Author Topic: Ready for surgery soon. My Story. updated pics  (Read 2978 times)

Offline ready2013

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In the 6th grade i developed my some what unilateral case of gynecomastia. I am 26 now and it has plagued me for the last 13 years. It is all i ever see when i look at myself. It has been the driving force to keep me working out religously. I thought that if i just worked out like crazy i could get rid of it or at least mask it a little. Nothing has worked it is a true case of gyno. Growing the pec muscles have just pushed it out more and stripping the fat has just revealed its true form more. So surgery is my only option.

I have just finished my consultation with a local Plastic Surgeon and i have been quoted $4268 for everything. After researching this for years i think this is a pretty fair price. He seems pretty knowledgable and has talked about excsizing the gland itself and lipoing to create an even contour. He has a few before and after pics on his site that are decent.(Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre) Dr Ross album.

So heres the deal: Im scared out of my mind. Im terrified of general anesthesia, im more so scared of having the IV and feeling liquid going into me. Ive seen the actual procedure done front and back online many times and it doesnt bother me in the least. Heck i think ide be fine to stay awake the whole time and just deal with the pain.

I will be posting pictures tonight to give an idea of the degree of my gyno. But untill then ide like to hear of anybody else that was able to get over their fear of the surgery/anesthesia. Also if anybody has ever heard of Dr Jay Ross at Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre, in Palm Harbor Fl.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 07:42:44 PM by ready2013 »

Offline ready2013

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Here is a picture of the extent. Does anyone think its possible to do just excision only under local anesthesia?

Offline ready2013

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Ready2013, I have gone through 9 hours of back surgery that I was put under, I have had several other surgeries includeing both knees replaced that I was wide awake for. Each person is diferent as far as what they can handle, but you will be in a very controlled area with very well trained people, so you can relax some. I know that it is still a big step and not knowing what it will be like, but you will be in good hands.

I have not had gynecomastia surgery as I would need a double mastectomy because of the fact that I am very large. Double D's. so the surgery would be very extensive. I wish you the best with your surgery! The one advise that I would like to pass on, is to follow your post-op instructions to the letter to help your healing and be patient, as we all heal at a own speed.

God bless and good luck

Offline hitchcock

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Good luck. Your chest looks pretty good to me. I have a similar case.

Offline xelnaga13

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Consider gland removal and lipo. Remember similar to females gyno fat does not burn away like other fat deposits. It's the reason why a girl can starve herself down to 80 pounds and still have breast fat. It simply does not move.

Additionally, there is a new theory that estrogenic estrogen fat deposits contain higher levels of the aromatase enzyme than other subcutaneous fat deposits.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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You appear to be very lean, with your gynecomastia limited to the nipple/areola area.  In cases like yours, I'll often remove the gland tissue under local anesthesia, when liposuction isn't really necessary.  You can see a patient of mine very similar to you on my website, orlandoplasticsurgerycenterdotcom. Click on the patient gallery section, and in the men's section, see Patient "L".

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline ready2013

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Thanks so much for the replies! Im really liking the possibility of being able to undergo local anesthesia.

Heres my plan, let me know if the sounds possible. I am currently at about 16-18% bodyfat. My goal over the next 8 weeks is to bring my BF% down to around 10%. I have never been that low before but i have a feeling that i will really lean out quite a bit all over and in my chest as well. Im hoping to move some fat to expose the gyno more, all you guys with true gyno know that the gland tissue isnt going anywhere.

By doing this, will having less adipose tissue around the gland tissue make it easier to excise the gland only? Also, on Dr Popes' galleries(Great by the way)I feel my condition is closer to patient "J". If that patient was able to undergo local anesthesia only i believe i may have a shot as well. Check it out @ (orlandoplasticsurgerydotcom)

Good to actually talk about this. I cant even count how many hours ive put in working out, only to throw in the towel because no matter how hard i worked i could never have the body that i was working for.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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One correction on your post:
My website is orlandoplasticsurgeryCENTERdotcom  Very long, I know. If you leave out the word "center", you land on someone else's site.

Dr. Pope, MD

Offline bharat

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[quote author=Dr. Pope link=topic=26807.msg175910#msg175910 date=1355537986]
One correction on your post:
My website is orlandoplasticsurgeryCENTERdotcom  Very long, I know. If you leave out the word "center", you land on someone else's site.

Dr. Pope, MD

Hello Dr George,

Request you to please share your thoughts on the below thread.


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