Author Topic: Fingers crossed. But as always, there's paranoia involved.  (Read 2713 times)

Offline Cale

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Well it's been a long time between posts on my story. Sorry if anyone was after updates. I went back home to work the summer and try forget about the whole thing as much as possible, so thought best leave the forum alone. 

Anyway, with the obvious exception of the surface scars appearance improving, basically my initial results never changed. Both visibly and to press on/touch, the right side still has what I'm positive is more gland. So just last week I ventured back to the US for another appointment with the Doc. As expected he still largely put the difference down to none of his error, including this time, amongst other things,  making out that the actual nipple itself, not the areola, is bigger on the still somewhat puffy side, adding to the appearance. I was quick to reject that. (Never once in all my Gynecomastia self critiquing have I thought the nipples themselves were too big, or that one of them was bigger than the other. Simply not the case!) But anyway, he 'agreed' to do the revision because he 'wanted me to be happy'. 

I was impressed when he slotted me in for barely a week later. So fast forward to yesterday. Signing the papers, I wasn't surprised when the procedure was titled 'Scar revision', as opposed to something like 'additional gland removal revision'. I tried questioning how he was going to go about it, as with some revision posts I've seen talk of removing whatever scar tissue is there before re-targetting gland, as the new procedure leaves the area with new scar tissue. As usual he kinda didn't say much, just that he would get what's there. He also re-brought up the supposed nipple size difference and offered to reduce the one side. I said no way, there's no problem there!

Anyway the procedure itself again went well. A lot quicker when only one side is being done, and a lot less to be removed. As in all previous appointments he kept saying he didn't wanna take too much. Of course I've always agreed, I dont want a crater! Just that if he could remove the perfect amount as he did with my left side I would be extremely happy. 

After he stitched me up he showed me what he removed. Now if you read my initial story you might remember me being worried about the visible amounts removed during the first surgery, even before I'd been unwrapped. Well I don't wanna sound like a complete pessimist, but instantly I'm already worried about the outcome of this one too. There was very very little there! A very small amount of white gland looking tissue, about the size of your thumbnail, which he reckoned was scar tissue. But mostly, it was just scattered small amounts of yellow fatty looking tissue, which I'm hoping contained gland fragments too. 

Now the difference between the two wasn't extreme before the revision, but again referring back to my initial surgery, the difference in my chest I could feel before the revision didn't seem to be properly represented in what was removed this time either. Before I could clearly feel the significant enough amount of gland giving the right side its less defined-more puffy look. It had that same shifting movement when pressed on/pushed into that I posted about before and after the surgery, while the minor scar tissue kept that held in position feeling. 

Anyway when you take into account there should be some ever so slight scar tissue formation from this new surgery, you might be able to see where my paranoia lies! My hope is because there was so little poking and probing around compared to the initial gland removal, the scar tissue will not replace the small amount removed, and just maybe I'll be blessed with a flat right side to match the left. 

I tell you, I'm damn sick of that still slightly puffy side. Come Friday hopefully I'll be able to tell you all my judgements were wrong, and to completely disregard this thread. As well as be free of this and start to properly move on.

Surely this time he's got it right! 

Offline Cale

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I should include the pain has been pretty much non existent, some ever so slight feeling of discomfort yesterday arvo as local anaesthesia wore off. Less than last time which I guess was to be expected as a whole lot less removed. Didn't need any painkillers last time and surely won't be needing this time either.

Sorry for all the ramblings but thanks to those who read.


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Have you considered getting a mamogram to confirm your suspicion? There must be top notch plastic surgeons in Australia that you could go to instead of this guy.

Offline Cale

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Interesting on the mammogram, I never thought of that. Wondering if it would be accurate enough to show such a minor difference, what's scar tissue etc.

As for Australian surgeons, there's certainly no one anywhere near as experienced as this guy. He's possibly the most experienced in the world. Plus the fact the revision he did for free.

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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I hope it turns out well this time, Cale. Keep us posted and I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too.


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