Author Topic: Recent Onset Adult Gyne - Update  (Read 2174 times)

Offline fguss01

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Hello again all,

Started to develop Gyne in Mid-Aug this year following a short course of Domperidone.

Seen 2 endos, had loads of tests, E2 is high end of normal, SHBG high also but no benchmark of hormone panel before so hard to see the "smoking gun" for the gyne to quote xelnaga.

Been on Tamox for 2 months which slowed, but did not stop, the growth and helped with the pain.

Have decided to come off the Tamox and let nature take its course along with some herbal preps as a liver and digestive tonic and see where we get.

My body seemed to want to stimulate the breast tissue despite the Tamox and as, apart from the gyne pain, I am fit and well with good energy and OK libido I think I am best to let my body work out what it wants to do and then see what the endgame is with the Gyne.

The other alternative is to keep playing around with the drugs most of which are not fully understood by the endos themselves and have undesirable sides - depression with Tamox for example.

If I am unhappy at the end then I will consider surgery - trying to get my head around a timeline - thinking that I may need to give it a year to stabilise?

Thanks for alll the support and help from this forum.

best regards.

Offline fguss01

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I will of course continue to lurk and post updates  :)

Offline xelnaga13

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Sounds like a game plan. Treating gyne with medications is not meant to be continued long term.

You should find solace in the fact that surgery is always available. I don't have any data on gyne stability, but if it were me I would wait a solid year.

Another aspect to consider is that the antiestrogens and possible nolva, decrease you ability to produce and absorb serotonin. Low serotonin can contribute to obsessive thoughts and depression. So you may find that discontinuing them gives you a better outlook in general.

Good luck.

Offline fguss01

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Thanks, this is sound advice.

I have been off the Tamoxifen for 10 days now and actually already feel a whole lot better mentally although I am nervous about the future obviously.

Endoxifen, the active metabolite of Tamox, has a half life of 14 days so its going to be a couple of months before it gets down to levels where it is not doing anything. Having said that within 2 days of stopping taking it I could feel things changing  - hot flushes, new types of pain/twinges etc so maybe I am a very fast metaboliser?

Who knows?  - will keep you posted and thanks again for the support!


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