Author Topic: Gyno???  (Read 4770 times)

Offline Supersonic123

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Not bitter, we have learn to accept what God has given us, learn to love ourself as we are so that we are able to love anyone else as they are! Acceptance is as Biblical as forgiveness is. God has made each one of us perfect in his eyes, if we can not accept that then we also do not accept God as well.

Bob aka Hammer

Sometime I wonder why we make a difference of cults like scientology and this kind of mumbo jumbo from religios people like you. "God made each one of us perfect", yeah okey. Try justify people getting raped and killed, is this also one of gods brilliant plans..?

The reality is, gynecomastia is possible to remove with surgery, and anyone who does not buy you "god want us with this condition"-BS than they should save money to make surgery (if they are not comfortable with their body because of the gyne).

I'm not convinced god put these fkn manboobs on me, if anyone, I'm pretty sure the devil did it.

Sorry if I offended anyone with strong religios beliefs, but it really pisses me of how religios people sometimes try to make other people believe the same things they do. Baconface hates his manboobs or he wouldn't be on the forum, and guess what, there are alot of good surgeons out there! Be glad you are an adult now and not 30-40 years ago when surgery wasn't really an option!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 12:12:34 PM by Supersonic123 »

Offline baconface

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Not bitter, we have learn to accept what God has given us, learn to love ourself as we are so that we are able to love anyone else as they are! Acceptance is as Biblical as forgiveness is. God has made each one of us perfect in his eyes, if we can not accept that then we also do not accept God as well.

Bob aka Hammer

Sometime I wonder why we make a difference of cults like scientology and this kind of mumbo jumbo from religios people like you. "God made each one of us perfect", yeah okey. Try justify people getting raped and killed, is this also one of gods brilliant plans..?

The reality is, gynecomastia is possible to remove with surgery, and anyone who does not buy you "god want us with this condition"-BS than they should save money to make surgery (if they are not comfortable with their body because of the gyne).

I'm not convinced god put these fkn manboobs on me, if anyone, I'm pretty sure the devil did it.

Sorry if I offended anyone with strong religios beliefs, but it really pisses me of how religios people sometimes try to make other people believe the same things they do. Baconface hates his manboobs or he wouldn't be on the forum, and guess what, there are alot of good surgeons out there! Be glad you were born now and not 30 years ago when surgery wasn't really an option!

Cult, no not I! I am a Evangelical Christian, similar to Baptist if you do not know what that is.  I am not saying it is wrong to have surgery for the gynecomastia, however, it is wrong for you to judge that I am a bitter person. As I am not.

God has given us free will, so that is why there are such thing as what you have question about and that has been there since the beginning of time. It started with the original sin in the garden with Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowlage, ( not the apple tree, no where in the Bible does it say apple tree). This was disobedience of God, and so began a life of sin, Gen 1 old testament. The old testament is full of sin, hate , wars, ect, that is way God flooded the earth and started over!

Remember, I said God made us perfect in his eyes, not yours!

With his promise never to flood it again, but no improvement of his people's behavior he sent his only son (this was him as man to live with us) to die for our sins John 16:3, New Testament

I know that there are people that do not beleive as I do, however, this is the truth as far as I am concern! As I said, I am not bitter, and if there is someone that can not afford surgery and I can help them build there self esteem and self conference I will do so, if they can get the surgery so be it and I wish them well and Gods blessing as well too!

As a Chistian that believes in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, there is only one God, the father, I am as far from a cult as they come, raised catholic, became a born again Christain years ago as well as an Ordained Minister.

With all that being said, I will do what I can, when I can, to support acceptance, surgery, or help someone learn to get better, stronger self esteem and self confidence, and a stronger faith as well!

I hope this helps you understand me!

God Bless you,

Bob aka Hammer

Offline siphon

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Every time TP and Ham write on these forums I can't help but roll my eyes, so corny with their pastor like charm and "man-up" approach.  You two are broken records who follow each other like lemmings. Do us all a favour and stay in the acceptance area?


