Author Topic: 12 years old-pretty bad gynecomastia-my story/hopefully upcoming surgery  (Read 5354 times)

Offline mikey321

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Hello everyone,

I am twelve, I live in NYC, and i have had bad gynecomastia since i was around ten. I know I have only had it for two years but it is extremely hard. I am 5'6'' and around 110 pounds. I play basketball a lot, I am tall for my age and I'm pretty good. But recently I have gone from wearing simple undershirts to Nike compression shirts two sizes to small for me. Whenever I run in basketball I pull the bottom of my shirt down to try to disguise the gyno. I face the problems that I'm sure all of you do too. I asked my mom to make an appointment with my doctor for it, my mom said sure and tried to say away from the topic as much as possible. My doctor said to wait it out, until I am 16 or 18 and then we could maybe talk about doing something about it. I showed no emotion and said ok.

The advice from my mom was to ignore it and that we can talk about it when I'm fourteen, but as I'm sure you guys know that is completely impossible. Gynecomastia has lowered my confidence so much, and it controls my mind.

I came to a point where I was so alone on the issue and I had to talk to my mom. Every time I looked in the mirror I begged for a surgery in my mind. One night I was in a really sad mood and my mom noticed. When she said why I brought it up and begged for an appointment with a gynecomastia surgeon. I had done a lot of research and even watched a surgery of Elliot Jacobs, a surgeon. I was committed to meeting him. My mom agreed after my trying to convince her for hours. I told her I would pay for any expense.

I paid for a 200$ meeting with Dr. Jacobs, and he told me that my gynecomastia was not going to go away, and that a surgery was recommended, and there was no need to wait. He said it would cost 7500$. I have 4500$ saved from my whole life, and my  bar mitzvah coming up. I am not a religious Jew, the only reason I am having a bar mitzvah is for the money. I can make a couple thousand dollars from it. I hate to see all that money disappear, but I know that it would be worth it, my gyno would not go away. I will hopefully have my surgery in 6 months.

I am very lucky to hopefully have this surgery. I am very thankful. To all the brothers out there who also have gynecomastia, I wish you the best of luck and my heart goes out to you.

Offline corvette09

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Good for you young man. Don't worry about the cost. It's well worth it. I'm glad you are able to talk to your mother about your condition. It's good that you are taking care of this now. No need to wait until you're in your 20's or 30's. Good luck.

Offline Ali19

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good luck to u, u have a very loving mom dude!

man tbh gyno didn't even bother till last year when I was 19, and Ive had it since i was 11, it was just a part of me, i knew it was there, and i never went swimming but still it never really bothered me or depressed me.

at 12 i dont know how one can be affected so much, but good luck!

Offline mikey321

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Yeah, Alli19, my mom has been really helpful into situation, I'm pretty grateful to her.

Offline mikey321

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Dr. Jacobs is a good doctor to go with! Good luck young man, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Bob aka Hammer

Offline Raboze

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I personally think that having surgery at 12-13 is way too young. However, if Dr. Jacobs told you that surgery would be the only option, you're in good hands ;)

Best of luck buddy, and mazel tov! :D

Offline Paa_Paw

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I am very much impressed with the levels of literacy, expressiveness, financial awareness, development of self image and etc.

It is difficult to believe this person is a 12 year old. The concerns expressed read like they were written by an adult.
Grandpa Dan

Offline siphon

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agreed. hard to believe he's 12, but if so you are way ahead of the pack.

Offline Ali19

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glad to think i wasnt the only one who thought there is no way this is a 12 year old, who knows.

Offline canadianmoobs123

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I am very much impressed with the levels of literacy, expressiveness, financial awareness, development of self image and etc.

It is difficult to believe this person is a 12 year old. The concerns expressed read like they were written by an adult.

I second that, this kid's going to be a successful and intelligent person when he gets older.

Offline Dr. Cruise

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As board certified members of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, we are obligated to evaluate all aspects of a patient prior to deciding on having any plastic surgery. While 12 years of age is young other considerations must be taken into consideration. The most important is what is in the very best interest of the patient. While I prefer to wait until the individual is a little older, I must say some of my most satisfying results have been on young teenagers who have significant gyne. The emotional trauma they have endured more than warrants the need for the procedure.

You are in fantastic hands.
Enjoy your new freedom.

Dr. Cruise
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia

Offline george1861

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Hello everyone,

I am twelve, I live in NYC, and i have had bad gynecomastia since i was around ten. I know I have only had it for two years but it is extremely hard. I am 5'6'' and around 110 pounds. I play basketball a lot, I am tall for my age and I'm pretty good. But recently I have gone from wearing simple undershirts to Nike compression shirts two sizes to small for me. Whenever I run in basketball I pull the bottom of my shirt down to try to disguise the gyno. I face the problems that I'm sure all of you do too. I asked my mom to make an appointment with my doctor for it, my mom said sure and tried to say away from the topic as much as possible. My doctor said to wait it out, until I am 16 or 18 and then we could maybe talk about doing something about it. I showed no emotion and said ok.

The advice from my mom was to ignore it and that we can talk about it when I'm fourteen, but as I'm sure you guys know that is completely impossible. Gynecomastia has lowered my confidence so much, and it controls my mind.

I came to a point where I was so alone on the issue and I had to talk to my mom. Every time I looked in the mirror I begged for a surgery in my mind. One night I was in a really sad mood and my mom noticed. When she said why I brought it up and begged for an appointment with a gynecomastia surgeon. I had done a lot of research and even watched a surgery of Elliot Jacobs, a surgeon. I was committed to meeting him. My mom agreed after my trying to convince her for hours. I told her I would pay for any expense.

I paid for a 200$ meeting with Dr. Jacobs, and he told me that my gynecomastia was not going to go away, and that a surgery was recommended, and there was no need to wait. He said it would cost 7500$. I have 4500$ saved from my whole life, and my  bar mitzvah coming up. I am not a religious Jew, the only reason I am having a bar mitzvah is for the money. I can make a couple thousand dollars from it. I hate to see all that money disappear, but I know that it would be worth it, my gyno would not go away. I will hopefully have my surgery in 6 months.

I am very lucky to hopefully have this surgery. I am very thankful. To all the brothers out there who also have gynecomastia, I wish you the best of luck and my heart goes out to you.

hello mikey i know exactly how you feel except i was not so brave as you when i was young. i am 36 so i began to notice i had this problem when back in the late 80s when there was no internet so i just thought i was a freak of nature. i was scared to mention it to anyone let alone my parents so good for you that you have spoken to your family about this problem. it was only after seeing a tv programme about gynecomastia back in 2004 on the bbc that i realised what it was and that i was not alone. even still i couldent bring myself to face talking to a doctor about this but finally i have an appointment to see a plastic surgeon on the 15th of october this year. i should have my operation within the next 12 months i hope. its a bit of a wait but im on the irish public healthcare system. but you should be fixed up before then and you can get on with being a happy teenager without having to worry about this shit so well done and i wish you all the best kid


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