Author Topic: Compression undershirt and TSA patdown  (Read 3554 times)

Offline letsfixthis

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I am wondering if everyone have the TSA do a full body patdown while wearing a compression vest?

If so, what was the response or did they ask you to take off your shirt or anything like that? Did they lift up your shirt,etc..?

I have seen video of them ripping the shirt off a 6 year old all American boy and much much worse. They seem to like to target people with medical problems.

Just wondering if start lifting up your shirt if you have a compression undershirt on?


Offline Paa_Paw

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I've done quite a bit of travel without having a problem.

Grandpa Dan

Offline letsfixthis

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I've done quite a bit of travel without having a problem.

You are talking about a time before full body imaging systems(x-ray) aka. nude body scanners, or the enhanced pat downs( aka molestation punishment for refusing to go into the full body imaging machine)

These are only a few years old and I am thinking that you have had your gynecomastia surgery before this time and corrected the problem?

Please let me know what you mean about being able to travel and not having any problems?

Do you mean that you wore a compression vest or undershirt and had an enhanced pat down( not a regular pat down but " enhanced" pat down?

or do you mean were went inside the x-ray full body imaging system with a compression vest/undershirt.

Does your airport use those x-ray full body scanners or metal detectors?

Please let me know what your TSA situation looks like in your part of the country and was this before you had your surgery?



Offline Paa_Paw

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Before I retired, most of my travel was by highway. I only started to travel a lot by air in the last 10 years.

We have had our problems, like the time my daughter refused to let her 13 year old daughter be searched without her. They got all the bad press they could handle and similar things are guarded against now. My wife gets the full search all the time because the metal detectors go nuts over her. She has had both knees replaced. I've had the full search a couple of times and it was really not a big deal.

When a search gets out of hand, it makes the evening news nationwide. Problems are not as common as you would think for all the time they get on the TV News.

The best way to get a full pat down is to act like you are hiding something.

The better the detection equipment, the less often they actually do a full pat down. The equipment keeps getting better so searches are more and more rare.

Offline letsfixthis

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Before I retired, most of my travel was by highway. I only started to travel a lot by air in the last 10 years.

We have had our problems, like the time my daughter refused to let her 13 year old daughter be searched without her. They got all the bad press they could handle and similar things are guarded against now. My wife gets the full search all the time because the metal detectors go nuts over her. She has had both knees replaced. I've had the full search a couple of times and it was really not a big deal.

When a search gets out of hand, it makes the evening news nationwide. Problems are not as common as you would think for all the time they get on the TV News.

The best way to get a full pat down is to act like you are hiding something.

The better the detection equipment, the less often they actually do a full pat down. The equipment keeps getting better so searches are more and more rare.

I would gladly go though a metal detector however the X-ray machines which view you naked are the ones I have a problem with. I imaging that your wife must be the only person in the country who is happy to go into the x-ray full image body scanner on account that it does not detect metal.

What I am wondering is if you or anyone has had an enhanced pat down while wearing a compression vest and if they started to make a big deal about the compression vest or start lifting up your shirt, trying to grab the vest to see what it is, making comments, that kind of thing.

That is what I really would like to know.


Offline letsfixthis

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I really got into it with the TSA agent. It was very uncomfortable situation.

Remember when the TSA told everyone that the x-ray nude scanners were only for people who were unable to resolve a situation with the metal detector. In other words, they keep setting it off over and over again.

Well, my airport had them on every gate and was making everyone go inside.

I tried to force my way into the metal detector but they had 2 TSA agent guarding it. That is right, 2 TSA agents, one in front and one in back.

He was saying " everyone much go to the X-ray scanner" and I was telling him that " I do not want you to see me naked and expose me to deadly radiation"

Just as he was telling me this, a bunch of people walked though the metal detector which make the TSA agent look like a complete lying jerk.

I pointed to them and said, " hey, they just went though, why can't I"

This guy looked like he wanted to tear my head off.

Anyway, its not fun going to airport security especially with gynecomastia. The compression vest seemed to help and did not cause an issue. I told the guy doing the pat down that I had a rare and highly infectious skin disease and he should wear double gloves and basically he did the absolutely minimum to get done quickly.

I wonder if these guys realize that Israel has more terrorist threats and don't do any of this x-ray naked body scanner stuff. A little intelligence detective work can easily reveal the potential terrorist from the innocent traveler.


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