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Every time TP and Ham write on these forums I can't help but roll my eyes, so corny with their pastor like charm and "man-up" approach.  You two are broken records who follow each other like lemmings. Do us all a favour and stay in the acceptance area?

Thats funny, we must be more alike then we are different! I just found myself rolling my eyes too!

God Bless!

Offline cduub

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Im with supersonic on this one,Hammer just take a break on telling guys who are obvious not happy about a condition thats FIXABLE, or they wouldnt be here. You have double-d's that you are happy with so why are you on this site trolling.

Offline captain chesty

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I do feel sorry for the guys who come here with their gyne problem, post a pic about it and get their thread turned into a life story about military times! With a load of preaching about the risk of surgery, life in the nudist camps from alchemist and odd boasts about 'things we could when young'. Its just unhelpful.

To be fair though I do respect your decisions to accept gyno and Its good for people to know their options and get support on the acceptance forum if they go that way. However, if its pushed in everyones faces it gets annoying and the enthusiasm to get others to join you, rather than to just objectively present the options, does make me suspicious that some of you don't wholly except it.

If your reading this with your gnyo problem there are 2 options: surgery - its acceptably safe, find a good surgeon and have your problem dealt with ; Acceptance, hit the acceptance forum and seek support. Simples, no need for any scaremongering or tales of high times capturing bridges.

Sorry baconface your thread got hijacked, this was gonna happen sooner or later.


Offline TigerPaws

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I do feel sorry for the guys who come here with their gyne problem, post a pic about it and get their thread turned into a life story about military times! With a load of preaching about the risk of surgery, life in the nudist camps from alchemist and odd boasts about 'things we could when young'. Its just unhelpful.

To be fair though I do respect your decisions to accept gyno and Its good for people to know their options and get support on the acceptance forum if they go that way. However, if its pushed in everyones faces it gets annoying and the enthusiasm to get others to join you, rather than to just objectively present the options, does make me suspicious that some of you don't wholly except it.

If your reading this with your gnyo problem there are 2 options: surgery - its acceptably safe, find a good surgeon and have your problem dealt with ; Acceptance, hit the acceptance forum and seek support. Simples, no need for any scaremongering or tales of high times capturing bridges.

Sorry baconface your thread got hijacked, this was gonna happen sooner or later.


"acceptably safe" depends on your point of view, if you have not done so look through this forum for surgical failures, multiple surgeries, unacceptable results or below expectations.

Believe it or not, like it or not any and all surgery carries a risk. I helped bury a healthy 38 year old man in excellent health who had a "simple" biopsy to look at a spot on his lung. While the procedure was a success, this health conscious physically fit man died 45 minutes after this "simple and safe" procedure while in the recovery room.

All surgery carries risks, so the question is will whatever surgical procedures you want or need outweighs the possible consequences.

While you sir (and others) may not like it there are very real risks which the men visiting this forum need to consider.

No matter what you believe gynecomastia will not kill you.


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Im with supersonic on this one,Hammer just take a break on telling guys who are obvious not happy about a condition thats FIXABLE, or they wouldnt be here. You have double-d's that you are happy with so why are you on this site trolling.

You are so wrong! I have never said that I am happy with having breast, go back and read my post if you need to, I have said I learn to accept them!

If you read read one of Baconface's earlier post he said that surgery was out of his financial reach, therefore helping him learn to accept rather then teasing him about getting surgery would be a much better way to to help this brother.

Helping to build self esteem and self confidence is another way to help, no matter if you chose surgery or not is a good thing to build! If you would read all my post would would also find that I also give my best wishes to those going in for surgery as well.

Baconface's, I am also sorry that this got out of hand! There are young men that misread what I write as being anti surgery. The fact is, every surgery has risk no mater what kind of surgery. I have been through a lot in my life that has over shadowed gynecomastia making it much easier to accept it. I have also been blessed with a very high self esteem and self confidence all my life. My goal is to help any one that I can in any why that I can. Some may have a problem with that, so be it.

I am who I am, and it is better to be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not!

Bob aka Hammer


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