Author Topic: Dr. Jeffords does anyone have additional input  (Read 2143 times)

Offline ptm82379

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Dr. Jeffords does anyone have additional input
This is my first post. Im so glad this site exists it has been such a blessing..

Im 32 years old, 6'1" 220 lbs with a BMI of ~29. My gyno is glandular and fatty. I have a testosterone deficiency that greatly contributed to it. Estrogen dominance didnt help any either. My glands have lots of large lumps and they hurt sometimes too.

I plan on getting down around 190 lbs before going to see Dr. Jeffords. Do you guys have any tips for cutting the fat? I plan on a low carb diet coupled with cardio. I would consider lifting but I want to maximize fat loss quicker.

From what I have read and seen on this board he is a really good surgeon. There was only one or two bad posts with his name in them.

So the price is right, he has plenty of experience, and good feedback on his side.

I would really appreciate anyones feedback on this surgeon. Thanks for this forum.

Offline fsugrad

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Re: Dr. Jeffords does anyone have additional input
Did you go on testosterone replacement to correct your imbalance?

I have heard that correcting the underlying hormonal problem may help to resolve the gyno?

We must be twins.  Lol.  I have heard mostly positive things about him. I think no matter how good a plastic surgeon is you will always find someone who had a terrible experience. 

Offline ptm82379

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Re: Dr. Jeffords does anyone have additional input
I am on T right now and have been for 3-4 years since finding the imbalance. I also have to take an AI to keep E in check. I hope to be booking a consult soon but I set a goal for myself in order for that to happen.

In my case the gyno didnt resolve with T replacement. I had let it go for too long before we found the problem.


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