Author Topic: Questions to ask your sugeon  (Read 1317 times)

Offline vc2928

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Hi all,

Let me just start my thanking the founders of this website. I have lived with this condition since the age of 15 and now that Im turning 30 pretty soon, finally have decided that enough is enough - I want my life back!

Ive decided to go for op and need help in deciding how to select a surgeon? I live in the Vancouver area of BC, Canada and though there are a good number of PS's here I cant find out what their experience is with respect to gyne.

Do you guys mind helping me with how to select a surgeon? What are the questions I should ask in the consult? Is it a big deal finding a PS that specializes in this or can  any PS worth his salt help me out?

Money is the least of my worries because you only live once!

Please help me out.......

Offline Paa_Paw

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I live in Southern California so I cannot be of direct help. If we keep your question at the top of the list someone who can help is sure to see it and answer.
Grandpa Dan

Offline vc2928

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thanks a lot paw.

more than focusing on my region, I just want to know what I should be looking for? The guys who are on the other side of the fence already - please help me out - what are the things you looked for before finalzing?


Offline Paa_Paw

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The problem is that men who have had surgery and are completely happy with the result will quickly lose interest in the site and never come back.

This means that the people who could best answer your questions are not here.

That means that you'll have to do the research on your own.

First they should be a board accredited cosmetic surgeon and they should have a demonstrated special interest in male breast reduction. Rarely do we actually hear of a referral from a former patient though that is what we would hope for.

Offline siphon

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before and after pics,
how many of these surgeries have they done on men,
what his/her procedure would be,
lipo or excision or both (both is preferred),
have they seen any complications or have they had to do revisions of their own work,
would you be under local or general anaesthetic (if so, gas or injection),
would they supply a compression garment,
how long would you have to wear it for,
when would the follow up be, and how often after surgery,
what is their protocol for revisions if needs be...

this is based on the severity of your situation, but i would definitely ask those q's at least

good luck in any case! definitely let us know who you end up going with and how it turns out!

Offline vc2928

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thanks again paw for your reply and thanks a lot to siphon - those were some great suggestions. I will be saving this response when I go in for my consult!

Would also like to underline paw's comment, requesting the guys who are done and over with this crap to try and stay active and help their fellow brothers out!!


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