Author Topic: 9 Days Post Op - Very Worried and Annoyed  (Read 5354 times)

Offline makesmesad

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Sorta a cross post - mentioned sometihng abotu this in a surgery experience thread, but im getting desperate for info now..

9 days ago i had surgery with fielding. I had surgery July 20th.

My right side is fine - not swelled, bit tingly but OK.

My Left is HORRIBLE - BIGGER then before, Also pushing everything out, all yellow all the way down my left side also, along with purple/grey/red

Dr Fielding is on vacation - he refererd us to a 'Dr KASRAI'.

Worried because my left side got more swelled after the bandages were removed @ 7 days post op (and i was given a single tensor strip)

Now, 9 days post op, it is very dark colors all over (and around the nipple) and also BLEEDING - not just a little, but soaking through 3 layers of tensor bandage.

Dr KASRAI told us when i went down wednesday 'not to worried, we cant drain it till next wed' which would be august 3rd. I went down to see her because i knew soemhing wasnt right - i was very swelled and it was also VERY hard and felt like it had liquid inside. She told me it 'couldnt' be drained for 'at least 2 weeks'

The condition seems to be getting worse, and i am really worried that its going to go into necrosis? i saw ti described on this boards - if it goes stagnant it kills skin/possibly losing nipple..

My parents are telling me im paranoid. Adn the doctor minimized my concerns - but it seems to get worse, and now is bleeding quite a bit. Dr KASRAI obviously doesnt believe me, and fielding is out till august 9th. im RAELLY REALLY concerned - i dotn nkow what the hell to do, im mainly scared of losing some of this perm?? it hurts quite some too...

pics of my chest are avail in this thread:;action=display;num=1122494456

Why am i posting this in general? Everyone in my life is minimizing my concerns and pretending like it will all be ok..but after reading the boards, and seeing it decline, I dont think its ok..

i dont know what to do about it eithER? Im really scared i dont want this to end badly :(
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 01:38:50 PM by makesmesad »

Offline ruggeddtoast

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I think you need to calm down for a moment. Obviously your upset because it looks awful and your in pain. But think about it, youve seen a specialist and she doesnt think theres anything to worry about.

Youre taking antibiotics so it wont get infected and youre going to get it drained again in a week which is the soonest they can do it.

Basically you have a fluid build up which is always going to be painful and its bleeding too while your body sorts itself out.

OK thats first, second, if it hasnt got any better and you really dont trust what the other doctors tell you then get yourself down to your normal doctor or nearest accident and emergrency room and let them have a look at it.

And try not to worry. Think about how happy youll be in a years time.

Offline makesmesad

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I wasnt given any antibiotics. Nor any warning what to do if it gets worse, Nor a single number to call for it to get drained. And i read on this boards about people getting drained - and how if you dont, it causes scar surgery. Why the hell is this person doing this to me???

Offline Blitz

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Fielding told me if he didn't drain mine that it would eventually start leaking out.  I think that's whats happening to you.  

You have a hematoma.  

I'm upset as much as you are because I want my bad side to look like my good side.  

Offline makesmesad

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No, Im not upset that I have one. Im upset fielding didnt consult me, and im pissed off the doctor he reffered me too said i had to wait 14 days. Why? If im leaking out (ALOT more now, its my 10th day post OP, i put gauze in there+tensor, it soakedt hrough both and them some at one point..and that was while i was sleeping and lying on my back.

it was starking to soak into clothing  ::) but the next appt i can get is wed she said, because it wasnt 'ready' - but if it wasnt ready, how come i am bleeding?

i Just get pissed off, i have work and ive been off for a while over all of this, and i need to get back, I CANT go in with stuff leaking through my shirt, and she *refuses* to drain it

I contemplated calling lista and asking him to drain it, but its saturday, who bets i wotn get anything done till monday at the earliest (by anyone? maybe if i call her and tell her its bleeding alot, she'll help? ???)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2005, 02:09:55 AM by makesmesad »

Offline Blitz

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Is the swelling going down?  

Offline the weemans mom

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To lessen bled through, use a Kotex pad (not tampons) (because  they are made to absorb and less expensive than gauze) and wrap yourself with an ACE bandage.  That is what paramedics use.  We also used it when my mom had a tumor removed in her armpit and she is a bleeder and continued for many weeks after removal of the tumor.  It might ease your mind until you can get to the doctor if you don't see blood until you change dressings.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2005, 06:43:22 AM by lgsmom »

Offline makesmesad

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Is the swelling going down?  

No. Its gotten worse and changing scary colors.

Offline Blitz

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If it worries you so much, you may have to bite the bullet and go to a hospital and let them drain it for you.  

Offline makesmesad

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If it worries you so much, you may have to bite the bullet and go to a hospital and let them drain it for you.  

My parents dont believe its bad (Nor do they see it or have it on them either) and thanks to what DR KARSAI said, i cant get it dealt with till later. On top of that, if i go to a ER, theyll tel me to go home

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Have a look at my pics Dude.  I swelled up purdy good. Lots of yellowish bruising also. Looks like someone took a baseball bat to me. Don't worry about the bruising my man. The bleeding would concern me moreso tho. I stopped leaking the same day of the operation. You are 11 days post-op and still bleeding/leaking. Do me a favour Dude.... get a bit of the drainage fluid on your finger and smell it. If it smells bad then it's infected and you should get yourself to Emerg ASAP.

Geeze, I would go to Kasrai on Monday and demand some answers. I would ask 'why' it can't be drained.

Anyways, please keep us informed and try to have positive thoughts. Try not to worry Dude. Easier said than done huh? Yeah, I know! I had a bad case of depression/anxiety for a few days after my surgery.

Can U post some up-to-date pics?

I hope it works out for U....

« Last Edit: July 30, 2005, 10:24:40 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline ruggeddtoast

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Try not to worry so much, its not like its going to drop off or anything.

You should take some time off work to rest though.

Offline makesmesad

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Woke up today and i had bled through my shirt. As for going back to work - I Have to. I  have no choice - Go back or get fired, and having a job is worth not having one...Im not sure what to do about bleeding though, any suggestions for getting blood out of clothing?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Im not sure what to do about bleeding though, any suggestions for getting blood out of clothing?


Wash your clothing as soon as possible in cold water. You may want to try a stain remover like 'Shout' or equivalent product prior to washing.


Offline makesmesad

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Just got back from getting it drained. she pulled 4 large needles worth of fluid out, and its still swollen. It didnt hurt so bad as she did it, but now its 3 hours later, AND I AM HURTING LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER.

I need to go back and get it drained again, she said..


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