Author Topic: Surgery With Levick - COMPLETE 16th January (Pics now added)  (Read 21983 times)

Offline Ricardo7

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improving - don't think I got any spare dressings I'll have a double check though. Thankfully I have a first aid kit at home so took a small piece of bandage and taped it over the cut.

The journey home - was pretty tired at the end of it. 4 hours from Birmingham to Glasgow then another hour-ish home from there.The journey itself was comfortable enough but was knackered when I got home and had the best sleep I've had in days!

The meds the hospital give you give you a helping hand sleep-wise too - its strong stuff ;)

Offline Stem

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The nurse told me I could take the incision dressings off after 24 hours so don't sweat it too much. Good luck with the recovery.

Offline Ricardo7

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Cheers stem, When the nurse took my drains out she covered the holes and told me to hold it in place by keeping my arms at my side. She never really specified when to take them off, and I took them off when I was getting dressed to go home without thinking haha.

Offline thisonehere

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How are you now, Ricardo7?
I'm really confused as to what I am to do next, I have an appointment at a local private hospital soon concerning surgery, but I'm worried the doctor won't specialize in gyne surgery and I may have to follow the same route as all of you guys (won't be able to afford it)
How much did it cost?
How are you feeling a few days after surgery after plenty of rest?
I am so envious of everyone post-op. I would love to wake up tomorrow morning with surgery behind me, knowing it went well and I can live my life to the full in a few months time.

Offline Ricardo7

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Hi thisonehere,

all in all it cost me £3805, this is broken down into surgeon fee, anaethtetist fee and hospital fee. I don't know what hospital you are going to and how their prices will compare but it will probably be quite similar. 3-4k seems to be the going rate for gyno surgery in the UK.

4 days post op I'm feeling absolutely fine. I've read people on here being in pain/ discomfort/ limited mobility in the days following surgery but I'm not experiencing any of these. Every individual is different though so I guess I've just landed lucky. I still have my dressings on, they come off in a few days and I'll get to see my new chest, albeit I will still have some way to go in terms of overall recovery.

Good luck mate, hopefully you'll be clearer on what you plan to do after your hospital appointment. In my experience, after the big build up to the surgery, it all goes past in a flash and you are on the mend in no time! Be sure and let us know how you get on :)

Offline trashed

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Good to see your healing ok mate. Would be great to see some pre and post op photos.

Offline Ricardo7

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Good to see your healing ok mate. Would be great to see some pre and post op photos.

Cheers mate. I'm waiting on Levick emailing me pre/post op pics then I'll post them here. He showed me them after the op, looks like theres a massive difference.

Offline Ricardo7

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Well, took the dressings off this morning... FLAT!! Chuffed isn't the word :)

I'm still slightly yellow and bruised, but what a result. I would have paid double what I paid for that feeling of euphoria this morning when the dressings came off. I can't feel my nipples and the left one is ever so slightly concave but that isn't noticable to anybody else, only me when I look down on it. I'm sure my chest has a lot of changing still to do so I'm going to sit tight for the recovery process!

I took the dressings off and allowed myself an hour or so just to take it in and pose in the mirror and try on some tight tshirts, now I've got the compression vest on.

I took some photos so I'll get them onto my laptop now and get them uploaded here. Apologies in advance for the poor quality as I dont have a camera so they were taken on my sh*tty blackberry camera.

If anyone has any questions leave them here or drop me a pm and I'll be more than happy to answer!

Offline Ricardo7

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Offline sjwsjw

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Looks good mate  :)

Yea your chest will change and you probably will swell up some (I still am) but I feel good behind a t-shirt and that alone is massive to how I was. Give yourself a few weeks and life goes back to normal and its just a case of ticking the days off to that full result.

The vest will be uncomfortable after a few days but stick it out and it'll feel fine after a couple more days, that's about as tough as things get once your past the first week comfort wise.

Offline Ricardo7

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Thanks lads!

The compression vest feels more uncomfortable than the dressings did tbh. I'm going to wear it on the tight setting through the day and the looser setting in bed I think.

Offline trashed

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Looking great :D, btw how do you arrange post op visits with Levick? Does the office contact you?

Offline Pez2

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Nice result mate. Hope you're pleased with it! Surreal seeing your chest gyno free isn't it.
Gyno free :)

Offline Ricardo7

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cheers pez I sure am. those pics dont really do it justice - the bruising and the plaster marks make it look far worse than it actually is.

By the sounds of your thread you are coming along nicely too. I cant wait to get back to working out more than anything, I stopped going to the gym a few weeks before christmas and have had some amount of muscle wastage

trashed - i havent arranged any, Levick said i would be welcome to book in with him should I be in birmingham at any point but he saw no need for me to travel all the way from Scotland solely for that purpose. He told me to send him pics and get in touch if I have any worries


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