Author Topic: Time to get something done about this...  (Read 1889 times)

Offline Dawgfan

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I'm in my 40's and have always dealt with gyne.  Ever since I was made fun of regarding my chest, at the age of 10, I have taken my shirt off in public a total of ZERO times.  I have faked injuries and phobias to avoid situations where I would have to take my shirt off...shirt/skin sports, swimming, etc.  Heck, I almost failed a class in college that required me working with a special needs child in a pool.  I told the professor I almost drowned as a child and was scared of water (and this was back when I was in the best shape of my life).

Even when i was in the best shape of my life (running 5 miles a day and weighing a perfect 210# - I am wide shouldered and woulda made a good linebacker :D), I would only run at night to avoid someone seeing my bouncing chest.  If I did run during the day...I always had one hand on my shirt to keep it pulled away from my chest.

Now that I am older (and fat 350#), with two young kids, my gyne has gotten to the point where I have become a recluse out of shame of my chest.  I don't even go to the doctor for check ups now because of my embarrassment/fear of taking my shirt off. I avoid my kid's activities that would require me to be in just a Tshirt (coaching sports, getting in the pool with my kids, etc.)

To top it off, I have known my wife for 15 years and she has NEVER seen me with my shirt off and I have never let her rub my chest with her hand. (Hey honey, take your clothes off, but I am leaving my baggy Tshirt on)

Gyne has made me hate life, avoid life, and let it destroy my health.

Because of gyne...I will not go to a gym, I rarely leave the house and you will never see me without wearing a dark Tshirt under a button down shirt that I leave unbuttoned.  Heck, I am even self-conscience about sitting at a red light with the seat belt going between my breasts (I keep my hand in there to keep it from being so tight).

So - I have come to the point that I realize how short life is and how much I miss out on (especially with my kids).  I have realized that if I don't do something extreme (surgery), that my health will decline further and I will be dead soon.  I am now diabetic (regulated with pills), my knees and back hurt from the weight, and over all just tired of letting this control me.

So - my question...would these pictures indicate massive removal of skin?  What type of recovery are we talking about?  Will my obesity and diabetes keep me from having surgery (I would rather know now than make an appointment to be told no)?  In the Atlanta area, besides Dr. Jeffords, is there a Dr. recommendation? 

I am not looking for bodybuilder look...just a flat chest to the point I could wear just a T-shirt and not look like a women  :D

Offline Paa_Paw

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My guess is that you will need to lose a significant amount of weight first and that you will need to have a lot of skin removed. Now put that out of your mind until the Doctors have had their say.

My real purpose for responding was simply to say welcome. You are in the right place. We are all here for the same reason, differing only by the degree of impact it has had on our lives.

Feel free to say whatever comes to mind, you are among friends here.
Grandpa Dan


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