Author Topic: Just had gynecomastia removal using a general surgeon  (Read 3542 times)

Offline thatkid9

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Hey everyone, so today I had my gynecomastia surgery on my left side, which I have been waiting for a couple of years now. I am 17, and had gynecomastia in my left chest since I was 12. Over the past couple of years it has gotten much bigger and more noticeable, as a result I was very subconscious and depressed, especially because I am an athlete and am in fairly good shape. Finally got my pediatrician to refer me to a surgeon, and except the fact it is not going away by itself, which he tried to tell me over the years. My insurance paid for the procedure because the surgeon said she called it, "excess breast tissue" or something and not gynecomastia because she said insurance would not cover gynecomastia removal.

 Anyways the operation was fast, and I was on my way home in no time. No significant pain yet, but I was prescribed percacet for that. Right now I have a drain in for excess blood and fluid, which will be removed in 48 hours. I asked if I needed a compression vest and she said it was no necessary, on account of the drain and the icing I have been doing. I will try to find some before pictures.. And I will post some post op pictures when I go in for my next checkup. Anyways I feel pretty good, definitely awesome getting this thing taken care of. Now just to wait and pray the results are good and there are no complications!

Offline tpuk

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congrats on the op.

I have seen a surgeon on here advising against icing - I forget why.... but worth searching for to find out maybe?

Also every surgeon that posts here also recommends a compression vest for best I am a bit confused as to why you have been advised otherwise? maybe your procedure was different?

I hope I dont sound too negative, just a heads-up on stuff that I have read on here.

Offline thatkid9

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I think my procedure was different, because in the initial consultation she said there was two ways she could operate, she could go under the nipple, which i guess is the most common, or she could go from the side which they said would minimize scarring, but a drain would be needed. I believe the drain sorta replaces the compression vest, seeing how they both stop swelling. I have attached a picture of the drain. Tomorrow it comes out and i replace the gauze, so hopefully it is a good outcome.


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