Author Topic: Pubertal Gyno?  (Read 3751 times)

Offline hen123

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Long story short:
- Developed when I was 12-13.
- I am almost 19
- Stopped being super sensitive and achy at 15 ish.
- Still hurts when pushed on though
- Glands behind both nipples
- Nipples are also really puffy
- Hate this so much! Been lifting recently and I never wanna take my shirt off unless I jump straight into a freeing cold pool as they look decent when Im really cold.

Any advice on what to do?

Offline Reserved1

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Mine was identical to yours.  Lean body, with large puffy nipples (glands behind both nipples).  It happened to me at 12 years old.  I had surgery when I was 17 and had to have revision surgery a year later. Though they are not perfectly symmetrical, it is a 90% improvement.  Surgery is your only answer.  Good Luck!

Offline TigerPaws

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19? You have your whole life ahead of you, I understand it is difficult to wait, you are young, impulsive and impatient. Surgery should/needs to be the last resort especially at your age, your wants, needs and desires will change as you age and mature, with time comes understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Jumping into anything often leads to regrets and remember there are NO guarantees when it comes to elective surgery.

Believe me there is always time for elective surgery so give yourself some time, finish your schooling, find a job you can enjoy and that will provide you with an income that can satisfy your wants, needs and desires. Enjoy life a bit before you allow someone to cut up your body.

When I was 22 (36 years ago): I was Duck hunting with my father, uncle and a rather elderly gentleman who I was told was 81 years old. Now at the time I was living with one hot little mink, who had been a Playboy centerfold. This girl was doing her best to screw my brains out, she told me that she wanted "it" ever night. Well at 22 I thought I was in heaven. This 81 year old gentleman had already outlived 2 wife's and was still very healthy, he looked at me and said "Son there will come a time in your life when a good Sh!t is better than a Fu*k". I have NEVER forgotten what that old man said.

Son what you "think" is important today will seem trivial in a few years.

Offline Istillneedsurgery

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Needs surgery. What state are u in? Make sure to get an experienced doctor.

Offline hen123

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I'm in the UK.

And TigerPaws I don't doubt that fact you may be right but like you said, at this age your are impatient. I am fortunate enough to have a great life, great friends, great family and I'm healthy. Which makes this puffy nipple problem ten times worse! In a way I should be fortunate this is my biggest problem medically but it has such a huge impact. The fact that almost everything else is great, magnifies this problem.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You are in excellent shape -- but have had puffy nipples for a number of years.  They will not disappear spontaneously.  Would recommend you seek an experienced surgeon.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline TigerPaws

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I'm in the UK.

And TigerPaws I don't doubt that fact you may be right but like you said, at this age your are impatient. I am fortunate enough to have a great life, great friends, great family and I'm healthy. Which makes this puffy nipple problem ten times worse! In a way I should be fortunate this is my biggest problem medically but it has such a huge impact. The fact that almost everything else is great, magnifies this problem.
With all due respect the "problem" is all in your head. Correct that and how you perceive yourself will change. Surgery should ALWAYS be the last and only resort. Take a look around this forum there are many who's "condition" is far worse than yours (mine is) and yet life goes on.

Your family hopefully accepts you for who and what you are. Define who your acquaintances are and who your true "friends" are. A true friend will be almost family and accept you as you are, acquaintances come and go with little thought about you.

Consider this, what if you were seriously injured and disfigured in an accident, who would support and accept the new you?

Having Gyno is no different.


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TigerPaws, I have to agree with your advice, and I too have lived with gynecomastia all my life and never let it slow me down, in school, military or adult life. The reason is because it is in your own control as you have stated and I have wrote about in my story. Gynecomastia is no more then a hang nail unless you let it become more, and there is so much worse that can go wrong!

If you don't believe me, cut of a foot and try to live that way and see how much those tiny little titties matter anymore. My double " Ds" don't mean shit to me with everything else that I have to live with.

Learn to count your blessing!


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