Author Topic: Injury to chest after surgery  (Read 1282 times)

Offline cms5402

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Hi everyone,

So I see a lot of threads about people worrying about scar tissue from their surgeries.  I have had a slightly different experience.

About 6 months after my gyne surgery, I was extremely happy.  My chest looked terrific.  The nipples were flat.  The right one had a slight crater, but nothing too noticeable and about a million times better than before surgery.  The left nipple was perfect.  It was at this six month point that someone bit my left nipple extremely hard during sex.  I say extremely hard and mean it -- it was extremely painful despite the nipple being essentially numb at that point in time.

Within a few days, the nipple began to tingle and swell.  Over the course of a week, I could "feel" something growing underneath it.  Visually, the nipple is now puffy -- about half to 3/4 as puffy as before surgery.  I can feel what feels to be a small grape-sized lump behind the nipple.  The right side is totally lacking this lump.

Given that this lump grew almost immediately after this injury, I feel like it is scar tissue that formed as a result of an injury to my still-healing tissues.  It has now been three months and the lump is still there.  If this is scar tissue (and what else could it be, really?), can I expect it to gradually dissolve?  If so, how long does that generally take?  6 months?  12 months?

I saw my PS about it a month after the injury but he acted like nothing was wrong there, even though I can see a difference and feel a lump.  He showed me my pre-surgery pictures as if to say, "Yeah, well, here is how bad it used to be," and hurried me out of the office.  It didn't feel like he took my concern seriously.

I have since moved out of state so cannot return to visit the PS who did my surgery, so any thoughts would be appreciated.  I am really just looking for input at this point. 

Thanks, everyone!


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