Author Topic: Surgery complete =)  (Read 2927 times)

Offline cyanide

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Hi Fellow sufferers,

Well it's been a long journey, I started posting on here over a year ago, I had the money then but my girlfriend surprised me with a trip to Thailand for my birthday. So I used most of it for spending money,  got some new ink and wasn't working when i returned so I was living off savings.  But now, thanks to landing a freaking awesome job doing something I really enjoy earning over 100k a year in Australia I was able to save up again. BTW I had a consultation in Thailand while I was there and the cost was suprisingly no differant to home so I opted to get it done here. Total cost was around 10k but I should get around 2k back, hopefully.
I am writing this while sitting up in hospital, the morning after my surgery It all went very well according to the doc. Im relatively pain free slightly uncomfortable of course but I was lucky enough not to have drains. I had gland removal, lipo and a lift. I woke and still am wearing a compression garment with some sticky foam underneath, but OMG i keep going to the bathroom mirror and my side profile has me grinning from ear to ear!!!! I look normal!, cant wait to see wat it looks like in the flesh, heading to a hotel soon as Iv done this in complete secret. I will post b4 and after pics ASAP =) anyone that has questions feel free to ask

Offline srnd2012

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Congrats on your surgery!  It's now the start of a new chapter in your life.   I can't wait for mine  ;D

Offline Wonderman

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Congrats.  Hope you have the results you wanted.  I am 7 weeks post op and see a difference, but not the look I was expecting with just lipo.

All the best with yours!

Offline boxingboobs

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Congrats!!! I knw the feeling you are going thru right now, its the best feeling in the world! I had surgery two weeks ago and I was pleased with the results, but after 1 week my nipples started to get puffy again my doctor assures me that it because of the swelling and underneath scar tissue, but I dont feel like its swollen :/ .well just let me knw if this happens to you, if it does then ill have more faith thats its a normal thing after the procedure..once again congrats on getting rid of those bastards lol

Offline cyanide

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Thanks guys!! I do read a worrying amount of bad result reports on here which is discouraging but I think anything is better than having a handful of feminiaty and ppl staring, at least my real life has finally begun!

Offline cyanide

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Well its nearly the 6th day after my op. things are ok, still got the sticky padding bandage all over my chest. I see the nurse and doc tomoro, im guessing it will come off then along with some/all of the stitches. Im so nervous, the big unveiling, I can kinda tell there may be some sagging =( though.  I managed to return to work on the 3rd day post op and have also managed to hide this from everyone! showering sux, its more like a rub down. heaps of meds. 3 types of pain killers, anti biotics, anti inflamatries...It all made me constipated but ive taken laxets to fix that. I will post tomorrow after my appointment, hopefully some good news

Offline xelnaga13

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3 types of pain meds? Take my advice, the second you no longer NEED the stronger ones dispose of them immediately. The sooner you can get off of the narcotic pain meds, and onto the non narcotic pain meds the better. Too many bright and well put together individuals get sucked into pain meds addiction after getting a legitimate rx for them.

Just words of caution from someone with experience with this issue. Im sure you will do great in your recovery, and my thoughts are with you.

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Congrats, cyanide!  ;D

Don't be too alarmed when you first get a look at your chest; you'll probably be bruised up and swollen and your chest will look kind of sad. Just know that you're still healing and that your chest will go through many changes over the next weeks & months.

Keep us posted, and here's to a speedy recovery!

And I second xelnaga13 about the pain meds.

Offline cyanide

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cheers fellas! Advise taken, im off everything except panadol now so all good.
Well hes my summary of the appointment...
The nurse removed my sticky bandages, OUCH! i took a look down and was AMAZED!! hardly any swelling, a bit of bruising but...but..NO MANBOOBS!! I was so dam happy I could hardly contain myself, Dr lee came and was very happy with results. My nipples are finally flat, my chest is simetrical, I was expecting alot worse.
When I left I was grinning from ear to ear, got in my ute and literally laughed out loud so hard!!! I was ten minutes into driving, constantly looking down at my flat chest and burst into tears, tears of pure utter joy! my life has changed finally, That day was the happiest day of my exsistance, I cant thank my surgen enough, I shall post pics very soon guys

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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When I left I was grinning from ear to ear, got in my ute and literally laughed out loud so hard!!! I was ten minutes into driving, constantly looking down at my flat chest and burst into tears, tears of pure utter joy! my life has changed finally, That day was the happiest day of my exsistance.

CONGRATS my man...

Welcome to the 'Other Side'...   8)

Good to hear that you are happy with your surgery result...


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline anoroc

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Great news on your surgery.  Makes you wonder why you waited so long huh.  I finally had mine done at age 45.  So much time waisted.


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