Author Topic: Should I get surgery? I need to get rid of these.  (Read 8440 times)

Offline y2015

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I've had gynecomastia ever since middle school, when I was pretty fat. I'm 19 now- going into my sophomore year of college- and I need to get rid of it somehow. I can't live with it anymore- it takes up so much of my thinking every day. When I'm at work or school, I'll be feeling great and in a good mood, and then I'll catch a glance of my reflection in a window and see my nipples sticking out through my shirt and become really self-conscious. I just want to be able to walk around and not think about my chest all the time. I'm sick of turning down invitations to go to the beach with my friends just because I don't want everyone staring at my chest. I want to be able to take my shirt off in the summer and not worry about these deformities on my chest. I've gotten really diligent about diet and exercise within the past few years, and am now in decent shape, but the gynecomastia has stayed. I asked my doctor about it last year, and he said just to wait and that it would go away. I didn't really believe him, but just kept running and going to the gym and hoping it would go away. I bike 20 miles to and from work every day, run on weekends, and stop by the gym several times a week to work out, but it doesn't seem like my nipples ever change in size. Recently, I have realized that my only option is probably surgery. I just wanted to check here before I talk to my parents about it.

Is there any chance that additional weight loss could get rid of them? Have medications/supplements/diet/exercise worked for anyone who has had gynecomastia for a few years? Before I talk to my parents about surgery, I am trying a few last things. I ordered zinc, vitamin B, and vitex online, because all of these things have reportedly helped some people with gyno. I'm going to try taking those and working really hard on cardio and restricting calories, and hopefully that might do something. I'm not very optimistic about that though- I just want to exhaust all my options before I talk to my parents about surgery, because it's a lot of money and I'm not sure if they'll even agree to let me have it. They have enough money, but they don't spend it easily.

What do you think?

Offline Z31T

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Your story reflects how I felt on a daily basis with gyno. I think surgery will be of great help to you. It's a long process to have it done and heal, but the quicker you get the ball rolling, the quicker you'll get to where you want to be. Good luck!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You appear in decent shape and according to your story, have had the problem since middle school (? age 13-14).  You are now 19 -- it will not disappear spontaneously, despite what your doctor told you. And it is a waste of money, and hoping against hope, that taking those supplements will be of help.

Best is to face the fact that surgery would be your best option.  Speak to your folks -- start the conversation.  Hopefully they will be understanding.  As a parent myself, I would do anything for my kid -- but I would have to know about it first.  Many young men are quiet about personal things -- especially with their parents.  This is one time that a calm, face to face discussion would be most helpful.

Good luck!!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline hello84

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your nipples almost look exactly the same as mine. Check out my previous posts for pics. I am getting surgery on the 26th and have debated to get it since i was 18. So I would say definitely get surgery. For the past 8 years I have looked at my chest every single time i am in front of the mirror, and it has prevented me from going on fun trips with my friends or even going to the swimming pool.

Offline y2015

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Thanks for the replies guys- I think I will be having the talk with my parents soon.

Hello84- I checked out your posts and your case does look similar to mine. Are you happy with your surgery results? How do they look now?

Offline hello84

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I am really happy with the results. The only issue right now is the scar on my right side, but I'm still only 2 weeks post op.

For me, I waited a while to get the surgery, and I wish i hadn't. If it affects your life and what activities you do, then definitely do it as soon as possible. Get it done in the fall or end of summer so the results would look good by the time next spring rolls around.

Also, i have research how to pick a good surgeon for the past 4 years. Here are the things to look for: surgeon is board certified plastic surgeon, does gynecomastia cases every week/every other week, does his incision at the bottom edges of the areola, does not take all the gland out unless he uses flat flaps to replace the hole where the gland used to be, tells you to wear a surgical garmet for a month postop

Offline y2015

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Thanks! It's awesome to hear that you're happy with it. Keep us updated!

