Author Topic: Is this gyno or fat?  (Read 2136 times)

Offline Aimster

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When I make my back straight my chest looks flat but whenever I sit and I am slouching or when I am bending down my chest comes hanging out and I have a nice pair of boobies that I can grab and squeeze.

My chest also looks fine when i am laying down with my arms over my head but if I am on top looking down they hang .. :(

I am overweight a little.. im 6'3 205.

Does this sound like anything anyone in here has?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2005, 09:24:17 PM by Aimster »

Offline Aimster

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Well when I press on my nipples it feels like there is a lot of "air" stuck inside my chest. I have puffy nipples I think.

I feel little bumps all around when I press on my nipple.

Offline gynosucks1

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lose the fat

look in the mirror, if u still have breasts, u have gy no

Offline nothingworse

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It sounds like you have mostly glandular but probably a little fat. Lost some weight first, the amount of weight you think you should lose like 20 pounds or so. You said you are 6'3" so you are not really overweight at 205pounds. Maybe lose 10-20 pounds and then your gyne should look a little better. Losing the fat first always helps. It made my moderate case go to mild/minor but still bad enough. Then go set up an appointement with your GP or a Plastic Surgeon. Probably a plastic surgeon as going through your GP is usually not the best way to do it. The PS will tell you whats wrong and the don't go oh you have a minor case they won't concern about the case unless it is life threatning. Good luck man.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Believe it or not, Fatty breasts is one type of Gynecomastia.

In any case, It makes no difference since the effects of gynecomastia are psychological/emotional rather than physical.  Also, it usually is some glandular tissue growing through and surrounded by fat.  The surgeon will know for sure after the surgery is done; not before.
Grandpa Dan


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