Author Topic: About to have Gyno Op in 2 weeks need quick answer!  (Read 1903 times)

Offline gyno_op

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New to the site, ive got my gyno op in 2 weeks and during my consultation the surgeon said its fine to cut out all of the tissue and not to leave any behind and im a little confused because i have read in various places that some tissue MUST be left behind to prevent the nipple caving in?

When i suggested this to him he said that, that is only when there is fat surrounding the nipple and because i am quite lean i dont need to leave any tissue???

HELP please?!

also having the op in the UK, harley street, london

Offline joltera

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It's normal to have a little bit of breast tissue. Yes, this is what keeps your chest from looking sunken in. Usually the amount of excess tissue is not uniform on each side so the surgeon has to be able to gauge the difference and take the appropriate amount out.

No, he should not take out all the tissue, just enough for your chest to be flat. To little or too much will either leave you with residual gyne, or a crater defect. A sunken area in your chest is probably the worst because it's hard to repair and really stands out as odd to people who may see your body.

It's true very little tissue should remain and as long as he ins't scooping it out of you, you'll probably be fine. Does he have any before and after pictures of his work on people with similar body types as you? It is possible that when he says "all the tissue" he does not literally mean all the tissue, but only all the excess tissue. Me personally, I'd feel more comfortable if he fully understood this concept.   

Good Luck
f*ck gyne

Offline gyno_op

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Well I did suggest this to him, he just said he would remove all of the breast tissue and shouldn't leave any of it behind because I have a muscular chest. I have his direct contact details so I will just be more clear with what I mean maybe, just I don't want him to then either over compensate and leave too much and then I don't want to not say anything and just go on want he told me especially if there's a miscommunication. I haven't seen any before and after photos but he's all over the Internet, Dr. Nurein his name is. Checked his reviews out and all seems good in general. 

Offline joltera

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Well, if he is an experienced with these operations he should know how much to take out. Honestly, it would worry me if he has no before or after photos of past patients. Either no one has given him consent to use their photo, or he hasn't had many good results. You should definitely as him about this and find out his reasoning for not having any.

When you say he has a lot of positive reviews are they specifically for this type of surgery or just in general? A lot of PS can do a wide range of operations, many of them not requiring as much skill for a desired result of removing gyno. It's a lot more than just removing gland.. you may no longer have puffy nipples, assuming this is the issue, but a misshapen contour of the surrounding areas can be just as bad in my opinion.

Just keep in mind that today more than ever the internet is a marketing tool used to advertise and lure in customers. Sure, there may be honest reviews and good information, but there is also sometimes incentives to write good reviews or even completely make them up out of thin air. Also it is possible for people to pay to have certain articles easy to find in a search while others (usually negative ones) are buried deep within the depths of the web and nearly impossible to find without a direct link.

Is he doing excision + Lipo? It's my understanding that sometimes the fat and gland are closely stuck together that's why some lipo is usually done regardless of how much fat you have just to smooth things out. Are you a bodybuilder or are you just lean with defined pecs? If you're a bodybuilder and have less the 10% body-fat then you indeed may not need any lipo.

Ask him how many gyno surgeries he has done in the past year or two if you haven't already and ask him about the photos.
If the reviews online are specifically for this type of surgery then that's good, but if they are just vague and general then I wouldn't go by that. He may be a fine doctor, but if he has no proof of his work and seems less knowledgeable then the people on this site about the condition and treatment, I would be skeptical. Just my 2cents.

Offline gyno_op

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Yeah no definitely I agree with u. I've emailed him so I'm going to wait and see what I hear back. He specialises in laser lipo and most of his reviews are for either laser lipo in general and for female breast stuff I haven't read them all but that was the general jist of things. I'm a bodybuilder with around 9% BF and it is just excision surgery. The lumps are relatively small maybe a bean size but enough for nipple to be puffy and show through t shirts so enough to get rid. I will update when I get the email back because I've really stressed the leaving tissue behind thing so lets see. Thanks for ur advice mate


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