So I talked to my mom about it (actually, I emailed her first because I have a big family and couldn't find a moment to talk to her in private- also, it's just less uncomfortable and I could get everything out without forgetting stuff). Anyway, she said she had never noticed, but followed my suggestion that I see an endocrinologist first. I just scheduled an appointment with an endocrinologist today for the end of September.

It feels good to finally be doing something about it, and it's a huge relief that my parents agreed to help me get rid of it. I became serious about losing some extra body fat in the past couple of months and had some success, but still saw no change in the gyno. I also tried the zinc, B6, and vitex with no noticeable change. I am committed to surgery now (assuming the endocrinologist doesn't find anything). Now I just need to find a good surgeon. Hopefully I can schedule one for the beginning of my college winter break, so I can have that month to recover and go back to school for the spring semester without the gyno. I'll keep you guys updated.

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Good for you, y2015!

Save your money on those supplements because they don't help gynecomastia at all. I even tried that fat cream that's supposed to help you lose weight in targeted areas and that didn't work at all.

Continue to workout to stay in shape and after you see the Endocrinologist, you can schedule your surgery with a good Plastic Surgeon.

You should start doing your research now on PS in your area, so you can be ready when the time comes.

Offline y2015

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Alright- I have an endocrinologist appointment scheduled for this Wednesday (my last one got moved) and a surgery consultation appointment this Friday. If everything goes well, I'll be having the surgery this winter. Wish me luck! I finally feel like I might be free of this horrible condition soon.

Offline greatlakes

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Hopefully your endo ran a full blood panel on you - testosterone, estrogen (Estradiol), tumor markers, etc. Good to know any underlying issues before surgery.

Offline fatjoe

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hey guys , i had a quick look at this forum and i found that only option i surgery ,so i guess that's our only hope to get rid of this problem ,i wish my parents knew that i had it when i was 13 , it would of been treated by hormonal treatment . 

Offline y2015

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So I missed my endocrinologist appointment because of traffic... but the surgery consultation went well. The surgery would just be an incision at the bottom of the areola to remove the gland and attached adipose tissue. The surgeon drew out what the tissue looked like below the skin and everything. He said that I had a "classic case of adolescent gynecomastia," and that there is no chance of it going away on its own at this point. It shouldn't leave a visible scar since it's at the interface of two different skin colors (nipple and normal skin), and he said most patients compare the post-surgery pain to the level of soreness you feel after a tough workout. Sounds good to me!

My parents still want me to see an endocrinologist first, which I think is a good idea, but if I wanted to reserve a surgery date for this winter I needed to schedule one now. My parents weren't willing to put up the $500 deposit to reserve a date until I'd seen an endocrinologist. I know that the endocrinologist will almost definitely say that surgery is my best option, so I finally got my parents to agree to put up the deposit by promising them I would pay them back for the deposit if for some reason the endocrinologist is against me getting surgery and we have to cancel. I think the chances of that are almost zero. If I didn't schedule a surgery now, I might have had to wait until summer. I called the surgeon's office today, though, and now I have a surgery appointment set up for January 2nd. Just a little over two months, and it'll be gone!

Having a concrete date ahead of me is great- it's just a matter of time now.

Offline pDiddy2

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Congrats man! Your case is literally identical to how mine was. I had surgery 5.5 months ago and very happy. Not having to worry about how your chest looks drastically improves the quality of life.

The best advise I can give you is to use a good surgeon, let your body heal (don't rush things), wear that compression vest as long as you can, and be prepared for scar tissue. I recommend Dr. Baxt or Dr. Jacabs.

Best of look to you and have fun at the beach next year!

Offline y2015

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Thanks- that's great to hear. I read your thread, and to be honest I had never really considered the issue of scar tissue that much. Glad to hear everything turned out okay for you, though! I'll make sure to take it easy after the surgery, and I'll keep you updated on how it goes. Congrats on your results!

Offline y2015

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I just got the blood work results back from my endocrinologist visit, and everything is normal so he gave me the go-ahead for surgery. It's less than a month now!


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