Author Topic: Keep Cutting? Or Surgery. Pics  (Read 3562 times)

Offline Palatial

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I can't really tell if there's tissue or whatever,but here's my story. I'm 18 y/o, about 6'2 and weigh 170 pounds. I used to be around 190 when I was 15, I shot up when I was 16 and brought my weight down to around 165. I was pretty prone to storing fat in my chest/stomach area for a while. My biceps are pretty nice, along with my upper chest and my triceps aren't bad either (a bit of stored fat here also). I haven't been counting my calories and watching what I eat until about 1 month ago. (started eating more protein, counting cals etc.) I don't want to have to surgery AGAIN because I have heart problems and I have to get surgery every 7 years as it is. Would appreciate any help. Would an organic diet help at all?


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Because of haveing other multiple health problems that has required surgeries I have learn to ignore my gynecomastia as a older man.

As a younger man we didn't have the surgeries that we have now, and I didn't let anyone give me any crap about having bigger breast, I put a stop to it right a way so I didn't give it much thought.

I am sorry to hear about your heart problems! With that it gives you a lot to think about! It would boil down to, how much it bothers you, and how much you would want to get ride of it, or if you can just accept it and live with it.

You have come to the right place for support. I wish you the best! God bless you with what ever you decide to do.


Offline Palatial

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Because of haveing other multiple health problems that has required surgeries I have learn to ignore my gynecomastia as a older man.

As a younger man we didn't have the surgeries that we have now, and I didn't let anyone give me any crap about having bigger breast, I put a stop to it right a way so I didn't give it much thought.

I am sorry to hear about your heart problems! With that it gives you a lot to think about! It would boil down to, how much it bothers you, and how much you would want to get ride of it, or if you can just accept it and live with it.

You have come to the right place for support. I wish you the best! God bless you with what ever you decide to do.


It doesn't bother me too much, I just want to reduce the fat. My nipples aren't that big, and I definitely could use some fat loss. So I will continue to work on it. Thanks Bob


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You may not be able to change the size of your chest without surgery, sorry!  But if you can accept it without surgery, that is fine too.


Offline Palatial

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You may not be able to change the size of your chest without surgery, sorry!  But if you can accept it without surgery, that is fine too.


I'm well aware. Just want to at least try to reduce this droopy nipple look. But, since there is fat in other spots on my body, I believe I will be able to change it. Thanks once again though Bob.


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