he said, more and more people are zoning in on the smaller details of their feet, like the width of their toes.
For many patients, an odd-looking toe is a source of great embarrassment.

Brenner said a number of patients -- mostly women -- have come to her requesting cosmetic surgery. Several women hoped to have their pinky toes removed in order to fit into smaller shoes. She always turns them down, however.
"Why fix something that's not broken?" she said.

"I think it's the same as if you would ask for any kind of cosmetic surgery," he said. "They're very embarrassed by the situation and afterward, they gain self-esteem and feel more confident. Some people have said they're so embarrassed that their boyfriends have never seen their feet."
As soon as the swelling is gone and his toe is healed, E.R. said he isn't going to hide his feet anymore. He plans to ditch his sneakers for a more summer-friendly option.
http:  //

When I was a kid, more than 50 years ago there was a joke that was current at the time.

A young man and his girlfriend are getting undressed for the first time together.  He is nervous about his body.

He - I've never gotten undressed with girl before.
She - It's okay,  You look find to me.
He - I've had a few diseases that have caused me some deformities.  I'm kind of sensitive about them.
She - It's ok.  I'm not worried about them.
He - Okay, here it goes.  Pants coming off.  Please don't be upset about my knees.  First he took off his pants
She - I don't see anything wrong with your knees.
He - they are terrible compared to what they used to be like before I had a terrible case of kneesals, a rare disease.
He - Please don't be shocked when I take off my shoes and socks.  I have horribly deformed toes.  As he said this he removed his socks.
She- I don't see anything wrong.  What happened.
He - They are horribly deformed from a rare disease I had when I was younger, toelio.
She - They look fine to me.  So go on, take off the rest and let's have some fun.
He proceeded to take off his shirt (this didn't originally include "breastoria" make up your own line.)  Then he took off his underpants.
She - I see you also had the worst case of smallcocks that I have ever seen.  Let's see if I can help you stretch it out.


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