maybe some of u remember me. you're welcome to search for my threads. basically i was chunky during puerbery a little and went to like 12% bodyfat within a year and had fat/a little glandular tissue on breasts.
not anywhere near enough for a plastic surgeon to operate on me.. yes i tried. and i might of had a body dismorphic disorder, but hell, what can u do... shrinks are expensive anyway.
i submitted a few pics documenting my man boob shrinkage, from chubzy to nothing.. u can also find this thread.
anyway, back to the point....
some of you are still not aware that there is no doubt that drug treatment is a feasible option for gyno reduction/cure.
some of you who have not done your research about drug treatment should look into raloxifene, tamoxifen citrate, dht-gell (andractim), and other methods documented to treat gynocomastia.
most notablly the few studies with raloxifene, and tamoxifene showing success rates in the 90's .. and reduction of up to 100%.
anyway rebound xt.. i'm sure some of you heard the hype about this shit. this is what i used to get rid of the last little bit of flab on my chest. it works wonders. i had blood test done with this shit and i assure u it works. IT is very cheap, and will be going back up on sale next week.
basically it was on sale before, but they goofed up the main ingredient and had people shipping back their defective batches tot hem for 2/1 exchange.
anyway this is prolly the safest possible way u can start to see if u can treat the gyno.. and i assure u if u don't believe me visit various bodybuilding forums with some credible guys posting, and documenting gyno reduction with this product.
basically it's a suicide inhibitor.
anyway, for some of u who already know about it.. heads up, look for it NEXT WEEK.
they are still offering the 2/1 exchange rate up to august 5th, then 1/1... so send ur bottles back to them for 2/1 offer if u got the defective batches.