Author Topic: ms1972's Diary - From 1 day pre-op..  (Read 4072 times)

Offline ms1972

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 12/08/05 (Pics in Diary)

At 8am tomorrow morning I'll be at the Priory in Birmingham for my Gyne op with Mr Levick. To say I'm nervouse would be an understatement at the moment but as I've had this problem for 10 years, I know in my heart it's going to be worth it.

Here's what's happened so far..

I've had this problem since my late teens when being both stupid and insecure about myself took up the weights in an attempt to try and put on a bit of severely lacking muscle. Like most teenagers, I wanted results now, and wanted them with as little work as possible. One of my freinds was big into bodybuilding and was absolutely huge at the time, but used a cocktail of steroids and what not in order to acheive his size. Being impressed by the ease he gained weight and how defined he was, I decided this was an easy option.

What followed was something I never expected in my wildest dreams, and honestly never actually saw it coming. I used a combination of Testostorone and Nandralone as recommended by my freind and saw easy gains over a couple of month period. Everything was brilliant, I noticed my nipples were quite soft, but just thought it was a bit of fat that would go as I slimmed down and got bigger. Not long after, I couldn't be bothered with hiding the stuff and taking it in secret etc, and being happy with the mass I'd gained, I just stopped taking the it. Then over the next month or so, the gyne developed into what I've endured for the past 10 years or so.

Now at the time, the internet was really just taking off, so none of the sound advice and information the people have today was available. I had now idea what I could have done at the time so just put up with the comments, and sneers from people unaware of what the hell had happened. So, the mistake was made, and in all honesty, it was my own fault, BUT in a strange way I don't regret it.  

I still managed to meet a partner who never saw it as an issue and I still managed to have two beautiful children. The reason I don't regret it is because of what it has done FOR me. It has made me realise how hurtful and upsetting people can be when they comment about you because I've felt it first hand, and because of this it has tought me never to make such comments, or to judge people on the body they are in. This has also helped me teach my kids not to make such comments, not to judge, and hopefully instilled them with a level of compassion i don't they I could have given them without Gyne.. From reading these boards, I think I can say this holds true to almost everyone on here,

Anyway, eneough of the life crap, the consultation.

The first one was with Mr NG at the hurlingham clinic in London. Nice place, nice receptionists, very posh. We had a breif chat, then he took some photo's. The missus was there and she was impressed by it all I think. Then we got down to the procedure chat. After an explanation about lipo, I asked about how he would remove the Gland. He then went on about how he wouldn't remove the Gland in the first surgery, and doubted I would find a surgeon that would, it was simply too dangerous a procedure, but if I wasn't happy, then maybe it could be done in a second. He then showed me some photo's of previous patients. The first one was of a very slim guy, just a bit of lipo and he was sorted, nice results. The I asked him if he'd got anyone a bit bigger, so he showed me a guy with mainly Gland tissue, not too much fat. He actually said this guy had so much Gland he had trouble doing the lipo, BUT he still left all the Gland in. Now being an avid reader of these forums for the last year, upon hearing this I had to make my excuses and leave. Thanks but no thanks mate. Bloody hell I thought. Cost me 120 quid aswell!

So on to my second consultation, Mr Paul Levick. What a stark contrast. Tense you pecs...right, everything that moves, shouldn't be there he said. He immediately felt the Gland, and immediately noticed the excess fat under my arms. He then went on to explain the anatony of the Gyne, explaining what causes the excess fat, and how he would remove the both the Fat AND the Gland using both drawings he did as he explained, and with pictures of previous patients. He showed me photo's of each step of his procedure from start to finish, showed me the tools he uses and answered all my questions honestly and easily. What struck me most however was how well he knew the procedure, how calm and reassuring he was throughout the whole consultation, and how polite and genuine he was. He also explained how his own Gyne problem affected him before it was sorted and just genuinly seemed the right surgeon for me.

That was it, I booked there and then with his missus (I think it was his missus from what i've read on here anyway). That was a month ago. I really wanted to post my before pics on here, but don't think I have the balls to until they've actually gone for some strange reason, I don't know why, so I'll get the missus to take some after pics on Saturday and I'll post them all up.

