Author Topic: 14 days post surgery , incision scar indents???? Dissolvable stitches?????  (Read 3048 times)

Offline kdogg

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I had my surgery 14 days ago in poland. I have been happy with the results so far. not much swelling or bruising at all. mild discomfort for the first few days but none at all now. I did not have any incision on my nipple area, just small incisions below on my body where he must have used lipo to remove the gland. on my right hand side it feels like a lump were the incision was made, and if i stretch my arm up, the incision mark/scar pulls backwards and looks weird. sort of like a cussion on a sofa. not really bad but, it doesn't look good. could this be a internal dissolvable stitch or is it scar tissue. The other side looks OK, maybe slightly pulled back. I look completely fine when my arms are down , its just when i move or my arms are up. I emailed my doctor, but his assistant just replied and told me to take a hot bath and it would dissolve. Did he mean the stitch or the scar tissue. I wont get to talk to him till tomorrow. And i am a bit freaked out by this. Hopefully i wont have to have more surgery. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Can someone please let me know if this is common or has it happened to them!


Offline sumsan

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Bro can u pls Post ur PIC. n b specific abt ur which Scars u r talkin abt.
If ur talkin abt the Scar made by Insertion of Liposuction. one Under and one upper Chest
if tat is so then don't worry bro it will go of very easy...

Offline kdogg

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i can't get photos uploaded. and yes it is were the lipo incisions were made, especially the one on my right side. Will this completely go away, because when i reach my arm up above my head, it looks quite bad. Im now 4-5 weeks post surgery. Swelling and bruising healed completely. Hope it goes away then it would look perfect.  :'( :'( :'(


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