Author Topic: Embarrassment  (Read 1897 times)


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first let me start by saying that this is NOT meant to be a put down or insult or anything like that,hopefully some of you guys will say to your self ya know JB is right...

let me start here....I have been reading a lot of posts here and come across a lot of guys that are Embarrassed with there condition, especially with the younger guys..

I am now 47 years old I am married to a very beautiful woman and I have 2 teenage daughters and a 7 year old son..

9 years ago I had a bad car accident busting up my lower spine,before then I was in very good shape,I worked out a lot,I was 180 pounds of muscle and my friends call me a bull dog,after that I had to spend a lot of time off my feet to try and heal from my injures then another year healing from my back surgery and in that time I gained a lot of weight (more than 100 pounds)
In that time I came down with a slight case of Geno,being as over weight as I was it was not noticeable, as a matter of fact I still looked like I had a sucken in chest,when I had that side effect to the low T med it got real bad, as I said in my last post they where as big as grape fruits but since went down to a large B to a small C cup.
At first I would not leave my house,I did not even want to leave my room,I did not want to let my 3 kids see me like that,my wife was 100% supportive to me.even telling me that,that look was an improvement to the sunken in chest look (bless her heart) but all I wanted to do was hide,and hide I did.After about 2 months of not leaving my room except to use the bathroom.One day like some one flipped a light switch it hit me,WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MY SELF,I never cared what people thought of me before,I dressed the way I wanted to kept my hair the way I wanted did what I wanted and with every thing else in life I did it my way and did not give a flying *&^&^%$ what any one thought, what makes this any different...

 There is only one thing I cant bring myself to do and that's take shirtless pictures of my self,but it's not because of my boobs I have always been camera shy there is not many pics of me (except of a few wedding pictures) but I now wear a bra and I don't give a who knows it, I like to wear one I find it very comfortable,I cant even sleep without one,I wear what ever kind of clothes I want,I wont even think twice about wearing a tank top on a hot day,I do how ever this thing about the shoulder straps of the bra showing outside the shoulder straps of the tank,but I even find it a little trashy when I see woman do it.. In closing I guess what I am trying to say is THIS IS ME I AM WHO I AM AND I DONT CARE WHO DONT LIKE IT,IF YOU DONT LIKE HOW I LOOK IT'S YOUR PROBLEM BECAUSE I DONT CARE,IF YOU WANT TO JUDGE ME BECAUSE OF THE WAY I LOOK I HAVE NO NEED OR TIME FOR YOU......


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There are a lot of us that have accepted our breast and wear bras for comfort! Maybe not as open about it as you are, however we do accept our gynecomastia, wear bras for support, our wife's and families support us as well.

I am 54 have father 5 and have 3 grandchildren, and have been through many surgeries too, including 9 hours of back surgery that included fussing it. I too will not have gynecomastia surgery and I have double "D"s! Losing my testicles in the 90's caused mine to grow like crazy!

I am here to support others that come here and want help accepting there breast, but on the other hand I am also here to support those that decide to have surgery as well.

You said that you have read the forum for awhile so I am sure you have found the acceptance area, or the stories area where you can fine personal stories of other posters. I have mine there as others do too! My is titled "MY STORY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS". It may behoove you to read some of these if you have not.

Welcome to the forum, I wish you well, and pray that you are here to help others!

Bob aka Hammer


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@ Hammer AKA Bob my name is Joe AKA jb1128 thank you so much for your advice,being new here I did not really know where to put this post,from now on when it's a topic like this one I will put it in Acceptance area,I dont think I have made it to that part of the site yet,thank you for welcomeing me and of course I am here to help others wherever I can,or I would not have wrote this post. I hope no one thinks Iam saying that every one should accept there geno and live with as I have,if having the surgery is what makes anyone happy then by all means go for it,I just kinda feel bad when guys try to hide from it and let it rule there lives.
 I guess if anyone asked for for my advice on weather or not to have the surgery I would tell them the same thing that I told my wife when she asked me it she should get breasts implants,her whole life she was always small chested ( at least she thought so) she was a 34A to a 34B depending the the bra she wore in high school the girls made fun of her they said things like "you look like you have the body of a little boy" I told her babe in my eyes you are the most beautiful woman in the world no matter how big or small your boobs are,if getting a boob job makes you happy then go for it but dont do it because you think it would make me happy or because you think other people will think you look better,only do it for your she did it.. (I have to admit she now has and awesome set of 34DDs) and I dont love her any less than I did before then because it's who she is on the inside not the outside.....


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