Author Topic: Trip Report of a 24 Year Old: Karidis Surgery on 11th August (DONE)  (Read 10632 times)

Offline enom

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Hi Rasputin,

Even though early days and from the pictures you've posted, your results look good!

I'm planning on staying in a hotel before my surgery. I'll have to take a look at the Danubius.

Did you have request a second vest? I briefly remember reading someone say that they had to request them now.

I look forward to recovering with you brother!

Offline rasputin

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Thanks for the kind words enom! Initial results aren't as dramatic as others on here but I'm confident I'll get the improvement I wanted in a few weeks. Wearing a tshirt over my compression vest and it looks odd - good kind of odd though!

Danubius is just a decent, comfortable hotel - I forgot to mention on the night after my surgery me and the misses ordered in some Dominos, amazing :) I would say the hotel is about the right value considering it's next to Lord's cricket ground and the Jubilee line. The total cost of surgery kind of made the nightly rate feel insignificant as well.

They gave me the second vest without me needing to ask... except it was a pair of shorts. But yes, providing they can spot the difference between the two then you'll find yourself with a second vest without needing to ask.
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).


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Hi Rasputin
Congrats on your surgery. I had my surgery with Dr. Karidis on the same day as you. I went in around 10:15. I have a very severe case and will post pics soon. Justed wanted to know how often are you taking the pain killers ? Are you taking the cocodomol and the tradamol together or keeping a back between taking them.

Offline dexs

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Fantastic results Rasputin well done mate.  Trust me once the bruising comes down you'll start to see a real difference.  After surgery you always feel a bit weird and it takes time for your body to adjust and get used to being moob free.  If your having trouble with the vest try undoing a few of the hooks for a couple of hours to give you some rest.  I did this but this was mainly round the belly after a big meal lol and it really did help me digest my food but also made breathing easier.

Also I see alot of guys are asking about hotels.  I stayed at the Hyde Park Premier London Paddington (It's actually in Lancaster Gate)
14-16 Craven Hill, Lancaster Gate, London W2 3DU, England

Cost me approx £60 per night and it's two stops away from St Johns Wood and very easy to get too.  Its also got free Wi-fi so much cheaper than the Danibus.

All the best and I'll use my favourite quote "Short term pain Long term gain"

Offline rasputin

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Thanks dexs, we should probably start up a thread dedicated to hotel experiences. I know there are a ton available and I just went with the most convenient but there's probably much better value for money elsewhere.

@gangs - I'm taking cocodamol 4 times daily (two tabs each time) just because there's no point being in any kind of discomfort. I did take tramadol twice (two tabs) after surgery and before bed in order to sleep well - holy crap I slept bad, but not because of the pain at least. I could probably have got away with not taking any pain relief but it's there so might as well, will probably stop tomorrow or the next day.

You were probably in a room down from me! Amy came in with a bunch of compression vests that she was clearly delivering to some more guys down the hall. Look forward to reading your write up and seeing your recovery mate!

Offline enom

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Do you get to choose the colour of you're compression vests?

Offline rasputin

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No choice unfortunately - at first I saw the nude pink one and thought it was pretty horrible. But it's just practical as it's skin colour and is therefore invisible under almost any clothing. I've seen a few threads for 2010/2011 where they've had black vests, might be worth asking anyway.

Offline rasputin

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Went for dinner last night with the mses - walking around in a t-shirt felt gooooood. Although still got the compression vest on so it kinda feels like I'm cheating ;) Can't wait until I can go bareback!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 01:23:12 PM by rasputin »

Offline rasputin

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Just a quick update, armpit incisions basically healed into invisibility at just a little over 1 week post op. Will post a proper update after 2 weeks!

Offline rasputin

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What does scar tissue feel like exactly? I've got a lump on the right of my chest and it feels like another bloody rib! Absolutely rock solid and about an inch below my nipple. Time to start massaging or am I just growing another rib?

Offline enom

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Hows you're mobility at the moment mate? Does your chest feel tight at all?

Got any advice for myself for the first week after the operation?


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What does scar tissue feel like exactly? I've got a lump on the right of my chest and it feels like another bloody rib! Absolutely rock solid and about an inch below my nipple. Time to start massaging or am I just growing another rib?

My entire chest seems to have lumps and feels rock solid below the nipples and also the sides. For the last 2 days I was getting a burning sensation around the nipples and it was extremely uncomfortable. It was itcchy as well.I called Dr. Karidis's office and explained it to Amy who asked me to come down so that she could have a look. I went the next day and she had a look and said there was nothing to worry and didn't think it was scar tissue. She also mentioned that scar tissue would appear after about 2 weeks and we need to massage since then.

Offline rasputin

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Hows you're mobility at the moment mate? Does your chest feel tight at all?

Got any advice for myself for the first week after the operation?

Was pretty immobile for the first couple of days. Buttoned shirt after surgery was a good shout, so definitely recommend that. Things improve really fast though, I'm now about 12 days post op and have pretty much full mobility... I play a lot of squash and wouldn't be able to go back to that just yet but by next weekend definitely.

All I'd recommend really is eating all your painkillers until you recover properly. No point not using them (except the tramadol, save that stuff for a rainy day :D).

@gangs glad all is well on your side, must've been a little worrying. I've been getting slightly itchy but not too bad. Scar tissue is rock solid, will start massaging at the end of the weekend then!

p.s. I didn't take any arnica, I'm not saying it doesn't do anything, but my recovery has been swift as hell and all bruising has gone. It's free though so no reason not to take it, I'm just a bit dicky like that :D

Offline darkstar

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Hey man, Hope all is well. I've done a little reading into scar tissue and have heard that doing anything too early can have a negative impact on recovery.

When the chest is read it seems a little baby oil and a combination of massage and stretching can help a lot. I copied this paragraph of a website;

Cross Friction Massage

One effective method of scar massage is called cross friction or transverse friction massage. This involves using one or two fingers to massage your scar in a direction that is perpendicular to the line of the scar. This technique helps to remodel the scar and ensures that the collagen fibers of the scar are aligned properly. Cross friction massage is commonly used in the treatment of tendonitis and muscle strains or ligament sprains. The technique is performed for five to ten minutes. If instructed to do so, you may be able to perform scar massage on yourself two to three times per day.

Offline rasputin

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Interesting, thanks Darkstar. Not sure how I'm going to be able to feel the line of the scar though? It's just a lump of hardness that doesn't feel like it has an obvious direction or beginning and end...

I've read that it needs to be done fairly gently, but it feels like gentle wouldn't be enough at all. Maybe I'll take a look on YouTube as well, might have something there.


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