Good evening all, it's late at night and I'm smack in the middle of my gyno surgery recovery. Figured now's as good a time as ever for me to share on this site my experiences with my man-boobs exorcism

I've been plagued with small but insidious boobies since I was a really little kid; you can see just a tad extra flesh even in old photos from when I was four. Being very in shape as a teenager camoflauged it, but I still looked a little weird. Gaining and then losing about twenty pounds in my late twenties seems to have exacerbated the condition and, given that it had always bugged me and that I could afford it, I decided to get them lopped off by the best surgeon I could find. Most recently, my abominable knobs of joy were especially annoying since I had been dieting and exercising intensively for years only to look totally average in a T-shirt.
I was prepared to travel across the country but the very highly rated Dr.
Miguel Delgado operated in the same town I worked in, of all places. After a lot of reading on this and other sites, I decided to get the ball rolling and went in for a consultation. He complimented the effort I'd put into taking care of myself and quoted a relatively short procedure.
There was a moment when I wondered if it was more in my head than anywhere else. The funny sideways glances and comments women would sometimes dart at my chest hardened my resolve. $6400? It'll just be as if I bought a Mustang instead of a Honda Civic. Cheaper, even.
I was exhaustively briefed on self-care before and after the procedure. I signed all the paperwork and arranged for a week off work.
The day came and I was nervous. I'd never been under general anesthesia beore. The nurse was a nice lady who admitted to having some cosmetic work done by
Dr. Delgado. This was a supreme compliment as it came from a colleague. Her and the anesthesiologist put me at ease. I sat on the operating table while they played Led Zeppelin. I was still wondering when the surgery would start when I woke up and they wheeled me into the recovery room.
A buddy drove me home and watched over me for the first twelve hours. It's only been two days now since the operation but the vest, tubes, and leggings are pretty uncomfortable. They put stockings on you to prevent blood clots. There's also the big black compression vest, of course, with the foam pads inside it which are plastered to your chest. Drainage tubes stick out of my armpits and terminate in two plastic bulbs inside their vest pockets. It itches and makes you think how hellish it would be to have to endure weeks in a full-body cast.
I've been catching up on my movie watching and I hope to get the drains removed the morning after next, but we'll see how it goes. Looking forward to seeing the results!