Author Topic: Sorry for not being arround for a few days  (Read 2146 times)


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I have been a bit depressed,In a few post's in the past I have said how I dont care what other people think of me and my moobs, but I have learned it is much easier said than done when it come to what I thought was one of my best friends,this guy tony, (not real name)I have known him since I was 6,I will be 48 next month so do the math on how long I have known him.
we have done just about everything together,in my younger years we used to pick up chicks together,he was always the first one I would call when I took my boat out to go fishing and he never passed up the chance to go, we have not missed a hunting season together in 26 years.A couple of months ago I noticed he has been acting kinda strange towards me,one day back in June I called him and invited him to go fishing and he turned me down,(you would think whats the big deal he could not go)saying that his wife had the day off from work and he wanted to spend some time with her,now with most people you would think oh how nice whats the big deal,except he hates his wife,he cant stand her he says she's a witch and calls her broom Hilda,never has a nice thing to say about her,they don't even sleep in the same bed together,he only stays with her for his 3 kids..
   Two weeks ago I called him and said I was going down to the U,H, to have a beer or two and asked him if he wanted to join me ( he has never turned down an invite to have a few beers but turned me down saying he had no money to spend on beer right now (understandable he is broke)so I said no problem bro I got you ( not only has he never turned down an invite for some brew never in a million years would he turn down free beer)so he said um um um OKAY and never showed up.
Every year we camp out on the mountain to go hunting and like I said we have not missed a hunting season in 26 years,Tony my friend Jim (not real name) me and two other friends did this every year,a couple of days ago I went over to Jim's house to work out some plans to go hunting next month,after working a few things out Jim says to me oh by the way Tony is not coming,I say bull s*&&^t tony love to go hunt and camp, Jim says JB I dont think Tony is the friend you think he is,(now it's no secret that Tony and Jim dont get along to good so I thought Jim was trying to cause trouble between me and tony),Jim said I am going to call him on the phone and put him on the speaker dont say anything,so I went along,Jim called tony and asked him if he changed his mind about not coming,tony says to Jim I told you if breast man is going I'm not,tony says to Jim you better watch out JB might try and sneak into your tent and try to blow you when you are sleeping,when I heard that I almost exploded but managed to keep my mouth shut,Jim says to tony you know you can be a real arse hole some times,you have known JB all your life you know he is not like that,tony says to Jim why are you always sticking up for him,are you two doing each other,that's when I did expload,I yelled out "tony you are a real jerk off,don't let me catch you, if you see me coming you better run because I am going to kick the s*&^t out of you...
 I have known that moron for more than 42 years I thought he was one of my closest and best friends,how can that pr*&k think that way of me,to turn on me like that just because of my GYNE...I am really hurt and don't know what to think,all I know is when or if I ever see him again him and I are going to have big problems!!!!


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Now I am starting to think that maybe he is not worth getting my hands dirty,it might have taken a really long time to see what kind of person he really isand I saw his true colors and some ne like him is not worth the trouble I would get into.......but it still hurts.I lost what used to be my best friend!!!!


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What kind of friend would dump you because of a health issue?

I don't know if it would do any good but you could sent him info on gynecomastia and the facts that 60% of males will get it at some point in their lives.

But then maybe he isn't worth it, you need to decide how to handle it! I have also lost friends as I was first going through my health issues too! I decided if they did not want to support me at a time of need, they were no friend.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 03:21:49 PM by hammer »

Offline xelnaga13

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Wow Jb. That's about as low as it gets. Please don't let this sucker punch knock you down.

All this means is that you will now have to go out and make a new friend that values you.


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@ Bob how you feeling today?sending tony info on mygyne wont do any good as he knows whats up with me,the guy is just an arse hole,he cant even get along with his wife,I think this is just a blessing in disguise who knows how long he has been cutting me up behind my back,I am rid of him...
 @ Xelnage 13even though that sucker punch was a pretty hard blow and he might have knocked me down i only stayed down for maybe a 3 count and am back on my feet again..

out of all this bad I did learn some thing good,the comment from Tony to Jim,"why are you always sticking up for him" I have known Jim for almost 26 years and he has always been a good friend to me,Jim would also like to lump tony up as well,but I dont think Jim would fair too well,ver the years tony and jim went at 2 or 3 times and jim always got his butt wooped.
I guess I did not have to look very far to find a friend that values me because I already have one........thank you for the replys guys they made me feel better.....


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I feel good, thank you!

Now that you know who is and isn't a friend, you can move on from this chapter! Problem is, the rest of the book still needs to be written and there will be many more chapters of up and downs!

My faith has got me through my up and downs!

God bless,



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@ Bob I am glad you are feeling good,you are right as with everyone else I have hit many a bump on the road of life and have also traveled many miles of smooth pavement,most of the time I can handle the bumps pretty well and yes this pot hole was deep,but I will as they say get over it,In a way I think I should thank tony because he made me a stronger person,maybe some day he might see the error in his ways,maybe not,I just dont know if I would want to forgive him,all i know is it wont be easy for him to be forgiven if I did....

Offline Paa_Paw

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Actually you got a really good run. Most friendships last less than a decade.

In the end, the way you part is what will flavor your memory of the former friend. Obviously he did not care too much how you remember him. Just see that you are a better person yourself.

Reading back over the entire post, it seems that the friendship was all pretty much one way and he was no so much a friend as a person generally along for the free ride. You are probably better off without him.
Grandpa Dan

Offline xelnaga13

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Actually you got a really good run. Most friendships last less than a decade.

In the end, the way you part is what will flavor your memory of the former friend. Obviously he did not care too much how you remember him. Just see that you are a better person yourself.

Reading back over the entire post, it seems that the friendship was all pretty much one way and he was no so much a friend as a person generally along for the free ride. You are probably better off without him.

Agreed. Ive had the unfortunate experience of sticking with a friendship past it's expiration date. In hindsight there were more than a few indicators that we had grown apart. But in the name of preserving something you've had for so long, you tend to accept a decent amount of disappointment.

I have a policy now where I will reach out no more than 3 times with no response. After 3 times I don't initiate plans or communication. I still leave the door open.


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I have a policy now where I will reach out no more than 3 times with no response. After 3 times I don't initiate plans or communication. I still leave the door open.

Thats a really good way to look at it,from now on thats what I will do....Thanks buddy


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