Now if I could just stop cakking my pants I'll be OK.

Update on Saturday!!!!

« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 01:15:53 AM by ms1972 »

Offline fromfar

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Good luck and hope everything goes on fine for you.

Offline Blitz

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Offline ms1972

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 12/08/05 (Pics in Diary)
Thanks guys.

Well, I'm back and it's now 2 days post op. Everything's settling down nicely. I'm suprised by how painless the actual areas are that had the work done.

Some advice to anyone who uses a surgeon that goes in under the arm:


I know it's been said on here loads of times already, and we're all men and all that, but just do it. If you have armpit hair, chances are the wound plasters won't stick which you have replaced before you come home, and that means one thing...... TAPE.

The missus has just spent the last hour cutting the bloody stuff out of my arm pits and oh boy did it chafe. I will say one thing though, I look flat. Amazingly flat. I was quite a large case as far as gyne goes 500ml fat and 50g gland on the left, and 450ml fat and 45g gland on the right or there abouts. Now I can actually tense by pec, and feel it under the bandages without pressing. All the gyne related fat that went under my arm around he sides of my chest has gone also. This is on a 5'9" 15 1/2 stone guy with quite a bit of underlying muscle.

I can't see too much bruising at the moment, but then I stayed of the booze for 10 days before the Op so maybe that's helped.

The only problem I have got at the moment is a large bruise where the drain was which is like a soft bruised blob poking over the bandage on the left side. It's not hard though, it's just a big bruise so I've put the compression vest on not too tight just to hold it in a bit, but it's shrunk about 50% since leaving the hospital so should be OK I hope.

If you were to ask me if I was happy with the results so far, the answer is an unresounding YES. After having 10 years of moobs, looking in the mirror and seeing a flat chest is simply awesome.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 01:27:29 PM by ms1972 »

Offline ms1972

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 12/08/05 (Pics in Diary)


Offline ms1972

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 12/08/05 (Pics in Diary)
9 Days post op.

Phew, what a rollercoaster of a week. Took the bandages off on Friday (and I use the term bandages loosely). Whoa, now there's pain you can't measure. I cannot begin describe the mild discomfort that removing the most adhesive substance know to man causes to ones hairy back and under arm region.

What a shock!!!!  :o

After seeing a pair of moobs for 10 years, seeing your flat chest comes as a bit of a blow. Initial reaction is one of horror that so much has been removed. Then once you get over the initial shock, elation takes over, and releif, and joy and then wonder. I can only describe the job Mr Levick has done as nothing short of astonishing.

I have almost perfect symmetry even though the sides were uneven before the op. I can only say, I could not have hoped for a better result. The suregeon has done his job now, what happens next is really up to my body, and how it heals. As no scar tissue has developed yet, it's easy to see whether the surgeon has kept his side of the bargain, which Mr Levick most certainly has.

I still have areas of swelling and tenderness, which I know will go in time, but any unevenness and what not seems to be caused by this at the moment, and it chnages a lot.

I don't really have any pain now, and minimal bruising (stayed off the booze). One thing that did concern me after the op though was extreme swelling just above my bandages where the drains went, and these were full of fluid, but once the bandages were off, for two days I could feel all this tricking away down my chest on the inside which was well weird, but now it's almost gone. I think it was just that the bandages were so tight, the fluid had no where to go.

All in all, what an amazing experience, and the weight's coming off nicely without the bloody lager now aswell. I'm now under 15st for the first time in years, I was just over 15 1/2st on the day of the Op!!

Enjoy the pics:

« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 10:52:44 AM by ms1972 »

Offline webster

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That IS a really good result MS. Congrats. You're on a home run now... Webster.

Offline Pferdestärken

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  • Fixed 03/06/05 by the incredible Mr Paul Levick!
    • My Diary
Excellent result ms1972! Thats a dramatic difference. You must be well pleased with that. It's amazing what an incentive to get in shape having the op is isn't it? Its like we're all proud of our bodies after having hidden them in shame for so long.

Great pics, thanks for sharing, and good luck!
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick


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