Author Topic: quick question- iron suppliments  (Read 5361 times)

Offline xJamesx

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after having bloodtests for things totally ungyne related, ive been put on a huge course of iron suppliments. is iron known to have any effect on gyne at all? thanks in advance x

Offline hypo

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Iron supplemetation is very often dangerous for men and not required unless an individual is clearly suffering from iron deficiency as identified by pathology.

Excess iron accumulates in the liver and in the joints and can cuase permanent damage to all the major organs.

To explain;

1 in 250 to 300 people have haemochromatosis.  Haemochromatosis is the most common genetic condition in the world.  

It is a condition that results from iron overload for genetic reasons.

Hemochromatosis can indirectly even be the cause in some people for gynecomastia.  Something that further indicates the very relevant need for hormone pathology.

Whether or not anyone has the above condition, it is possible to have iron overload and cause health issues directly via iron supplementation.

Get rid of the iron supplements and go to your doctor and get the follwoing tests

Total Iron
Iron Saturation

If your ferritin is high (it shouldn't be but best to check) then you may need a phlebotomy to treat it.  

Offline xJamesx

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but currently my iron is super low. even pregnant women are only told to take 200mg when they are low. and im on 800mg.
should i stop taking them then or see my doctor?

Offline hypo

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Have you had pathology that actually shows that your iron is low and if so when?

Also how long have you been on the supplement since such pathology?

Offline xJamesx

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whats pathology? ive had bloodtests. last week. results came back yesterday and i was put on the iron. i havnt taken any since then as im not sure if i should

Offline hypo

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Is this by your doctor?

If it is, is it for a limited prescribed dose, if so for how long?

Offline xJamesx

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yes its by my doctor, i have a months worth but he said to return to him when i have finished them, i assume for more.
basically, could it make my gyne any worse?

Offline hypo

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No.  That is not a factor here.

You have said it is a prescription from your doctor which worries me far less, rightly or wrongly I thought you had obtained them via a herbal quack or something.  

Has your doctor just said you have low iron at the moment or has he actually diagnosed you as suffering from a condition that cuases iron deficiency?

I am concerned as to how long he is going to give you large doses of iron supplmentation.  I presume if he has not diagnosed you as having an ailment that causes a permanent deficiency that he is going to initiate further pathology and stop the supplementation once healthy levels have been restored?

This is important as it is dangerous to have iron overload.

Continue to take the supplements but let me know the answers to those questions, because they are issues for you.

In the meantime I am going to ask an expert of iron metabolisation what there take on it is and get back to you...maybe a couple of days.

Offline hypo

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James I put your question to the president of the Hemochromatosis Society.

Hemochromatosis is usually caused by genetic iron overload, but they know/understand how iron works in the body.

Anyway this is what the president had to say about your situation;

That is a huge dose of iron.
Prescribing iron can be appropriate if the patient is iron deficient.  The way you know if a patient is iron deficient is to do the following blood tests:
Serum iron, TIBC, percent of saturation, and serum ferritin He needs to get a copy of his blood work and see if he has had those tests and if so, what the exact numerical result of these tests is.  Even if he is low on iron, a dose as big as that should not go on indefinitely.
Also, the reason for low iron should be explored, not just medicated.

The patient should be retested in a short while and see how the iron level is doing.  I also would recommend that this patient see a blood specialist, known as a hematologist, for a second opinion.

If you email me with the results of the blood tests named above, I can comment on them for you.
If he has not had those tests done, then he has not been tested for iron overload, or iron deficiency (the tests are the same for both).

Sandra Thomas, President, American Hemochromotosis Society

I hope that helps.  Email her with your actual results, she is a very nice lady and very helpful.

Offline xJamesx

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oh thanks alot for going to all that trouble!
i wasnt told of what blood test was called, just checking iron levels? and i wasnt given the exact amount, just that it was low. i have another appointment booked in a month so ill let you know how things turn out. thanks again!


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