Author Topic: Surgery Booked  (Read 2703 times)

Offline UnitedKindom

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Firstly i just have to mention how helpful and incitful this forum is, only been looking on here for a month and its really helped me. I cant belive how much i can relate to other people stories on here, like literally stuff i thought i only went through people are describing word for word.  Like alway wearing baggy clothes and hoodies even when its baking hot and people are like 'aren't you hot?' and im like na im fine when really im sweating my ass off. Not going in the pool or taking my top off at then beach, always tugging my t shirts and only wearing dark colours and pretty much avoid any situation where i think it might bring attention to my chest....ive done them all. Its really been an issue for me socially and esspecially sexually with girls which i by far the worst thing not having the confidence to do the stuff you wana do.

Im 21 now and have had it since i was like 14, i used to be really fat when i was reallly young an then went through a growth spert at 14 were i got quite tall and slim...well slim everywere except my chest! I haven't got any gland problem that i know off, like i cant feel anything under my nipples, its just the fat on my chest is so out of proportion to the rest of my body. Hitting the weights aint helped much, i guess i look more in proportion now but my chest is bigger then it was die to my pecs growing, and tbh its probably not the worse case ever but it bothers me quite severly and has a cripling effect on me mentaly as im worried about ti like literally all the time, theres not one situtation il have to face on a daily basis where i dont consider how my chest looks.

So after a lot of consideration i have booked surgury on the 12th of June. I am having vasor lipo under local anasthetic by Dr Wolf who works in knightsbridge london. I have researched him and he seem likes a very experienced and a highly reccommended doctor for vasor lipo. I had my consulatation with him and he was really understanding and definatly knew what he was talking about.

I literally cant wait, im not nervous at all im just excited even though im only having surgery under local anesthetic which sounds quite scary but dr wolf has assured me its fine and is will give me a quicker healing time.

Has anyone else had surgery just under local and what was there experience like?
Has anyone else had Dr Wolf by any chance?

Offline Z31T

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I'm having mine the same day as you. Best of luck!

Offline UnitedKindom

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cheers bro, you to

Offline gymfreak

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could i ask how much your paying? am from uk too and desperately want surgery!

Offline UnitedKindom

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I paid just under 3000 for my surgery, but i think the procedure varys from between 2 - 5 grand depending on the surgeon, the hospital/clinic and what method you choose

Offline The Dane

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I paid about £2100 in Copenhagen.. I'm sure you can do it cheaper in UK. Just moved back from UK after 3 years of study but i was very close having the op there. To save money :)

Offline Z31T

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How'd it go for you?

Offline UnitedKindom

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yeah my surgery went fine, got a bit painful at times but nothing to bad. Really happy with the results so far, still got to wait for the swelling and bruising to go but excited to see the final result. How did your surgery go?

Offline Z31T

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Pretty much the same, I had some pain the night after when the anisthetics wore off, but tylenol knocked it right out. The doctor checked it the next day (yesterday) and said it looked great with virtually no bruising and only a little swelling. Its still pretty sore but looks great. Glad yours went well too.


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