Author Topic: My healing journal (with pics)  (Read 4229 times)

Offline misterbob

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Hey guys, I'm gonna start keeping a healing journal to help myself and others. I found  very little info on the healing process and would like to share mine with others.

Unfortunately the first set of pictures were 6 weeks after my op and none before that. I can tell you, however, that I was completely flat chested 2 weeks post-op and then the scar tissue and swelling started.

If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to help if I can.

6 weeks post-op

Offline misterbob

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12 weeks post-op

Not a whole lot of improvement, I'm quite dissapointed with the progress so far but I'm getting there I suppose...
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 01:07:56 PM by misterbob »

Offline testtime

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Offline misterbob

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Dr. Padhrac Regan. I'm from Ireland and I was covered by my insurance so he isn't a gynecomastia specialist but he has experience in doing these surgeries. I was recommended to him by my GP.

Offline misterbob

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18 weeks post-op

How do you guys think my progress is going? All input appreciated  :)

Offline Supersonic123

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Did you have big gynecomastia case before surgery? Dont think results this far is great. But I guess it depends on how big case you were pre op...

Offline april24th2007

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Dude, results look good.  You look flat chested.  No sign of gynecomastia.  Scarring is evident thats about it.  It looks like you've healed also.  I think majority of your recovery is over.
Did you have skin excision too?  or just gland excision and lipo?
Have you been wearing compression vest?
Massaging?  How often? Any creams?
You mentioned first 2 weeks long did bruising stay for? In pics I don't see any bruising..

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Dr. Padhrac Regan. I'm from Ireland and I was covered by my insurance so he isn't a gynecomastia specialist but he has experience in doing these surgeries. I was recommended to him by my GP.

This is interesting because a friend of mine has a coworker here in the US who also had gynecomastia and his insurance covered it, but only gland excision. He's very unhappy with the results and told my friend that even though the chest is flat, it has asymmetry and deep indention and scarring.

I'm wondering if that's the trade off when insurance companies will cover the cost?

Offline misterbob

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Dude, results look good.  You look flat chested.  No sign of gynecomastia.  Scarring is evident thats about it.  It looks like you've healed also.  I think majority of your recovery is over.
Did you have skin excision too?  or just gland excision and lipo?
Have you been wearing compression vest?
Massaging?  How often? Any creams?
You mentioned first 2 weeks long did bruising stay for? In pics I don't see any bruising..

Nope just gland and lipo.
No, i wasnt told to by my doctor so I never did.
I massaged with moisturizer for about 4 weeks after op every day.
I didn't have any bruising as far as I know, no blackish surface bruises anyway.

Yes, as I said it was completely flat after op but then started to swell. Does this mean that the enlargement of my breasts is all just swelling, not fat, and will eventually go away? It's been 5 months and I am very happy to be finally free from breasts but I am a skinny guy and they still look larger that normal for my body. I'm still a bit too insecure about my chest to feel comfortable walking around without a t-shirt.

Thanks for your help!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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I think it looks good. There's still a little indention by the nipples but other than that I think it looks fine. The swelling, I don't see it, but I think it's your pec muscles.

Your chest looks like a guy's chest now and if you've got some muscle or very low body fat, then the pectoral muscles will definitely show, but that's a good thing.  :D


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