Author Topic: Big and bouncy ..Question  (Read 2186 times)


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I don't know if this is the right place to put this topic but here goes...

This happens to me every day,at some point in the day my breasts feel bigger and more bouncy and my bra gets tighter,there is nothing that I can think of that sets it off, once in a wile it's like that when I wake up in the morning or sometimes it gets like that after a walk,some times it just happens while watching TV,there is no rime or reason it just happens and it could happen at any time of the day or night,at first I thought it was all in my head but one time when it happened I asked my wife do I look bigger than usual and she took a close look and yea you do they look more noticeable and rounder like you have breast implants...

Is this normal? does this happen to anyone else?


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After a while I started to think that I left one or two things out,there is no pain involved and it will last from 2 to 5 hours then go back to normal.. (if you can call a large B to small C cup normal)the only discomfort involved is my bra being tight....


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I can't say for sure what is going on, but I find the same problem at times! I just readjust the bra to releive the tight feeling or take it off altogether!

I sit a lot as I am disabled so I don't think that helps, I don't know if you are sitting most of the time, but I think that can be a problem. It may be water retention, just a guess.



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Thanks Bob that does make sence to me as all my life I sweated a lot,and with my back problems I am also partly disabled,I had a fusion between L3 and L4 and bone graphs between L4 L5 and S1 I also have failed back surgery syndrome so I am off my feet a lot, but I also make it a point to get up and walk every day,I try to put in at least 3 miles a day,that however cauese low back and leg pain.....I guess I have to buy bigger sized bras because the 40B bras I wear, the shoulder straps are adjusted all the way and the bands are on the last hooks.

Some times I wish they would just stay that way because in a weired kinda way I think they look better that way, when they in the normal way they look folded over like some one let the air out of them and when they swell up like this they do look a little like I have it weired but if I am going to have boobs I might as well like the way they look...rigth?


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I sure wish I could take a walk like that! My dad does that with a bad back to. He has had 4 surgeries on his and at 83 he can't have anymore, however, he has 5 bulged disk, and arthritis all the way up and down the spine! Talk about pain!

My back was fuse 4/5 scrape the arthritis and trim bulge disk, but I can't remember how many. I have had both knees replaced and lost both testicles, and a couple minor surgeries.

The main cause of my disabilities though is diabetes. I had it for about twenty years before it was discovered due to a blood disorder that masked it, making the A1c test not work so the damage was being done for years. Neuropathy in my feet is what started it all making it real hard to walk.

These are the reasons that the gynecomastia has not been a big deal for me! The other stuff has always trumped it!

As for the bra, you could go to a bra fitter. Some of the guys have had good luck, one of the guys was treated very bad though. My wife and I have just used trial and error.



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WOW Bob it sounds like you have been to hell and back,it lso sounds like you are one tough mother,I would not want to tangle with you,I guess I can say I only know 1 forth your pain,but I also know that even if you would walk out your front door and walk 50 feet and back to the house it would do your body a world of good.A body that stays in motion stays in motion,a body that stays still tends to stay still....

I have been useing trial and error my self,but I did get a rough idea on bra size from my wife,as I mention in another comment she had breast implants about 3 years ago and had to learn how to measure bra sizes,I am now glad she did get those implants because if she did not I would have bigger boobs than her,and I think that would have gone over like a fart in church!!


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I do have much larger then my wife but we could care less!

Both of my daughters know I wear a bra, but my boys do not! The one son may have an idea that I do as we had a discussion about the Bible saying that a man shall not wear the clothing of a woman or .... Well I explain to him that there is no place that is says that man shall wear pants and a woman shall wear..... And a bra was made to support breast period, and what should that matter if the breast are on a man or a woman? We all are Christains, in fact I happen to be ordain, but I still stand by what I said. He and his brother live 900 miles away so we don't see much of each other, so seeing the bra is a reality is unlike to happen. The oldest is 32 and the youngest is 28.

I know that I told you on another post that I had 5 kids. We lost one boy at the age of 6 in 1988 in a sliding accident! It was just after Christmas, nice fresh snow fall and ended up under the wheels of a frontend loader! He would be 30 years old now.

Both daughters, 22 and 20 were going to graduate from collage in Dec both with there four years but the oldest had a baby in Aug so she back off with some classes. She will now graduate in spring with a animal science degree, and it actually works out better as her and husband have a year lease so they will not need to pay double rent if she got a job some place out of town.

My younger daughter has a double major, English lit and history and goes into the Navy in March! She wanted to follow her old man and see the world she said, except she is going to do it as a reporter or something like that! She will be going to Mass Communications school after boot camp.

I know that I got off topic here, but it is this what keeps me going through my pain! I am proud of them!



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Hey Bob How you feeling today? good I hope,I am so sory to hear about you son,that has to be a really hard thing to deal with,it sounds like you have some great kids,it also sounds like you did a great job of raising them and am proud of you,,great job buddy...


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