Author Topic: FInally going through with it.  (Read 2235 times)

Offline CaptainPlanet

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Hey everyone. I am a 23 year old college student and i have been living with gynecomastia since i was a child. Even though i am not obese, it still persists.
Today i went to see Dr. Revis in South Florida, not far from where i live and scheduled a date for the surgery (Feb. 8).
For my case he insisted using UItrasonic-assisted liposuction instead of incision. I have read amazing things about this doctor and have complete faith that he will do a great job. I am just curious about the UItrasonic-assisted liposuction. Ive never heard of this technique before and cant find satisfying results with Google. Does anyone know more about this or had it done personally? Does it really break down the breast tissue? I am frightened it wont remove tissue and scared it may grow back after surgery.

With that being my only concern, i CANNOT WAIT to finally have this done. Ive been wanting it for years and my brain still doesn't register that ill be rid of these "moobies" in just a few short months. I can finally stop wearing 2-3 layers of clothing in the 90 degree Florida heat. I am very excited.
I apologize for the lengthy post. Thank you for reading :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Liposuction once consisted of simply a trocar and a strong vacuum pump. The canulas have become much more refined and there have been augmentations in the form of lasers and ultra sonic devices. These have as many different names as they have makers. As a matter of fact the same maker may produce several different models and give each a different name. All of this should be of no concern to you. You are banking on the Doctor and the name of his tools is of little matter to you.

The only thing that is of concern is that he is using a method that he has faith in himself and that you in turn have faith in him.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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If you would read through a number of recent posts, you will gather than most of the active surgeons on this site do not espouse ultrasonic lipo.  And virtually all the surgeons agree that excision, in addition to lipo, should be performed at the same time.

Good luck with Dr Revis.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I'm afraid I have to agree with Dr. Jacobs.  Most of us on this forum have not been impressed with ultrasonic liposuction for removal of gland tissue.  It really needs direct excision.  I don't want to kill your enthusiasm, but you may want to read some of the posts here on the subject.  Try to find some guys here who have had only that, no excision.  Maybe start a new thread and see what you find.  Did you ask the surgeon about excision of the tissue?  You may want to ask him how often he has to go back to excise breast tissue after ultrasonic lipo.

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline CaptainPlanet

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I have emailed the doctor and asked him if i could do an excision. In our consultation he told me a lot of the negatives of having an excisions and assured me that the ultrasonic lipo would give me good results. He stated that 95% of his patients are satisfied with the results and don't require a revision.  His before and after photos can be seen at his website: southfloridaplasticsurgery dot com  in the gynecomastia section ( go to Procedures then look for Gynecomastia)
the results look quite good but i am am only becoming more concerned about this procedure the more i continue reading. Hopefully i get a reply to the email soon. I have heard several good things about this doctor and am a bit cautious to question his professional opinions.  

Offline CaptainPlanet

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He emailed me back already. I was pleasantly surprised to receive the email so fast. He did mention that he didn't think i need the excision but was willing to if i was ok with the increased price, which i am fine with. So on feb 8th i will be having the it done with excision.
I am relieved and cannot wait for Feb. 8th. I trust that Dr. Revis will do a fantastic job.

EDIT: I would like to thank you guys for your responses. You have all been extremely helpful.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I'm glad you went the extra mile and questioned him on it.  Sounds like he's a reasonable guy and will respect a patient's wishes.

Good luck!

Dr. Pope, MD


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